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Member Profile

Membership type: full

Aisha Abdulkadir

Country of origin: Nigeria Currently in: Nigeria, Zaria General field of specialization: Agricultural Sciences
Academic Background


2000 Undergraduate Agricultural Sciences
2006 Master Agricultural Sciences
2012 Doctorate Agricultural Sciences
Research and Profession

Current Research Activities

Agricultural Sciences

My current research work borders on sustainable crop production and environmental sustainability, climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies that reduce carbondioxide in the atmosphere which increases global temperatures and increasing soil carbon

Current profession

Current professional activities type: 
I am an academic at a Nigerian University where I am at the rank of an Associate Professor, with major mandates on teaching, research and community services


Nigerian Institute Soil Science
Prizes, Grants and Awards

Other Awards

Sep 2013
International Foundation for Science Research Grant (IFS)
This was an individual research grant offered to young scientist around the globe to conduct research on global issues. My research focus was on further understanding of nutrient flows from some Nigerian cities and modeling the flow paths using MonQI model.
Sep 2017
African Fulbright Visiting Scholar
The award was offered by the United State Government for a senior African Scientist to visit a US Institution and conduct research. During the fellowship, I worked on greenhouse gas emissions from soils treated with different fertilizer rates and water regimes at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln.
Mar 2007
Volkswagen Stiftung Hannover
The award was funded by Volkswagen Foundation in Germany which was a grant to conduct my PhD studies in Wageningen University, the Netherlands
OWSD 6th General Assembly certificate: download

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