Member Profile

Membership type: full
Nasrin Akhther
Country of origin: Bangladesh Currently in: Bangladesh, Mymensingh General field of specialization: Agricultural Sciences-
2020 Doctorate Agricultural Sciences -
Current Research Activities
Agricultural Sciences
Shelf life extension of horticultural crops using gamma irradiation and other advanced techniques. Improvement of flowers and vegetables using gamma irradiation and other advanced techniques. Collection, screening and varietal improvement of exotic fruit, flowers, vegetables and medicinal plants for roof top gardening. Molecular characterization of banana and brinjal.
Publications resulting from Research:
Akhther, N., M.R. Islam and M.K. Hassan. 2022. Effect of gamma radiation on shelf life and quality of onion (Allium cepa L.). International Journal of Agricultural Technology (Accepted for publication).Volume 18 Number 5 in September 2022.
Akhther, N., M.M. Islam, M.K. Hassan and M.R. Islam. 2022. Screening of brinjal genotypes to identify genetic resources with higher yield and yield attributes. Bangladesh Journal of Nuclear Agriculture (Accepted for Publication).Vol.36
Akhther, N., M.M. Islam and M.K. Hassan.2021. Assessment of genetic diversity among sixty five brinjal genotypes using SSR markers. Bangladesh Journal of Nuclear Agriculture, 35: 71-83
Akhther, N., M.M. Islam, K.M. Nasiruddin and M.K. Hassan. 2020. Study of genetic diversity of selected brinjal genotypes for yield and governing traits. Bangladesh Journal of Horticulture, 31(1 & 2): 77-88
Mehedi, M. N. H., Islam, M. R., Alam, M. S., Tasmin, S. and Akhther, N. 2021. Floral Characters of Gladiolus as Influenced by Gamma Irradiation. Asian Journal of Agricultural and Horticultural Research. (Accepted)
Hassan, M.K., F. Whahid and N. Akhther. 2012. A study on the present status of pre- and postharvest practices and assessment of postharvest loss of banana in Bangladesh. Journal of Fruit Science and Technology, 2(1&2)
Das, P.K., M.K. Hassan and N. Akhther. 2010. Efficacy of washing and postharvest treatments on shelf life and quality of oyster mushroom. Progressive Agriculture, 21(1&2): 21-29.
Das, P.K., M.K. Hassan, M.K. Siddiqua and N. Akhther. 2010. Effects of low temperature and low density polyethylene package on shelf life and quality of oyster mushroom. Bangladesh Journal of Crop Sciences 21(1&2): 65-72.
Hassan, M.K., Sultana, M.F. Mondal and N. Akhther. 2010. Effects of postharvest treatments to improve shelf life and quality of pineapples. Journal of Fruit Science and Technology, 1(1&2): 113-118.
Hassan, M.K., F. Ahmed, M.A. Rahman and N. Akhther. 2010. Effects of hot water, pre-cooling, low temperature and botanical extracts on shelf life and quality of banana cv. ‘Sabri’. Journal of Fruit Science and Technology, 1(1&2): 119-127.
Hassan, M.F., M.K. Hassan, M.F. Mondal, and N. Akhther. 2009. Shelf life extension of litchi. Journal of the Bangladesh Society for Agricultural Science and Technology, 6 (1&2): 179-184.
Hassan, M.F., M.K. Hassan, M.F. Mondal, and N. Akhther. 2009. Shelf life extension of litchi. Journal of the Bangladesh Society for Agricultural Science and Technology, 6 (1&2): 179-184.
Akhther, N., M.F. Mondal, M.G. Rabbani and M.K. Hassan. 2009. RAPD profiling of 23 banana germplasm grown in Bangladesh. Journal of the Bangladesh Society for Agricultural Science and Technology, 6(1&2): 229-234
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchSenior Scientific officer Horticulture Division Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture Mymensingh-2202 Bangladesh
Workshop and Conference Attended
2022 Mymensingh, Bangladesh Bangabandhu international conference on sustainable agriculture through nuclear and frontier research.2022 Dhaka, Bangladesh Annual Review Workshop on Crop Production Program of NARS Institutes: Research Progress 2021-22 & Research Program 2022-23Affiliations
Bangladesh Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS)Bangladesh Society of Horticultural ScienceKrishibid (Agriculturists) Institution of BangladeshPresentation given
2022Gamma irradiation extends shelf life of onionMymensingh, BangladeshEvent: Bangabandhu international conference on sustainable agriculture through nuclear and frontier research.2022Annual research progress 2021-21 and annual research programme 2022-23Dhaka, BangladeshEvent: Annual Review Workshop on Crop Production Program of NARS Institutes: Research Progress 2021-22 & Research Program 2022-23 -
Other Awards
Jul 20071. Received the prestigious NST (National Science and Technology) Fellowship provided by the Ministry of National Science Technology, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh.For pursuing MS in Horticulture, BAU, Mymensingh.Jul 20132. Received the prestigious NSICT (National Science and Information and Communication Technology) Fellowship provided by the Government of the People’s Republic of BangladeshFor pursuing PhD at the Department of Biotechnology, BAU, Mymensingh 2202.