Member Profile

Membership type: full
Rania Abd El-Wahab
Country of origin: Egypt Currently in: Egypt, Mansoura General field of specialization: Agricultural Sciences-
2010 Doctorate Agricultural Sciences -
Current Research Activities
Agricultural Sciences
Creation of new instruments to control insects and mites. All of them are depending on solar energy, diodes, and nanotechnology. Besides, some studies were taken place to reduce the effects of climate change on pesticide resistance successfully.
Publications resulting from Research:
-Abd EL-Wahab,R. 2019. Climate-Smart Pest Management by Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) against Agricultural Pests. 1st Conference of Plant Protection Science Applications for Sustainable Development of Desert Areas.19-20 October 2019, Desert Research Center, Egypt.
-Abd EL-Wahab,R. 2019. Internet of Biological Control Against Agricultural Pests. World Forum for Women in science,3rd International Conference for Women in Science network (WISWB 2019),12-14 March 2019, British University in Cairo, Egypt.
-Abd EL-Wahab,R. 2019. Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) as Reducers of Metabolic Pesticides' Resistance in Tetranychid mites. 9th International Conference of Sustainable Agricultural Development, on 4-6 March 2019, Fayoum University, Egypt.
-Abd EL-Wahab,R. 2019. Green Silver nanoparticles by and against the two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae. RAK– CAM, IWAM 2019 (International Workshop on Advanced Materials 2016), 21-23 Feb., Ras Al Khima, UAE.
-Abd EL-Wahab, R.2017. Internet of Things (IoT) To Control The Two-Spotted Spider Mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch in Greenhouses. 12th International Arab Congress of Plant Protection, 4 – 10 November 2017, Hurghada, Egypt.
-Abd EL-Wahab, R.2017. Green Gallic Acid Nanoparticles to Reduce Metabolic Pesticides' Resistance in Some Mites. International Egyptian Czech Conference for Nanotechnology Applications in Agricultural Sector 2017 (IECCNA).10-11 October, Cairo, Egypt.
-Gorica Lj. Vuković, Vojislava P. Bursić, Goran A. Aleksić, Slobodan T. Kuzmanović, Magdalena X. Cara and Rania Ahmed Abd El-Wahab.2017. Data Acqusition of Triple Quadrupole LC/MS for the Citrinin Determination. The 6th International Scientific Meeting Mycology, Mycotoxicology, And Mycoses. Шести Међународни Научни Скуп Микологија, Микотоскикологија И Микозе.27–29 September, 2017/27–29. Септембар 2017. Matica Srpska, Novi Sad, Serbia/ Матица Српска, Нови Сад, Србија.
-Abd EL-Wahab,R. 2017. Innovated Fast System to Detect Resistance of Vertimec (Abamectin) in the Two Spotted-Spider Mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch .5th Int. Conference of Agricultural and Biological Engineering (ICABE5). 26-27 Sept, Cairo, Egypt.
-Abd EL-Wahab, R.2017. Drone of light emitting diodes (LEDs) against insects and mites. Advanced Technologies and their Application in Agriculture. National Research Center (NRC). 27-29 March 2017, Cairo,Egypt.
-Abd EL-Wahab, R.2017. Drone of light emitting diodes (LEDs) with solar energy against insects. The Conference German-Egyptian Network for Innovation and Development (GENID) by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, 21-23 Feb., Cairo, Egypt.
-Abd EL-Wahab, R.2016. Special show of two inventions, stable unit and Drone of light emitting diodes (LEDs) against agricultural pests. BIXPO 2016(Bitgaram International Exposition of Electric Power Technology),1-6 November, Kimdaejung, Gwangiu, South Korea.
-Abd EL-Wahab, R.2016. Food production depending on safe tools .7-9 Nov., 2016. Gulfood Manufacturing, Dubai World Trade Centre, Dubai, UAE.
-Abd EL-Wahab,R . 2016. Green Nanoparticles as Reducers of Metabolic Pesticides' Resistance in Some Mites. The Arab Conference on Biophysics (ACB2016), 27-29 Sept.,The Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, Cairo, Egypt.
