
OWSD has been working hard to improve the number and quality of women scientists in the Latin America & Caribbean (LAC) region. Our Vice President Kleinsy Bonilla is from Guatemala. There are 16 National Chapters already established in LAC and many organizing teams are preparing to establish chapters in their countries. Specific efforts are being devoted to strengthening OWSD communities in Central America, South America and the Caribbean. Four PhD fellowships have been awarded since LAC countries first became eligible in 2015, to women from Bolivia, Honduras, and Nicaragua. Six countries (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Jamaica, Mexico, and Venezuela) have also hosted PhD fellows from 13 countries worldwide. Four Early Career fellowships have also been awarded to women in LAC, in Bolivia and Guatemala. 

Latin America & Caribbean

Coordinator: Kleinsy Bonilla

Community building among women scientists in Latin America and the Caribbean is critical to increase their opportunities for career development and leadership.

In 22 Countries


Costa Rica

35 Members

English: The OWSD Costa Rica National Chapter was founded in 2024 and is based at the Costa Rican National Academy of Sciences. Its primary goal is to enhance the visibility and recognition of women scientists' contributions to the country's scientific and technological progress, as they remain underrepresented. It is a space to strengthen the links and opportunities for women in all areas of science, both STEM and social and economic sciences. We believe that incorporating a gender perspective into science, technology, and research is essential for national development, contributing both to improving quality of life and promoting equity and social peace Spanish: El Capítulo Nacional de la OWSD en Costa Rica fue fundado en 2024 y tiene su sede en la Academia Nacional de Ciencias de Costa Rica. Su principal objetivo es aumentar la visibilidad y el reconocimiento de las contribuciones de las mujeres científicas al avance científico y tecnológico del país, dado que aún siguen estando subrepresentadas. Es un espacio para fortalecer los vínculos y las oportunidades para las mujeres de todas las áreas de las ciencias, tanto las STEM, como las ciencias sociales y económicas. Consideramos que la inclusión de la perspectiva de género en la ciencia, la tecnología y la investigación constituye una pieza clave para el desarrollo de los países, tanto para el mejoramiento de la calidad de vida como para la búsqueda de la equidad y la paz social.

Contact person:

María Estelí Jarquin Solis

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