Member Profile

Membership type: full
Sanaa Abdaljlil
Country of origin: Libya Currently in: Libya, Tripoli Libya General field of specialization: Engineering sciences-
2024 Doctorate Engineering sciences2023 Master Engineering sciences -
Current Research Activities
Engineering sciences
AI-Enhanced Optimization of Communication Protocols for Earth Observation Satellites: This research focuses on using AI algorithms to optimize communication protocols in earth observation satellites, specifically to improve signal transmission efficiency and reliability in challenging environments such as AWGN, Rayleigh, and Rician.
Publications resulting from Research:
Published Papers:
1. Sana Abdaljlil, Olga Boiprav, Amer R. Zerek and Amani Saleh, “Impact of Thermal Noise on Communication System Performance”, 2022 IEEE 2nd International Maghreb Meeting of the Conference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering (MI-STA), May 23-25 2022, Sabratha – Libya.
2. Sana Abdaljlil, Amer R. Zerek, Amer Daeri and Hend Eissa, “BER Performance Analysis using TCM Coding Over AWGN and Fading Channels”, 2022 IEEE 2nd International Maghreb Meeting of the Conference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering (MI-STA), May 23-25 2022, Sabratha – Libya.
3. Sana Abdaljlil, Hanan Morgham, Fatima Laassiri, Olga Boiprav and Fatima Zahra Messaoud, “Investigation and Simulation the Effect of nonlinear Amplifier on 16- PAM Modulation”, 2022 IEEE 2nd International Maghreb Meeting of the Conference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering (MI-STA), May 23-25 2022, Sabratha – Libya.
4. Sana Abdaljlil, Amer Zerek, Hosam Almqadim and Hend Eissa. “Performance Analysis of 2x2 MIMO 16-PSK with and without Applying TCM Coding Over Different Communication Channels” , 3rd International Conference of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology ICEEIT 2022, 30-32 Oct Benghazi, Liby. 5. Sana Abdaljlil, Hosam Almqadim,Amer R. Zerek and Yousef Jaradat, “ BER Performance Investigation of OSTBC-MIMO Systems Concatenated with QAM-TCM Over AWGN and Fading Channels”, 2022 IEEE 21st international Ccnference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering (STA) , December 19-21, 2022, Sousse-Tunisia, 2022. 6. Sana Abdaljlil, Hosam Almqadim ,Amer Ragab Zerek and Olga Boiprav , “ Performance Analysis of BER for OSTBC-MIMO System Concatenated with QPSK-TCM Over Different Wireless Channels” 2022 IEEE 21st international Ccnference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering (STA) , December 19-21, 2022, Sousse-Tunisia, 2022.
7. Olga Boiprav, Hisham Ayad, Sana Abdaljlil, Leonid Lynkou and Moudah Abdulmawlay, “Charcoal- and Foil-Containing Materials for Radio Electronic Control Systems Protection from Electromagnetic Interferences”, 2022 IEEE 21st international Ccnference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering (STA) , December 19-21, 2022, Sousse-Tunisia, 2022.
8. Olga Boiprav, Sana Abdaljlil and Amer Zerek, “ Improved Technique for Manufacturing of the Elasctic Air-Permeable Electromagnetic Radiation Absorbers Based on Foil and Results of These Materials Study ”, 2023 IEEE 3rd International Maghreb Meeting of the Conference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic control and Computer Engineering, May 21 – 23, 2023 – Bengazi –Libya.
9. Jamal Amadid, Asma Khabba, Zakaria El Ouadi, Sana Abdaljlil, Layla Wakrim and Abdelouhab Zeroual, “ The Influence of phase-shifted Line-of-sight component with correlated-shadows Rician fading over the performance of Cell-Free Massive MIMO ”, 2023 IEEE 3rd International Maghreb Meeting of the Conference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic control and Computer Engineering, May 21 – 23, 2023 – Bengazi –Libya.
10. Yousef Jaradat, Amer Zerek, Mohammad Masoud, Ahmad Manasrah, Sana Abdaljlil and Omar Alheyasat, “Analysis of the Scientific Publication of Libyan State: A Bibliometric Review ”, 2023 IEEE 3rd International Maghreb Meeting of the Conference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic control and Computer Engineering, May 21 – 23, 2023 – Bengazi –Libya.
11. Ahmed Abbas Al Rimi, Asmaa Zugari, Sana Abdaljlil, Fatehi Altalqi and Layla Wakrim, “Wearable Textile Antenna for Mobile Health and Telemedicine Systems”, 2023 IEEE 3rd International Maghreb Meeting of the Conference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic control and Computer Engineering, May 21 – 23, 2023 – Bengazi –Libya.
12. Sana Abdaljlil, Hosam Almqadim ,Amer R. Zerek and Olga Boiprav, “A Comparison Study of BER Performance for 8-PSK and 8-QAM Trellis Coded Modulations in a 2x2 OSTBC-MIMO
System”, First International Conference on Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering Tebessa, Algeria, May 15-16th, 2023.
