Member Profile

Membership type: full
Catherine Roween Almaden
Country of origin: Philippines Currently in: Philippines, Cagayan de Oro City General field of specialization: Social and Economic Sciences-
2018 Doctorate Social and Economic Sciences -
Current Research Activities
Social and Economic Sciences
Watershed for Water-Dependent Economy in the Anthropocene: The Case of the Cagayan de Oro River Basin, Funded by Forest Foundation Philippines Building Up an Integrated Methodology for Water Resources Assessment and Management in Urban Coastal Areas (BIMWAM) in partnership with University of St La Salle, Université de Namur, Catholique Université de Louvain, and Université de Mons funded by Academie De Recherche Et D'Enseignement Superieur (ARES) of Belgium
Publications resulting from Research:
Catherine Roween Chico-Almaden & Ma. Kresna Navarro & Marichu Melendez-Obedencio & Caroline Laarni Rubio-Sereñas. 2012. Basic Principles in Economics with Taxation, Agrarian Reform and Consumer Education. XU Press, Philippines, 2012. ISBN No. : 978-9719094-16-6
Catherine Roween Chico-Almaden & Ma. Kresna Navarro & Marichu Melendez-Obedencio. 2013. A Sustainability Analysis on Campus Ecology. 2013. International Journal of Physical and Social Sciences (IJPSS), Vol. 4,Issue 9.
Catherine Roween Chico-Almaden. 2014. Housing Affordability Challenges: The Case of the Median Income Households in Cagayan de Oro City Philippines. 2014. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, Vol. 4 No. 10 (1), 2014.
Catherine Roween Chico-Almaden. 2014. Protecting Water Supply: The Philippine Experience.2014. Journal of Social, Political and Economic Studies, Vol. 39, Number 4, Winter Issue, 2014.
Catherine Roween Chico-Almaden. 2014. Political Ecology of the Small-scale Gold Mining in Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines.2015. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 6, Number 24, 2014.
Catherine Roween Chico-Almaden & Ma. Kresna Navarro. 2014.The Cost of Misguided Urbanization: The Case of Informal Settlements in Butuan City, Philippines. 2014.Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, Vol. 3 No. 6.
Catherine Roween Chico-Almaden. 2015. State of Management Regimes of River Basin Organizations in the Philippines.2015. Environmental Policy and Law, Volume 45, Issue 3-4, 2015.
Catherine Roween Chico-Almaden. 2015. Asset-based Determinants of Poverty Intensity: A Meso-level Application in the Philippines.2015. WSEAS Transactions in Business and Economics. Volume 12.
Rosalina Palanca-Tan & Catherine Roween Chico-Almaden & Ma. Kresna Navarro & Marichu Melendez-Obedencio & Caroline Laarni Rubio-Sereñas. 2015.Cost and Benefits of Ecosystem Based Adaptation The Case of the Philippines. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN. viii + 32pp. ISBN: 978-2-8317-1778-4
Catherine Roween Chico-Almaden & Ma. Kresna Navarro. 2016. The Social Cost of Upgrading Informal Settlements in Butuan City, Philippines. Journal of Urban Regeneration & Renewal, Volume 9, 15-16.
Catherine Roween Chico-Almaden. 2016. Economic contributions of the artisanal capture fisheries in Cagayan de Oro River, Philippines. International Journal of Ecological Economics and Statistics, Volume 37, Issue Number 2, pp 11-27.
Catherine Roween Chico-Almaden. 2017. Socio-Economic Situationaire of the Artisanal Fisheries in Cagayan De Oro River, Philippines. International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable Development (IJSESD), Volume 8, Issue 2, April-June 2017.
Catherine Roween Chico-Almaden. 2018. Ecotourism policy options for the white water rafting in Cagayan de Oro River, Philippines: a multi-criteria analysis. International Journal of Tourism Policy. Volume1, pp 67-73.
Rosalina Palanca-Tan & Catherine Roween Chico-Almaden & Ma. Kresna Navarro & Marichu Melendez-Obedencio & Caroline Laarni Rubio-Sereñas. 2018. "Total economic value of the Cagayan de Oro river basin," Chapter in: Innovation Addressing Climate Change Challenges, chapter 12, pages 169-184 Edward Elgar Publishing.
Catherine Roween Chico-Almaden & Ma. Kresna Navarro. 2018. Enablers and Constraints of Localized Climate Financing: The Case of a Second-tier City in the Philippines. Economics and Policy of Energy and the Environment, Volume 1.
Catherine Roween Chico-Almaden, Rola, A, Baconguis,RDT, Pulhin, JM, Camacho, JDV, Ancog, RC. Determinants of Adaptation for Slow-Onset Hazards: The Case of Rice-Farming Households
Affected by Seawater Intrusion in Northern Mindanao, Philippines. Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development (AJAD), Volume 16, Issue 1.
Almaden, C.R. C. (2018). Weathering the Storms Fostering Our Understanding of Climate-Related Risks and Our Capacity to Respond: A compendium of essays for the Allianz Climate Risk Research Award 2018. Allianz Climate Solutions, Munich, Germany. Retrieved from:
Catherine Roween Chico-Almaden, T.T. Diep, A.C. Rola, R.DT. Baconguis, J.M. Pulhin, J.V. Camacho, Jr., and R.C. Ancog. 2019. “Meso-Level Analysis on Rice-Farmers’ Adaptive Measures for Slow Onset Hazard: The Case of Saltwater Intrusionin the Philippines and Vietnam.” SEARCA Agriculture and Development Notes. Volume 9, Issue 2.
Catherine Roween Chico-Almaden, T.T. Diep, A.C. Rola, R.DT. Baconguis, J.M. Pulhin, J.V. Camacho, Jr., and R.C. Ancog. 2020. Factors Influencing Measure-Based Adaptation of Rice-Farmers
for Slow Onset Hazard: The Case of Saltwater Inundation in the Philippines and Vietnam. Environmental Management, 66, pp. 629–643.
Catherine Roween Chico-Almaden. 2021. “Examining Sustainability Issues in the Water Dependent Economy of Downstream Sectors in the Cagayan de Oro River Basin”, Chapter 6: Forests in the Anthropocene: Perspectives from the Philippines,J ose Andres Canivel (moderator), Antonio La Viña, and Donna Paz Reyes (Editors). ISBN 978-621-96454-0-9 (Paperback); ISBN 978-621-96454-1-6
Current profession
Current professional activities type:Administration
Workshop and Conference Attended
2022 Coady Institute St. Francis Xavier University , Canada Women’s Leadership for Community Development2021-2022 Philippines Global Academic Leadership Program2019 Tongji University, Shanghai China Asia-Pacific Leadership Programme United Nations Environmental ProgramAffiliations
Philippine Economic SocietyPresentation given
2021“Governance for Peace and Development: Experience at the Sub-national Level on the Implementation of Community Support Programs in Southern Philippines.”PhilippinesEvent: 2nd International Conference on Governance and Development2020“Enablers and Constraints on Financing Climate Compatible Development in Second Tier City in the Philippines”PhilippinesEvent: Fifth Asia Future Conference2019Multidimensional Indicators of Adaptive Capacity of Rice Farming Households to Address Salt Water Intrusion in the Philippines and VietnamGeorgia Tech, Atlanta, Georgia, USAEvent: Ocean Visions 2019 Climate Summit