-Abd EL-Wahab,R .2016. Solar Energy and Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) to Control Agricultural Pests. IUCN World Conservation Congress.1-10 September 2016. Hawai‘i, USA.
-Abd EL-Wahab,R . 2016. Eco-Environmental Diodes to Control Agricultural Pests. BioVisionAlexandria 2016, 12-14 April, Bibliotheca Alexandrina (BA), Alexandria, Egypt.
- Abd EL-Wahab,R .2016.The innovative instrument "Solar Energy and Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) to Control Agricultural Pests" shared at Global Forum For Innovations In Agriculture (GFIA).Abu Dhabi, UAE. 16-18 February, 2016.With Classification as the one of best 100 Innovative Scientists in Agriculture in 2016.
-Abd EL-Wahab,R . 2016 New Ecofriendly Technology to Control Agricultural Pests. RAK– CAM, IWAM 2016 (International Workshop on Advanced Materials 2016), 21-23 Feb., Ras Al Khima, UAE.
-Abd EL-Wahab,R .2015. Eco-Friendly Technologies to Reduce Pesticides’ Resistance in Some Tetranychid Mites. Desert Technology 12th International Conference (DT12).Cairo University in partnership with Japanese University in Egypt. 16-19 November, Cairo, Egypt.
-Abd EL-Wahab,R .2015. 1st World Forum on Ecosystem Governance. Contributed Officially in China Declaration of Climate Changes and Ecosystem with IUCN and UN as premium organizers .23-28 October, Yunhu Lake Resort, Beijing, China.
- Abd EL-Wahab,R .2015. Indirect role of solar energy in controlling predators' behavior against the two forms of Tetranychus urticae Koch.2nd Young Researchers Conference at Suez Canal University, Ismailia, EGYPT. Renewable Energy Session, 24-25October, 2015.
- Abd EL-Wahab,R .2015. Solar Energy and Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) to Control Agricultural Pests.Poster at The 5th Arab Beverages Conference and Exhibition ABCE 2015. 8-9 Sept. 2015, Grand Hyatt Amman, Amman, Jordan.
- Abd EL-Wahab,R and Abouhatab, E. E.2015. Phototactic Effects of Solar Energy and Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) on Propylea quatuordecimpunctata L. against Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley. Fourth Int. Conference of Agricultural and Biological Engineering (ICABE4). 6-9 Sept, Cairo, Egypt.
- Abd EL-Wahab,Wahab,R .2015. Agricultural Infotronic System to Tetranychus urticae. Int. Conference on “Agriculture and Environment for Sustainable Development” .Agricultural Research and Biological Division National Research Centre. 25-27 May, Cairo, Egypt.
- Abd EL-Wahab,R .2015. Nanoparticles as attractants of Scolothrips sexmaculatus to its treated prey, Tetranychus urticae . 5th Int. Conf. Plant Protection Research Institute. 3-6 May, Hurgada, Egypt
-Abd EL-Wahab,R .2015.The Direct Effect of Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) on The Two Spotted Spidr Mite,Tetranychus urticae. The Fifth International Conference Coordinators of Arab Union for Sustainable Development & Environment AUSDE: "Future of Water, Energy, Climate and Food Nexus in the Arab Countries. 22-24 March, Cairo Univ., Egypt.
-Abd EL-Wahab,R . 2015. Green Technologies to Control Pesticides Resistance in Mites of Family Tetranychidae. RAK–CAM, IWAM 2015 (International Workshop on Advanced Materials 2015), 22-24 Feb., Ras Al Khima, UAE.
-Abd EL-Wahab,R . 2015. Solar Energy and Light Emitting Diodes to Control Agricultural Pests. Innovations in Agriculture Forum, 28-30 Jan., 2015, National Research Center, Egypt
-Abd EL-Wahab,R . 2013. Nanoparticles as Fertilizers and Pesticides of Soybean Plants in
Hydroponic. RAK–CAM, IWAM 2013 (International Workshop on Advanced Materials 2013), 22-24 Feb., Ras Al Khima, UAE.
