Member Profile

Taslima Zahan
Country of origin: Bangladesh Currently in: Bangladesh, Gazipur General field of specialization: Agricultural Sciences-
2018 Doctorate Agricultural Sciences2007 Master Agricultural Sciences -
Current Research Activities
Agricultural Sciences
Having experience in agronomic management, nutrient management, pest management, farming systems research and development including participatory diagnosis, designing or planning and implementation of integrated farming modules. Now my routine works are planning and execution of different research program in relation to agronomic management, crop production, farming systems, conservation agriculture, climate change adaptation and mitigation, agroforestry system, salinity management, water management, income generation and improvement of livelihood for the farmers and so on. My researches are mainly developed based on needs and problems of farmers in real condition. I do research in a collaborative project entitled “Agro-meteorological information systems development project” funded by World Bank. I am the Principal Researcher of the project “Adaptation and scaling up Agroforestry for livelihood improvement of farmers in agricultural ecosystem of Bangladesh” funded by PIU-BARC (NATP Phase-2). I am the Co-Principal Investigator of ACIAR (Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research) and KGF (Krishi Gobeshona Foundation) funded project '' Nutrient Management for Diversified Cropping in Bangladesh” and doing research to test and develop the tools for sustainable nutrient management for intensively cropped areas of north-west Bangladesh based on conservation agriculture and also for the emerging cropping systems for coastal zone soils of southern Bangladesh.
Publications resulting from Research:
1) T Zahan, RW Bell, MM Rahman and MM Ahmed (2019) Performance of pyrazosulfuron-ethyl in non-puddled transplanted rainy season rice and its residual effect on growth of the succeeding crop in rice-wheat cropping pattern. International Journal of Pest Management. doi:10.1080/09670874.2019.1575489
2) T Zahan, MA Muktadir, MM Rahman and MM Ahmed (2018) Response of the succeeding crops as affected by the residue of herbicides applied in wheat in Old Brahmaputra Floodplain, Bangladesh. Annals of Agrarian Science (2018). doi: 10.1016/j.aasci.2018.06.001
3) RW Bell, ME Haque, M Jahiruddin, MM Rahman, M Begum, MAM Miah, MA Islam, MA Hossen, N Salahin, T Zahan, MM Hossain, MNH Mahmud, MK Alam (2019) Conservation agriculture for rice-based intensive cropping by smallholders in the Eastern Gangetic Plain (EGP). Agriculture 9(5): 1-17. doi:10.3390/agriculture9010005
4) T Zahan, MM Rahman, M Begum and RW Bell (2020) Response of strip-planted wheat varieties to pendimethalin. Fund. Appl. Agric. 5(1): 59-69. doi: 10.5455/faa.56921
5) T Zahan, MM Rahman, A Hashem, RW Bell and M Begum (2018) Efficacy of Herbicides in Non-puddled Transplanted Rice under conservation agriculture systems and their effect on establishment of the succeeding crops. Acta Scientifica Malaysia 2(1): 17-25. doi: 10.26480/asm.01.2018.17.25
6) MK Hasan, S Akhter, MAH Chowdhury, AK Chaki, MRA Chawdhery and T Zahan (2019) Prediction changing climatic effect and risk management by using simulation approaches for rice-wheat system in Bangladesh. Bangladesh J. Agril. Res. 44(2): 311-326.
7) JC Biswas, M Maniruzzaman, UA Naher, T Zahan, MM Haque, MH Ali, W Kabir, N Kalra and S Rahnamayan (2019) Prospect of developing soil health index in Bangladesh. Current Investigations in Agriculture and Current Research 6(2): 735-743. CIACR.MS.ID000234. doi:10.32474/CIACR2019.06.000234
8) AK Choudhury, S Ishtiaque, R Sen, MAHS Jahan, S Akhter, F Ahmed, JC Biswas, M Maniruzzaman, MB Hossain, MM Miah, MM Rahman, T Zahan, ASMMR Khan and N Karla (2018) Calibration and validation of DSSAT model for simulating wheat yield in Bangladesh. Haya: The Saudi Journal of Life Sciences 3(4): 356-364. doi: 10.21276/haya.2018.3.4.3
9) T Zahan, MM Rahman, A Hashem, RW Bell and M Begum (2017) Performance of Pre- and Post-emergence Herbicides in Strip Tillage Non-puddled Transplanted Aman Rice. Bangladesh J. Agril. Res. 42(4): 631-646.
10) T Zahan, MM Rahman and M Begum (2016) Residual effect of herbicides applied in unpuddled transplanted aman rice on the succeeding crops assessed by bioassay technique. Bangladesh Agron. J. 19(2): 95-103.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:Research
Other Awards
Feb 2017Recognition of outstanding contribution for Research on Weed Management for Conservation Agriculture