Member Profile

Membership type: full
Faten Allyan
Country of origin: Palestine Currently in: Palestine, Gaza strip General field of specialization: Medical and Health Sciences incl Neurosciences-
2019 Doctorate Medical and Health Sciences incl Neurosciences -
Current Research Activities
Medical and Health Sciences incl Neurosciences
Non communicable disease especially diabetic and cardiac patients
Publications resulting from Research:
• Evaluation of the Efficacy of Hepatitis B Vaccine in Different Age Groups of Immunized Children in Gaza Strip
• Risk factors and cardiac biomarkers relationship with cardiovascular disease in Type-2 diabetic among Palestinian
patients-Gaza Strip
• Relationship between Galectin-3 and NT-BNP with cardiovascular disease in Type-2 diabetic among Palestinian
patients-Gaza Strip
• Association between Elevated N-teminal Pro-Brain Natriuteric Peptide and Cardiovascular Complication among
Type-2 "Diabetic Patients in Gaza Strip
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchAdministrationTeachingI work as a lecturer and academic researcher at Al Israa University in the Gaza Strip, in addition to my work in the Palestinian Ministry of Health as director of my laboratory in a health center for primary care. also I am a member of a research group in the development of human resources affiliated with the Ministry of Health and Al Israa University.
Workshop and Conference Attended
December 2019 Palestine-Gaza strip The International Conference of Medical Professions - Al Israa University" New directions for better health"November 2019 Palestine-Gaza strip eleventh cardiology conferenceMarch 2018 Palestine-Gaza Strip German certificate of ISO 15189 in quality and management of medical laboratoriesDecember 2018 Sudan research methodology and ethics work shopJuly 2019 Khartoum-Sudan Course of Advanced SPSSMay 2019 Khartoum-Sudan course ICDL "International Computer Driving License"March ,2019 Khartoum- Sudan Course Training of trainerMay 2017 Palestine-Gaza Conversation in the English Embassy InstituteAffiliations
Federation of coachesPresentation given
October 2016methods of kidney analysisPalestineEvent: advanced coarse approach to Health Research Method -
Other Awards
Oct 2020Palestinian Survey Project of Micro-nutrients for child and pregnant women in PalestineI worked on the Micro-nutrients Project with UNICF for Children and Pregnant Women as a supervisor on the Gaza Strip region, where we carried out many tests for the above-mentioned categories such as zinc, iron and many Laboratory test and got an award from the project