-Abd EL-Wahab,R. 2012. Difference of toxicity of Cypermethrin as Normal and Nano molecules against piercing-sucking pests. RAK– CAM, IWAM 2012 (International Workshop on Advanced Materials 2012), 22-24 Feb., Ras Al Khima, UAE.
- Vuković, G., Lazić S., Bursić, V., Ivanišević, D., Korać, N., Abd Elwahab, R.A. and Špirović, B. 2011. GC-MS/MS Determination of Pesticide Residues in Wine and Grapes Produced in Sremski Karlovci – Serbia. 7th International Symposium of Mediterranean Group of Pesticide Research (MGPR), “Paolo Cabras”, 9-11-Nov, 2011. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece.
- Abd EL-Wahab,R.A., Bursić,V. and Lazić,S. 2011. Studies on side effects of Violacene, halogenated monoterpenes, on albino rats.22nd International the Symposium <Food Safety Production> proceedings. Trebinije, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 19-25 June, 2011.p:371-373.
- Abd EL-Wahab,R.A., Bursić,V. and Lazić,S. 2011. KDR (Knock-Down Resistance) Detection of Cypermethrin in Nezara viridula (Homoptera : Pentatomidae).International Symposium <Food Safety Production> proceedings. Trebinije, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 19-25 June, 2011. P: 374-376.
- Vojislava Bursić, Sanja Lazić, and Rania A. Abd EL-Wahab. 2011. Applicability of gas and liquid chromatography to the analysis of metalaxyl-M and chlorothalonil residues.22nd International Symposium <Food Safety Production > proceedings. Trebinije, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 19-25 June, 201.P: 365-367.
-Abd EL-Wahab, R.2010. Studies on Side Effects of The Red Alga, Plocamium cartilagineum extracts on some laboratory animals.9th International Marine Biotechnology Conference (IMBC2010), 8-12th October, 2010, Qingdao, China.
-Abd EL-Wahab, R.2010. Toxicity evaluation of Cypermethrin as normal and nano molecules-New approach in safe food production. XIV INT.ECO-CONF .22-25th Sept., 2010.Novi Sad Univ., Serbia.p:141-145.
-Abd EL-Wahab, R.2009.Toxicity of Sulfoximine against some aphids. Sixth International Symposium of Mediterranean Group on Pesticide Research (MGPR) 27-30th October, 2009, Giza, EGYPT. Egypt. J. Agric. Res. 87(2):91-101.
-Abd El-Wahab, R.2005.Laboratory bioassay of Metarhizium anisopliae (METSCH.) against the two spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae KOCH (Acari: Tetranychidae). Third International Conference of Plant Protection Research Institute.26-29Nov. 2005.Giza, Egypt.
- Abd El-Wahab, R.A. 2020. Anoxia as a treatment against Tetranychus urticae and Spodoptera littoralis. Int.J.Comput. Biol.Sci., 1(1):20-29.
-Abd El-Wahab, R.A. 2020. Biosynthesized Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) by and against the two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae. Egy.J.Plant Prot.Res.Inst.,3(1):Under Publishing.
-Abd El-Wahab, R.A. 2020. Biosynthesized Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) by the two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae against the cotton leafworm, Spodoptera littoralis. Trends Appl.Sci. Res.,15(1): Under Publishing.
-Abd El-Wahab, R.A. 2020. Climate smart pest management by light emitting diodes (LEDs). Arab Journal Agriculture Sciences,3(5): 65-92. DOI: 10.21608/asajs.2020.67990
-Abd El-Wahab, R.A. 2019. Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) as reducers of metabolic pesticides’resistance in tetranychid mites. Fayoum J. Agric. Res.&Dev.,33 (1B):221-231.
- Abd EL-Wahab, R.2018. Drone with Embedded Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) Against Insects and Mites in Greenhouses. Current Trends in Natural Sciences. 7(14):10-22. http://www.natsci.