13. Olga Boiprav, Sana Abdaljlil, Amer Zerek and Vladishlav Chelyadinasky, “Microwave Absorbers Based on Aluminum Shavings”, IEEE 3rd International Conference on Signal, Control and Communication (SCC 2023), 1-3 December 2023 in Hammamet , Tunisia.
14. Sana Abdaljlil, Amer Zerek, Olga Boiprav and Abatool Elmezwghi, “Analyzing BER Perfprmance of 2x2, 3x3 and 4x4 MIMO Concatenated 8-PSK with and without TCM Coding over Fading Channel Using Simulation Method” , IEEE 3rd International Conference on Signal, Control and Communication (SCC 2023), 1-3 December 2023 in Hammamet , Tunisia.
15. Raja M. Shihoub, Sana Abdaljlil, Fatima Laassiri and Amer Zerek, “A Study Analysis of VoIP Traffic Between RIP and OSPF Using OPNET”, ”, IEEE 3rd International Conference on Signal, Control and Communication (SCC 2023), 1-3 December 2023 in Hammamet , Tunisia.
16. Fursan ThabitA, Ozgu CanB , Sana Abdaljlil , Hoda A. Alkhzaimi, “ Enhanced an Intrusion Detection System for IoT Networks through Machine Learning Techniques: An Examination Utilizing the AWID Dataset”, Cogent Engineering, COGENTENG-2023-0671.
Under Publication :
1. Sana Abdaljlil, Fursan Thabit and Amer Zerek, “A Comparison Study of BER Performance for 8-PSK and 8-QAM Trellis Coded Modulations in a 2x2 OSTBC-MIMO System”, IEEE 11th International Conference on Systems and Control (ICSC).December 18-20 ,2023,Sousse, Tunisia.
2. Hanan Musbah, Sana Abdaljlil, Amer Zerek and Olga Boiprav, “Analyzing the Effect of Phase Noise on 32-QAM Modulation Technique Performance Over AWGN Channel Using Matlab: IEEE 11th International Conference on Systems and Control (ICSC).December 18-20 ,2023,Sousse, Tunisia.
3.Sana Abdaljlil, Amer Zerek, Olga Boiprav and Stephen Okwiri, “Modeling and Simulation of 2x2, 2x3 and 4x4 MIMO 16-QAM Without and With TCM Models Over AWGN and Fading Channels”, The 8th international conference on Image and Signal Processing and their Applications, (ISPA 2024) Biskra – Algeria, April 21st-22nd, 2024.
4. Mawadda Abhelel, Sana Abdaljlil and Amer Zerek, “Performance Analysis of Several Equalization Methods for Wireless 2×2 MIMO Communication Systems”, The 8th international conference on Image and Signal Processing and their Applications, (ISPA 2024) Biskra – Algeria, April 21st-22nd, 2024.
5. Hoda A. Alkhzaimi, Fursan Thabit, Ozgu Can , Sana Abdaljlil, and Ahmed J. Abougarair, “Securing Smart Homes: A Cloud-Based IoT Approach to Intelligent Home Security”, Privacy and Security Journal.
6. Fursan Thabit, Ibtisam Ehsan and Sana Abdaljlil, “Enhanced Cloud Security: Integrating Genetic Cryptography with Image-Cued Click Points for Robust User Authentication”, Arabian Journal for Engineering.
7. Ibtisam Ehsan, Fursan Thabit and Sana Abdaljlil, “Chain Links on Wheels: A Security Scheme for IoV Connectivity through Blockchain Integration”, IEEE 4thInternational Maghreb Meeting of the. Conference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic control and Computer Engineering. MI-STA 2024, Tripoli, Libya.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:TeachingWorking as a teacher assistant at Faculty of Engineering-Electrical and Electronic Engineering department and Computer department at Sabratha University. The following are the subjects I have taught previously: • Faculty of Engineering Sabratha University 1. Communication Systems I Lab. 2. Communication Systems II Lab. 3. Data Acquisition Lab. 4. Electronic Circuit I Lab 5. Electronic Circuit II Lab.
Workshop and Conference Attended
December 1- 3, 2023, Tunisia. Track chair and reviewer in the 3rd International Conference on Signal, Control and Communication (SCC 2023),15-16 April 2023 Tebessa / Algeria TPC member in ICAECE International Conference on Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering2024 Biskra University, Algeria. Technical Program Member in the International Conference on Image and Signal Processing and their Applications (ISPA 2024) ,2022 Africon Ambassador at IEEE Africon ambassador programPresentation given
2023Advancing Flood Resilience in Derna, Libya: The Role of Electronic Technologies and Collective Action in Combating Climate ChangeTunisiaEvent: International Conference on Signal, Control and Communication (SCC 2023), December 1- 3, 2023, Tunisia