Member Profile
Omnia Abou El Leel
Country of origin: Egypt Currently in: Egypt, Giza General field of specialization: Agricultural Sciences-
2008 Doctorate Agricultural Sciences -
Current Research Activities
Agricultural Sciences
Biochemical studies on plants produced by tissue culture technique ABSTRACT This study has been n achieved at the "Biotechnology laboratory" Horticulture Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center during 2002 -2006 to produce fennel plant which has trans-anethole as main constituents and minimizes estragole and to study the following points. The effect of different concentrations of some growth regulators on the fennel growth characteristics in culture in vitro and its chemical composition, callus development was higher in the MS medium supplemented with 0.5 mg/l 2, 4-D only or plus kinetin at concentrations 0.5 mg/l or 1.0mg/l. Different types of explants from the growing seedling such as cotyledonal leaves, hypocotyls, epicotyls, and roots were used to form callus and hypocotyls explants were found to be the best for callus induction. Differential responses in the essential oil constituents were observed in the induction and development of callus. The major components of essential oils included estragole, trans-anethole, limonene and fenchone were studied under different conditions to find out the best methods which could be used to reduce the amount of estragole (not favorite for Human consumption) and increase the amount of trans-anethole. Trans-anethole represents the major component of callus induced from root, leaf, hypocotyls and epicotyls on MS media free hormone which represents 58.726, 82.49, 66.772 and 68.293% respectively. On the other hand in fruit, the contents of trans-anethole was 0.871% which considered very low concentration compare to different induced of callus. Estragole represents the major components in fruits 85.599% and arranged 7.263, 4.114 and 16.098% in leaf, hypocotyls and epicotyls respectively and it could not be detected in callus induced from roots. Both kinetin as well as 2, 4-D may activate especial enzyme which carry out the double bond from conjugated trans configuration (trans-anethole) to non conjugated double bond (estragole) or vice-verse.
Publications resulting from Research:
Biotechnology ,Plant Tissue Culture on any type of crops
Improving characters of horticultural crops.
Chemical analysis using HPLC, GLC, IR instruments.
Genetic analysis using DNA finger print, protein and isozyme Electrophoresis.
Producing secondary products from callus and aromatic and medical plants using Tissue culture and biotechnology tools.
Sharing in National and International Conferences to acquire more scientific knowledge.
Scientific exchange between different scientists and nations.
Future prospects: Transformation of important genes to horticultural crops
Current profession
Current professional activities type:TeachingAssistant Professor and Head of Biotechnology Horticulture Research Institute (Giza, Egypt)