-Abd EL-Wahab, R.2018. Detectable System of Resistance of Vertimec (Abamectin ) within the Two Spotted-Spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch. Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development (RESD). 4(2):65-71.
-Abd EL-Wahab, R.2018. Green Gallic Acid Nanoparticles to Reduce Metabolic Pesticides' Resistance in Some Mites. Academia Journal of Agricultural Research 6(5): 072-077.
-Abd EL-Wahab, R.2017. Internet of Things (IoT) To Control the Two-Spotted Spider Mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch in Greenhouses. Egypt. Acad. J. Biolog. Sci., 9(3): 119-128.
-Gorica Lj. Vuković, Vojislava P. Bursić, Goran A. Aleksić, Slobodan T. Kuzmanović, Magdalena X. Cara and Rania Ahmed Abd El-Wahab.2017. Data Acqusition of Triple Quadrupole LC/MS for the Citrinin Determination .Зборник Матице српске за природне науке / Matica Srpska J. Nat. Sci. Novi Sad.133: 131—141.
-Abd El-Wahab, R.A.2016. Magnetic Water as Synergist of Pesticides Against Monacha cartusiana. International Journal of Biochemistry, Biophys.Mol. Biol. 1(2): 42-45. Journalid =246& doi=10.11648/ j.ijbbmb.20160 102.12
-Abd El-Wahab, R.A.2015.Nanoparticles as attractants of Scolothrips sexmaculatus to its treated prey, Tetranychus urticae . Int. J. Sci. Res. Agric. Sci., 93(1B):739-752. articles/110910166/nanoparticles-as-attractants-scolothrips-sexmaculatusto-treated-prey-tetranychus- urticaekoch
-Abd El-Wahab, R.A.2015.Direct Effects of Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) on The Two-Spotted Spider Mite, Tetranychus urticae .Int J Sci Res Agricul Sci, 2(Proceedings),pp.79-85.
- Abd EL-Wahab,R. Anwar,E.M., Abouhatab, E. E. and Li, X. 2015. The Indirect Role Of Solar Energy In Controlling Cotton Leafworm, Spodoptera littoralis (Bosid) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Int.J. Chem. Biol. Sci. 1 (8): 1-8.
- Abd EL-Wahab, R. and Anwar, E.M. 2014.The Effect of Direct and Indirect Use of Nanoparticles on Controlling Cotton Leaf Worm, Spodoptera littoralis. Int. J. Chem. Biol. Sci. 1 (7): 17-24.
- Abd El-Wahab, R.A. and Lazic, S. and Bursic, V.2014. Compatibility among Insect Predators
and Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) against the two forms of Tetranychus urticae in Greenhouses.
Int J Chem Biol Sci (IJCBS) 1 (5): 20-27.
-Abd El-Wahab R A and Abouhatab, E. E. 2014. Effects of Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) On the Insect Predators Behavior against the Two Forms of Tetranychus urticae Koch . Int J Chem Biol Sci (IJCBS) 1 (4): 36-45.
- Abd El-Wahab, R.A. and Taha,T.M. 2014. The Relation Between Vertimec Resistance in The Two-Spotted Spider Mite,Tetarnychus urticae and Climate Changes in Egypt. Int.J. Chem. Biol. Sci. 1(3): 1-10.
-Abd El-Wahab R A and Bursic V (2014) Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) Reduce Vertimec, Resistance in Tetranychus urticae (Koch).Int J Chem Biol Sci (IJCBS) 1(3):28-40.http://www. pesticideresistance. org / display . php ? page = species & arId= 536
- Abd EL-Wahab,R., Anwar ,E.M. and EL-Gindy,M. A. 2009. Laboratory Studies on Spinosyns compounds against different pests. Acarines, 3:37-44.
- Negm,S., Saleh ,A., Abd Elhady ,A., Bekheat ,H. and Abd El-Wahab ,R . 2009. Demographic- toxicological studies related with resistance of different pesticides on Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari:Tetranychidae). Egypt. J. Agric. Res. 87(4): 955-971.
