Member Profile

Membership type: full
Magdalena Waleska Aldana Segura
Country of origin: Guatemala Currently in: Guatemala, Guatemala General field of specialization: Physics-
2018 Doctorate Social and Economic Sciences2018 Doctorate Social and Economic Sciences2014 Master Other2000 Undergraduate Physics -
Current Research Activities
Leading the STEAM Guatemala efforts to promote girl's participation in Science..
Publications resulting from Research:
-Segura, W. A. (2016). Education and sustainable development. The challenge for developing countries to change paradigms. In Proceedings of the 10th International Multi-Conference on Society, Cybernetics and Informatics, IMSCI (pp. 194-199).
-Programa STEAM como propuesta para promover la curiosidad científica. Jornadas Científicas IPN, marzo 2020.
-Felix Valdez, J., & Aldana Segura, M. W. (2022). Learning from First principles. A STEAM approach. Bulletin of the American Physical Society.
-Aldana Segura, M. W., & Felix Valdez, J. (2022). Design, Construction, and test of an electrometer to discriminate positive and negative ions. Bulletin of the American Physical Society.
-Félix, J., & Aldana Segura, M. W. Experiencias en el aprendizaje por medio de Prototipos.
-Aldana Segura, M. W., & Félix Valdez, J. (2021). Using Online Seminars as an Outreach Strategy to Promote Science. Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 66.
Hernández Morales, I., Monterroso Villatoro, I., Aldana Segura, W., & Félix Valdez, J. Planeación, Diseño y simulación de una tarjeta de adquisición de datos, de 4 canales, a 80 MSPS.
Segura, W. A. (2017). The use of STEAM in higher education for high school teachers. In WMSCI 2017-21st World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Proceedings (Vol. 1, pp. 308-312).
Segura, W. A., & Caplan, M. (2019). Experiencias STEAM en América Latina como metodologías innovadoras de educación. Recuperado de http://www. academia. edu/download/59668873/waldanamcaplansteam20190611-89559-5be5kj. pdf.
Aldana Segura, W. (2015). Uso de recursos virtuales y sociales para expandir los recursos del aprendizaje de las ciencias más allá del aula, un aprendizaje continúo para la vida.
Segura, W. A. Agroecology MOOC implementation at Universidad Galileo.
published in IMSCII with scopus indexation
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchTeachingHigher Education StudyPermanent position at Guatemala's Universidad de San Carlos, researching methods to increase girls' STEAM interest and participation. Furthermore, research on radiation detection methodologies is being conducted in collaboration with Universidad de Guanajuato in order to keep students interested in higher education.
Workshop and Conference Attended
2020 México Jornadas Académicas Escuela Superior de Física Matemática IPN2018 Buenos Aires Argentina Virtual Educa 2018 Encuentro Internacional2019 Montevideo, Uruguay CIEDUC Cátedra Unesco de Educación Científica2020 Pittsburgh, Pensylvannia. Pheno 20202018 San Francisco, California, USA Reimagine Education Awards2019 London, UK. Reimagine Education Awards2021 Berlin, Germany International Cosmic Ray Conference2018 Salvador de Bahia, Brasil Virtual Educa Encuentro Internacional Brasil2017 Bogota, Colombia Virtual Educa Encuentro Internacional2016 Guadalajara, Mexico Virtual Educa Encuentro Internacional2014 Lima, Peru. Virtual Educa Encuentro Internacional PeruAffiliations
Institute of Physics LondonAAAS American Association for the Advancement of ScienceAmerican Physical SocietySociedad Mexicana de FísicaUnesco Chair of Scientific Education for Latin AmericaPresentation given
2022Painting RobotsMéxico (online)Event: Jornadas Académicas de la Ciencia, Escuela Superior de Física y Matemática, Instituto Politécnico Nacional2018Mujeres en STEAMLima, PeruEvent: Virtual Educa Andina2017The use of STEAM in higher education for high school teachersOrlando, FloridaEvent: WIMSCI 2017 International Society of Informatics and Systemics jointly with EISTA2022Design, Construction, and test of an electrometer to discriminate positive and negative ions. Bulletin of the American Physical Society.Chicago, Illinois, United States VirtualEvent: American Physical Society APS March Meeting, FOEP2018Armas Medievales y Circuitos de LuzBuenos Aires, ArgentinaEvent: Virtual Educa Argentina STEAM Lab -
Other Awards
Dec 202080 Faces of ExchangeAward presented by the United States State Department for the celebration of the 80 years of the International Visitors Leadership program, presented to alumni who have shown exceptional use of knowledge acquired during the exchanges.Dec 2021Reimagine Education Awards, Silver Award Hybrid CategoryReimagine Education presented the Silver Award in the Hybrid category for the STEAM program implementation.Jun 2002Friend of ChildrenChildren's Museum in Guatemala named Magdalena Waleska Aldana Segura and placed her name on the visitor hall, accompanied by a plaque and award. For the efforts to promote better Science Education.Oct 2010Ford conservation and environment AwardFor using ancestral knowledge to mitigate climate change thru better practices in the Development Council System