Member Profile

Membership type: full
Nesreen A. Fatthallah Amer
Country of origin: Egypt Currently in: Egypt, Mokattam City General field of specialization: Biological Systems and Organisms-
2009 Doctorate Biological Systems and Organisms2003 Master Biological Systems and Organisms1987 Undergraduate Biological Systems and Organisms -
Current Research Activities
Biological Systems and Organisms
1-Environmental Biotechnology 2-Environmental Protection and Bioremediation 3-Bio-fouling and its Mitigation (anti-fouling)
Publications resulting from Research:
1) Blade-like structure of graphene oxide sheets decorated with cuprous oxide and silicon carbide nanocomposites as bactericidal materials. Mohamed S. Selim, Ping Jing Mo, Zhifeng Hao, Nesreen A. Fatthallah, Xiang Chen. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 578 (2020) 698–709.
2) New series of ionic liquids based on benzalkonium chloride derivatives: Synthesis, characterizations, and applications. M.A. Deyab, Y.M. Moustafa, M.I. Nessim, Nesreen A. Fatthallah and Noha M. Asaad Bagato. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 313 (2020), 113566.
3) Novel mycosynthesis of cobalt oxide nanoparticles using Aspergillus brasiliensis ATCC 16404—optimization, characterization and antimicrobial activity. B.A. Omran, H.N. Nassar, S.A. Younis, R.A. El-Salamony, N.A. Fatthallah, A. Hamdy, E.H. El-Shatoury and N.Sh. El-Gendy. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 128(2019), 438--457
4) Superhydrophobic coating of silicone/β–MnO2 nanorod composite for marine antifouling. Mohamed S. Selim, Hui Yanga, Sherif A. El-Safty, Nesreen A. Fatthallah, Mohamed A. Shenashen, Feng Q. Wang, Yong Huang. Colloids and Surfaces A 570 (2019), 518–530.
5) Superhydrophobic silicone/SiC nanowire composite as a fouling release coating material.
Mohamed S. Selim, Hui Yang, Feng Q. Wang, Nesreen A. Fatthallah, Xue Li, Yue Li, Yong Huang. Journal of coatings technology and research, (2019).
6) Silicone/ZnO nanorod composite coating as a marine antifouling surface. Mohamed S. Selim, Hui Yang, Feng Q. Wang, Nesreen A. Fatthallah, Yong Huanga, Shigenori Kugaa. Applied Surface Science 466, (2019) 40–50.
7) Characterization and antimicrobial activity of silver nanoparticles mycosynthesized by Aspergillus brasiliensis.
B.A. Omran, H.N. Nassar, N.A. Fatthallah, A. Hamdy, E.H. El-Shatoury and N.Sh. El-Gendy. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 2018, 125, 370—382. The Society for Applied Microbiology.
8) Physiochemical properties of Trichoderma longibrachiatum DSMZ 16517-synthesized silver nanoparticles for the mitigation of halotolerant sulphate-reducing bacteria.
B.A. Omran, H.N. Nassar, N.A. Fatthallah, A. Hamdy, E.H. El-Shatoury and N.Sh. El-Gendy (2018). Journal of Applied Microbiology doi: 10.1111/jam.14102.
9) Silicone/Ag@SiO2 core–shell nanocomposite as a self-cleaning antifouling coating material.
Mohamed S. Selim, Hui Yang, Feng Q. Wang, Xue Li Yong Huang and Nesreen A. Fatthallah. RSC Adv., 2018, 8, 9910.
10) Silicone/graphene oxide sheet-alumina nanorod ternary composite for superhydrophobic antifouling coating.
Mohamed S. Selim, Sherif A. El-Safty, Nesreen A. Fatthallah and Mohamed A. Shenashen. Progress in Organic Coatings, (2018), 121, 160-172.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:OtherAssociate Professor in Environmental Biotechnology. Interested in Environmental Protection and Bioremediation.
Workshop and Conference Attended
2019 Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute, Cairo, Egypt The 22nd International Conference on Petroleum Mineral Resources and Development.“Nanostructured Superhydrophobic ZnO nanorod-based composite for marine antifouling coating ”.2019 Convention Centre of Cairo University, Egypt The 6th Euro-Mediterranean Conference on Life Sciences Pharma and Bio medicine (Bionat 6)2019 National Research Center, Giza, Egypt Green chemistry and world transformation towards sustainability2020 Institute d Egypt The 5th National Fungus Day of Egypt2019 Egyptian Corrosion Society, National Research Center,Giza, Egypt Future of Industrial Coatings in Egypt2017 National Research Centre, Giza, Egypt. The 3rd International Conference on “Biotechnology and Environmental Safety”2016 National Research Centre, Giza, Egypt. The Hazards of H2S & Protection Methods Course2016 Soils, Water and Environment Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center, Giza, Egypt. The 1st International Conference on Applied Microbiology “Biotechnology and its Applications in the field of sustainable Agricultural Development”2017 Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute, Cairo, Egypt The 20th International Conference on Petroleum Mineral Resources and Development. “Characterization and Antimicrobial Activity of Silver Nanoparticles Mycosy2016 Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute, Cairo, Egypt The 19th International Conference on Petroleum Mineral Resources and Development. “Smart photo-induced silicone/TiO2 nano composites with dominant [110] expos2014 Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute, Cairo, Egypt The 17th International Conference on Petroleum Mineral Resources and Development. “Evaluation of the potential for some isolated microalgae to produce biodiesel”2012 Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute, Cairo, Egypt The 15th International Conference on Petroleum Mineral Resources and Development. “Green Biocides against Sulphate Reducing Bacteria and Macrofouling Organisms”.2011 Plasma Technology Center, Al- Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt. Industry, Medicine and Environment workshop.Affiliations
Royal Society of ChemisteryPublons AcademyMendeley CommunityThe Union of Arab Scientific Research CouncilsAdvanced Materials and Nanotechnology SocietyEgyptian Corrosion SocietyMolecular Engineering and Biotechnology SocietyPresentation given
2019Poster Presentation on “Nanostructured Superhydrophobic ZnO nanorod-based composite for marine antifouling coating ”Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute, Cairo, EgyptEvent: The 22nd International Conference on Petroleum Mineral Resources and Development.2011Oral Presentation on “Bio-based Polyurethane Nano composite as Marine Antifouling Coatings”.Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute, Cairo, EgyptEvent: The 14th International Conference on Petroleum Mineral Resources and Development. -
Other Awards
Dec 2017Appreciation CertificateAn appreciation certificate for publishing a research article in high impact factor journal entitled "Synthesis of ultra-hydrophobic and thermally stable inorganic–organic Nano composites for self-cleaning foul release coatings". Chemical Engineering Journal 320, 653–666. Current journal impact factor 10.652.