Current profession
of Australian Entomological SocietyPresentation given
02/2016New Technology to Control Agricultural PestsAgriculture Faculty, Cairo University, Cairo, EGYPT.Event: CLEAN ENERGY TO CONTROL PESTS2015-As a Part of COP21: Solar energy role in ecosystem and climate changes in Egypt.Bayet El Sennary, Cairo, EGYPT.Event: Bibliotheca Alexandrina Renewables & Water Forum2015Diodes against agricultural pests in the year of light 2015Cleantech Arabia booth, Baron Palace, Cairo, EGYPTEvent: Cairo Innovates Festival2013Solar Energy and Organic AgricultureGolden Tulip Hotel through the Ministry of Environment. Muscat, Oman.Event: 6th GulfEco Conference & Expo2016,2015,20141-Applications of Advanced Sciences to Control Mites.2016 2-Solar Energy Application against Some herbivores Mites.2016 3- Solar Energy and Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) to Control Agricultural Pests.2015 4- Nanopesticides Formulation and Release TechniquePlant Protection Research Institute, Agriculture Research Center, EGYPTEvent: Collections -
Other Awards
Mar 2019Excellence Prize for The Best Scientist Gained the Highest Number of Medals and Awards All Over the Plant Protection Research Institute, EgyptAwarded for all innovated instruments related to "Solar Energy and Light Emitting Diodes to Control Agricultural Pests".Nov 2016Golden Medal Prize for Creative Invention Award at Bitgaram International of Electric Power Technology International Invention Fair (BIXPO2016),Gwangju, Republic of South KoreaAwarded for the second edition of the instrument related to "Solar Energy and Light Emitting Diodes to Control Agricultural Pests".Nov 2016Golden Medal Prize for Creative Invention Award at Bitgaram International of Electric Power Technology International Invention Fair (BIXPO2016),Gwangju, Republic of South KoreaAwarded for "Drone of Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) against Insects''Nov 2016Special Award from Indonesian Invention and Innovation Promotion Association (IINNOP) at Bitgaram International of Electric Power Technology International Invention Fair (BIXPO2016),Gwangju, Republic of South KoreaAwarded for the second edition of the instrument related to "Solar Energy and Light Emitting Diodes to Control Agricultural Pests".Sep 2016Golden Medal Prize from the International Exhibition of Innovations, New Technologies & Design “INVENTIONS – BELGRADE 2016", Belgrade, SerbiaAwarded for the second edition of the instrument related to "Solar Energy and Light Emitting Diodes to Control Agricultural Pests".Sep 2016The Best Invention Award at India International Innovation Fair (IIIF2016), Bengaluru, IndiaAwarded for the second edition of the instrument related to "Solar Energy and Light Emitting Diodes to Control Agricultural Pests".Sep 2016Silver Prize for Second Place Award at The Training Workshop on Technopreneurship for Women in Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) 2016 under auspicious of UNESCO, ISESCO and other organizations in, Kuala Lumpur, MalaysiaAwarded for the full commercialized project proposal depended on the innovated instrument related to "Solar Energy and Light Emitting Diodes to Control Agricultural Pests".Aug 2016Excellent Innovation Award at International Invention Innovation Competition in Canada (iCAN 2016) through Toronto International Society of Innovation and Advanced Skills (TISIAS), Toronto, CanadaAwarded for the second edition of the instrument related to "Solar Energy and Light Emitting Diodes to Control Agricultural Pests".Jun 2016The Outstanding International Diploma Award at The First Annual International Exhibition of Economic and Scientific Innovations (INTARG), Katowice, Poland on 20 June 2016Awarded for the second edition of the instrument related to "Solar Energy and Light Emitting Diodes to Control Agricultural Pests".May 2016The Outstanding International Diploma Award and Silver Medal at European Exhibition of Creativity and Innovation (EUROINVENT 2016) from RomaniaAwarded for the second edition of the instrument related to "Solar Energy and Light Emitting Diodes to Control Agricultural Pests" .Mar 2016The Outstanding International Diploma Award at XIX Moscow International Salon of Inventions and Innovation "Archimedes" from Moscow, RussiaAwarded for my invented instrument “Solar Energy and Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) to Control Agricultural Pests".Feb 2016Gold Medal Prize at Bangkok International Intellectual Property, Invention, Innovation and Technology Exposition (IPITEX 2016) in Thailand Inventors’ Day 2016 under National Research Council of Thailand. Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre (BIAwarded for my invented instrument “Solar Energy and Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) to Control Agricultural Pests".Nov 2015Siver Medal Prize at Seoul International Innovation Fair 2015.Seoul, South Korea. 25-28 November, 2015.Awarded for my invented instrument “Solar Energy and Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) to Control Agricultural Pests".Nov 2015Gold Medal Prize at Connectarabs Competition All Over Egyptian Universities and Academic Research Centers. It was sponsored by Egyptian Businessmen and ManufacturersAwarded for my invented instrument “Solar Energy and Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) to Control Agricultural Pests".Oct 2015Gold Medal Prize at XI International Salon Of Inventions And New Technologies «NEW TIME», «Stable Development In Time Of Changes». Sevastopol, Russian federation "Best Western Hotel Sevastopol".Awarded for my invented instrument “Solar Energy and Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) to Control Agricultural Pests".Sep 2015Gold Prize for Advanced Scientific Researcher and the Best Scientific Research Paper at the Fourth International Conference of Agricultural and Biological Engineering (ICABE4).Awarded for my research paper “Phototactic Effects of Solar Energy and Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) on Propylea quatuordecimpunctata L. against Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley”.Jul 2015Bronze Prize for Third Place at Falling Walls Lab2015 Cairo. German Science Centre Cairo (DWZ), the falling walls foundation and supported by A.T. Kearney and Festo on 25 July 2015.Awarded for Breaking the Wall of Diode against pests.Jul 2015Special Prize for Special Innovation from The 17th Al-Bassel Fair for Invention and innovation. Damascus, Syrian Arab Republic.Awarded for my invention “Solar Energy and Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) to Control Agricultural Pests".May 2015Honor and Appreciation for all of my invention prizes from Mites of Cotton and Field Crops Dept., Plant Protection Research Institute.EgyptHonor and Appreciation for all of my invention prizes from Mites of Cotton and Field Crops Dept., Plant Protection Research Institute.EgyptMar 2015Gold Prize for Advanced Scientific Researcher and The Best Scientific Research At The Fifth International Conference Coordinators of Arab Union for Sustainable Development & Environment AUSDE: "Future of Water, Energy, Climate and Food Nexus in the Arab CGold Prize for Advanced Scientific Researcher and The Best Scientific Research At The Fifth International Conference Coordinators of Arab Union for Sustainable Development & Environment AUSDE: "Future of Water, Energy, Climate and Food Nexus in the Arab Countries. 22-24 March, Cairo Univ., Egypt. Awarded for my research paper “Direct Effects of Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) on The Two-Spotted Spider Mite, Tetranychus urticae ".Mar 2015Honor and Appreciation from The Scale Insects Dept., Plant Protection Research Institute. Egypt.Awarded for my research “Solar Energy and Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) to Control Agricultural Pests"Jan 2015Gold Medal At Forum of Innovation in Agriculture, National Research Center (NRC), EgyptAwarded for my invention “Solar Energy and Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) to Control Agricultural Pests"May 2014Silver Medal At 7th International Fair On Innovation In Agriculture, Food Industry And Agriculture Machinery, Croatia.Awarded on all of my full research concerning Plocamium cartilagineum as a Pesticide and Anti-Cancer.Jan 1999Achievement Award From 6th October University as The Best Egyptian Scientific Student In Agriculture Faculties All Over Egypt. 1999.Achievement Award From 6th October University as The Best Egyptian Scientific Student In Agriculture Faculties All Over Egypt. 1999.