Selected publications:
1. N. H. Hamidon, D.N. Abang Zaidel*, H.A. El-Enshasy. (2019). Stabilization of Multilayer Emulsion as Influenced by Sweet Potato Pectin Concentration, pH and Salt. Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research, 78 (11), 775-781 (IF: 0.735; Q4)
2. N.S. Mohd Daud, D.N. Abang Zaidel*, L.K. Song, N. Khairuddin, Y.M. Mohd Jusoh, I.I. Muhamad. (2018). Crude Oil Yield and Properties of Rice Bran Oil from Different Varieties as Affected by Extraction Conditions using Soxhterm Method. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 43(11), 6237-6244 (IF: 1.092; Q3)
3. N. A. Mohammad, D.N. Abang Zaidel*, I.I. Muhamad, M. A. Hamid, H. Yaakob, Y.M.M. Jusoh. (2019). Optimization of the antioxidant-rich xanthone extract from mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) pericarp via microwave-assisted extraction. Heliyon, 5, e02571 (Scopus)
4. H. Alenezi, S.R.W. Alwi, Z.A. Manan, D.N.A. Zaidel. (2019). Recent developments on ethylene dimerization with focus on alphabutol optimization. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(10), 3969-3975 (Scopus)
5. N.A. Samad, D.N. Abang Zaidel*, E. Salleh, A.H. Mohd Yusof, D.J. Dailin, D.N.K.A. Zaidel. (2019). Optimization of Plectranthus amboinicus (Lour.) Spreng Extraction Process Using Microwave-assisted Technique. Chemical Engineering Transaction, 72, 397-402 (Scopus)
6. Y.M. Mohd Jusoh, A.A. Idris, N. Khairuddin, D.N. Abang Zaidel, Z. Hashim, N.A.N. Mahmood, Z.Y. Zakaria, I.I. Muhamad. (2018). Effect of Solvent pH, Microwave Power and Extraction Time on Microwave-Assisted Extraction of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Chemical Engineering Transaction, 63, 541-546 (Scopus)
7. D.N.K.A. Zaidel, A.F.A. Bakar, M.R.M. Sharip, D.A.A. Mat, A.S.W. Marzuki and D.N. A. Zaidel. (2018). Design and Analysis of Slotted Ring Wideband Bandpass Filter for Microwave Sensor, Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering, 10 (1-12), 51-54 (Scopus)