Member Profile

Membership type: full
Dalia Abulyazied
Country of origin: Saudi Arabia Currently in: Egypt, Cairo General field of specialization: Physics-
1999 Undergraduate Physics2006 Master Physics2011 Doctorate Physics -
Current Research Activities
Physics of Polymer nanocomposites
Publications resulting from Research:
1. H. M. Abomostaf, D. E. Abulyazied “Linear and Nonlinear Optical Response of Nickel Core–Shell @ Silica/PMMA Nanocomposite Film for Flexible Optoelectronic Applications” Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials
3. Azza M. Mazrouaa, Manal G. Mohamed, Dalia E. Abulyazied, Maher A. Hashash and Mohamed Fekry “Properties of Poly ethylcyanoacrylate/modified Mt composites with highly exfoliated montmorillonite” Polymer Bulletin
4. S.M. Ahmed,A.A.A. Darwish E.A. EL-Sabagh, N.A. Mansour, D.E. Abulyazied, E. S. Ali "Physicochemical properties of prepared ZnO/Polystyrene Nanocomposites: Structure, Mechanical and Optical" Journal of Ovonic Research Vol. 16, No. 1, 2020, p. 71 - 81
5. D.E.Abulyazied, H. M. Abomostafa, G. M. El komy" Magnetic Structured Nickel Core-Shell @ Silica/PMMA Nanocomposites from Synthesis to Applications" Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials 30, 2335–2346 (2020)
6. Sahar M. Ahmed, D. E. Abulyazied , S. Gaber "Application of polyaniline / activated carbon composites derived from different agriculture wastes for the removal of Pb (II) from aqueous media" Desalination and Water Treatment 170 199–210 (2019)
7. D. E. Abulyazied, E. F. M. EL- ZAIDIA "Nanoindentaion and optical properties of High Density Polyethylene ZnO nanoparticles composite" Journal of Ovonic Research 14(5), 359 – 370 (2018)
8. H.M. Eyssa, D.E. Abulyazied, M. Abostate, “Application of polyurethane/ gamma-irradiated carbon nanotubes composites as Antifouling Coat” Polymer composites journal, 2018, 39, pp. E1196–E120
9. H.M. Eyssa, D.E. Abulyazied, M. Abdulrahman, H.A. Youssef "Mechanical and physical properties of nanosilica/nitrile butadiene Rubber composites cured by gamma irradiation" Egyptian Journal of Petroleum (EGYJP). 27 (3), 2018, 383-392.
10. A.M. Motawie, S.M. Ahmed, E.A. EL Sabbagh, N.A Mansour, D.E. Abulyazied, E.S. Ali Physicomechanical Properties of Nano Polystyrene Nanocomposites" Egyptian Journal of Chemistry, 2017, 60 (2), 261-276.
11. Dalia E. Abulyazied, Nahla A. Mansour, Azza M. Mazrouaa and Manal G. Mohamed, Physical Properties of Polyacrylamide/Polyvinyl alcohol Silica Nanocomposites, Journal of Research Updates in Polymer Science, 2016, 5, 10-17
12. Mona A. Youssif, Nahla A. Mansour, Dalia E.Abulyazied, Enhancement physical properties of (Styrene- Methylacrylate) copolymer with chlorinated Adduct, Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 9(33) October 2015, Pages: 294-300
13. Azza M. Mazrouaa, Manal G. Mohamed, Dalia E. Abulyazied, Maher A. Hashash and Mohamed Fekry “Studying the effect of Dimethylformamide as inhibitor on the polymerization of Acrylic acid” International Journal Of Advance Research In Science And Engineering IJARSE, Vol. No.4, Issue No.02, February (2015).
14. Magdy Motawie , Samia A. Hanafi , Mamdouh S.Elmelawy, Sahar M. Ahmed , Nahla A. Mansour , Mohamed S.A.Darwish Dalia E. Abulyazied "Wax co-cracking synergism of high density polyethylene to alternative fuels" Egyptian Journal of Petroleum, 2015, 24, 353-361
15. D.E. Abulyazied, S.M. Mokhtar, A.M. Motawie “Nano-indentation Behavior and Physical Properties of Polyvinyl Chloride /Styrene co-maleic anhydride Blend Reinforced by Nano-Bentonite” IOSR Journal of Applied Chemistry, 7, Issue 12, PP 32-44 (2014).
16 Motawie, A. M.a, Madany,M.M., El-Dakrory, A.Z. , Osman, H.M., Ismail, E.A. , Badr, M.M., Abo-El- Yazid, D.E. , El-Komy, D.A. “Physico-Chemical Characteristics of Nano-Organo Bentonite Prepared Using Different Organo-Modifiers” Egyptian Journal of Petroleum (EGYJP), 23, 331–338 (2014)
17. Motawie, A. M., Madany,M.M., El-Dakrory, A.Z. , Osman, H.M., Ismail, E.A. , Badr, M.M., Abulyazied, D.E. “Electrophysical Characteristics of Polyurethane/Organo-Bentonite Nanocomposites” Egyptian Journal of Petroleum (EGYJP) 23, 379–387 (2014)
18. M.Y. Abed, Azza M. Mazrouaa, A. Ashery, Nahla A. Mansour, Dalia E. Abo-El-Yazeed “Synthesis and Investigation of Pillared Layered/ pyrrole” Material science an indian Journal, 10(6), 205-212, 2014.
19. M.M. Badr, N.A. Mansour, D.E. Abulyazied, M.S. Amer, H.Y. Moustafa, I.M. Ali and A.M. Motawie “Studies on Coating Properties of Diglycidyl Ether of Bisphenol-A Modified with Poly(Vinyl Acetal)” Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 6(3): 666-674, 2012.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:TeachingAssistant professor of solid-state physics in Tabuk Univerisity
Workshop and Conference Attended
2018 Egypt-Cairo International conference on Petroleum, Minerals Resources & Development 20-22 February 2018, Cairo, Egypt.2015 Riva del Garda, Italy Fourth International Symposium Frontiers in Polymer Science 20-22 May 2015, Riva del Garda, Italy2015 Egypt-Cairo The 18th International conference on Petroleum, Minerals Resources & Development 8-10 February 2015, Cairo, Egypt2013 Egypt-Cairo The 16th International conference on Petroleum, Minerals Resources & Development 10-12 February 2013, Cairo, Egypt.2012 Egypt-Cairo The 15th International conference on Petroleum, Minerals Resources & Development 8-10 April, 2012, Cairo, Egypt2011 Egypt-Cairo The 14th International conference on Petroleum, Minerals Resources & Development 27-29 March, 2011, Cairo, EgyptAffiliations