Member Profile

Membership type: full
Farah Tasneem Ahmed
Country of origin: Bangladesh Currently in: Bangladesh, Dhaka General field of specialization: Chemical Sciences-
2011 Undergraduate Chemical Sciences2012 Master Chemical Sciences -
Current Research Activities
Chemical Sciences
(i) Quality Assurance of Primary and Secondary Coolant of Research Reactor in Bangladesh. (ii) Study on physico-chemical parameters and health risk assessment of "energy drinks" commercially available in Dhaka, Bangladesh. (iii) Study on groundwater, surface water, effluent, vegetable and soil quality around the DEPZ area, Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh. (iv) Quality assessment and human health risk estimation of heavy metals in common cold medicines. (v) Preparation of "Baseline Data" of chemical concentration of environmental samples around Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant site.
Publications resulting from Research:
1. M. F. Alam, M. Akhter, B. Mazumder, A. Ferdous, M. D. Hossain, N. C. Dafader, F. T. Ahmed, S. K. Kundu, T. Taheri and A. K. M. Atique Ullah, “Assessment of some heavy metals in selected cosmetics commonly used in Bangladesh and human health risk”, Journal of Analytical Science and Technology, 10, 1-8, 2019, DOI:
2. M. M. Marjub, N. Rahman, N. C. Dafader, F. S. Tuhen, S. Shahnaz and F. T. Ahmed, “Acrylic acid-chitosan blend hydrogel: a novel polymer adsorbent for adsorption of lead(II) and copper(II) ions from wastewater”, Journal of Polymer Engineering, 39(10), 883–891, 2019, DOI:
3. M. O. Rahman, N. Rahman, G. M. F. Ahmed, M. S. Hasan, N. C. Dafader, M. J. Alam, S. Shahnaz and F. T. Ahmed, “Synthesis and implication of grafted polymeric adsorbent for heavy metal removal”, Springer Nature Applied Sciences, 2, 1-10, 2020. DOI:
4. F. T. Ahmed, A. H. A. N. Khan, R. Khan, S. K. Saha, M. F. Alam, N. C. Dafader, S. Shahnaz, I. B. Elius and S. A. Mamum, “Characterization of Arsenic contaminated groundwater from central Bangladesh: Irrigation feasibility and preliminary health risks assessment”, Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring and Management, 15, 1-17, 2021. DOI:
5. N. Rahman, M. I. Biswas, M. Kabir, N. C. Dafader, S. Shahnaz, M. N. Sardar, F. T. Ahmed and A. Halim, “Pre-irradiation Grafting of Acrylic Acid and Sodium Styrene Sulfonate on Non-Woven Polyethylene Fabric for Heavy Metal Removal”, Environmental Research and Technology, 4(1), 63-72, 2021. DOI:
6. M. M. Kabir, S. Akter, F. T. Ahmed, M. Mohinuzzaman, M. D. U. A. Khan, M. G. Mostofa, A. R. M. T. Islam and N. M. Niloy, “Salinity-induced fluorescence dissolved organic matter influence co-contamination, quality and risk to human health of tube well water in southeast coastal Bangladesh”, Chemosphere, 275, 1-17, 2021. DOI:
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchWorking as a "Senior Scientific Officer" in Nuclear and Radiation Chemistry Division, Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology, Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission.
Workshop and Conference Attended
2018 Dr. Md. Anwar Hossain Auditorium, Agargaon, Dhaka, Bangladesh 25th Anniversary Celebrating by OWSD in Bangladesh "Challenging Research by Women in STEM"2018 National Institute of Planning and Development (NAPD), Dhaka Training on “Research Methodology”2018 Bangladesh Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (BCSIR), Dr. Qudrat-I-Khuda Road, Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1205. 69th Training programme of NITUB on “The Use, Maintenance and Trouble-shooting of UV-Visible and IR Spectrophotometer”.2019 University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi, Bangladesh Bangladesh Chemical Society Conference-20192019 National Museum of Science and Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh 4th Young Scientist Congress2020 Hotel Inter Continental, Dhaka, Bangladesh International Conference on Earth and Environmental Sciences and Technology for Sustainable Development2020 Jagannath University, Dhaka, Bangladesh International Conference on Recent Advances in Chemistry2019 Manila, Philippines Regional Training Course on “Advanced Grafting of Polymeric Materials for Waste Water Treatment”2019 CIRDAP, Dhaka, Bangladesh Conference on Environmental Solutions for Sustainable Development: Towards Developed BangladeshAffiliations
Network of Instrument Technical Personnel and User Scientists of Bangladesh (NITUB)Bangladesh Chemical SocietyPresentation given
2018Assessment of Groundwater Quality in Tangail Sadar Upzilla, Dhaka, Bangladesh and Its Suitability for Agricultural UseUniversity of Dhaka, BangladeshEvent: International Conference on Physics-20182018WATER QUALITY MONITORING OF MULTIPURPOSE TRIGA MARK-II REACTOR, SAVAR, DHAKA, BANGLADESHUniversity of Dhaka, BangladeshEvent: Bangladesh Chemical Congress 20182018Trace Elements Analysis in Some Herbal Medicines Available in BangladeshUniversity of Dhaka, BangladeshEvent: Bangladesh Chemical Congress 20182019Hydrochemical Characterization and Irrigation Quality Assessment of Groundwater in the Mubarakganj Sugar Mills Area, Kaliganj, JhenaidahaUniversity of Rajshahi, Rajshahi, BangladeshEvent: Bangladesh Chemical Society Conference-20192019Physico-Chemical Study of Some Commercially Available Energy Drinks in Bangladesh and Its Human Health Risk EvaluationNational Museum of Science and Technology, Dhaka, BangladeshEvent: 4th Young Scientist Congress2019HEALTH RISK ASSESSMENT OF SOME HEAVY METALS IN GROUNDWATER OF TANGAIL SADAR UPZILLA, TANGAIL, BANGLADESHCIRDAP, Dhaka, BangladeshEvent: Conference on Environmental Solutions for Sustainable Development: Towards Developed Bangladesh2020Groundwater Quality Evaluation through Heavy Metal Pollution Indices and Corrosion Study in Tangail Sadar Upzilla, Dhaka, BangladeshHotel Inter Continental, Dhaka, BangladeshEvent: International Conference on Earth and Environmental Sciences and Technology for Sustainable Development2020Assessment of the Water Quality Pollution Indices and the Corrosivity Analysis for Groundwater in Mubarkganj Sugar Mills Region, Kaliganj, JhenaidahJagannath University, Dhaka, BangladeshEvent: International Conference on Recent Advances in Chemistry -
Other Awards
Nov 2019Best Poster PresenterThis award was given in the Bangladesh Chemical Society Congress-2019, a conference held on November 9-10, at University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh. I presented a poster entitled "Hydro-chemical Characterization and Irrigation Quality Assessment of Groundwater in the Mubarakganj Sugar Mills Area, Kaliganj, Jhenaidaha".Mar 2019R&D Project 2018-2019A Research Grant of 90000.00 Taka has been awarded by Ministry of Science and Technology, Bangladesh.Mar 2020R&D Project 2018-2019A Research Grant of 80000.00 Taka has been awarded by Ministry of Science and Technology, Bangladesh.