Member Profile

Membership type: full
Shereen Kamel Amin
Country of origin: Egypt Currently in: Egypt, Cairo General field of specialization: Engineering sciences-
2009 Doctorate Engineering sciences2004 Master Engineering sciences2001 Undergraduate Engineering sciences -
Current Research Activities
Engineering sciences
Applied Research Projects, Publications Papers (Articles) in International and National Scientific Journals, Publications International Books, Patents, Membership of Scientific Societies, Have Teaching Experience, Supervision of M.Sc & Ph.D Thesis, Experience – Consulting Jobs, Have Assessment Experience, Delivering Training Courses.
Publications resulting from Research:
1) Amin Sh.K., El-Sherbiny S.A., Abo El–Magd A.A.M., Belal A., Abadir M.F., “Fabrication of Geopolymer Bricks Using Ceramic Dust Waste”, Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 157, pp 610–620, 2017.
2) Abdallah H., Amin Sh.K., Abo-Almaged H.H., Abadir M.F., “Fabrication of Ceramic Membranes from Nano–Rosette Structure High Alumina Roller Kiln Waste Powder for Desalination Application”, Ceramics International, Vol. 44, pp 8612–8622, 2018.
3) Al Hoseny N.F., Amin Sh.K., Fouad M.M.K., Abadir M.F., “Reuse of ceramic sludge in the production of vitrified clay pipes”, Ceramics International, Vol. 44, No. 11, pp 12420–12425, 2018.
4) Elmahgary M.G., Amin Sh.K., Sadek El Sh. M., Abadir M.F., “Waste minimisation of ceramic wall tiles”, Chemical Engineering Transactions (CEt), Vol. 70, pp 421–426, 2018.
5) Shereen Kamel Amin, Heba Abdallah, Sahar S. Ali, Adnan Alhathal Alanezi, “Nano-filtration composite polymeric/ceramic membranes prepared from powder waste of ceramic tile kiln remnants", Desalination and Water Treatment, Vol. 126, pp 67–72, 2018.
6) Amin Sh.K., Abdel Hamid E.M., El–Sherbiny S.A., Sibak H.A., Abadir M.F., “The Use of Sewage Sludge in the Production of Ceramic Floor Tiles”, HBRC Journal, Housing and Building National Research Center, Elsevier, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp 309–315, 2018.
7) Amin Sh.K., Elmahgary M.G., Abadir M.F., “Preparation and characterization of dry pressed ceramic tiles incorporating ceramic sludge waste”, Ceramics – Silikáty, Vol. 63, No. 1, pp 11–20, 2019.
8) El-Naggar K.A.M., Amin Sh. K., El-Sherbiny S.A., Abadir M.F., “Preparation of geopolymer insulating bricks from waste raw materials”, Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 222, pp 699–705, 2019.
9) Amin Sh.K., Roushdy M.H., Abdallah H.A.M., Moustafa A.F., Abadir M.F., “Preparation and characterization of ceramic nano–filtration membrane prepared from hazardous industrial waste”, International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp 162–174, 2020.
10) Allam M.E., Amin Sh.K., Garas G., “Testing of cementitious roofing tile specimens using marble waste slurry“, International Journal of Sustainable Engineering, (Published online, 2019).
11) Amin Sh.K., M.E. Allam, Garas G.L., Ezz H., “A study of the chemical effect of marble and granite slurry on green mortar compressive strength”, Bulletin of the National Research Centre, Vol. 44, No. 19, pp. 1–5, (2020).
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchHigher Education StudyOtherApplied Research Projects, Publications Papers (Articles) in International and National Scientific Journals, Publications International Books, Patents, Membership of Scientific Societies, Have Teaching Experience, Supervision of M.Sc & Ph.D Thesis, Experience – Consulting Jobs, Have Assessment Experience, Delivering Training Courses.
Workshop and Conference Attended
12 / 2019 Alexandrina, Egypt The 6th International Conference on "Biotechnology, Environment, and Engineering Sciences"08 / 2019 National Research Centre (NRC), Cairo, Egypt The 1st International Conference on "Membrane Technology and Its Applications"12 / 2018 Alexandria, Egypt The 18th Arab International Conference on Materials Science, “Materials Science and Scientific Instruments – Towards Building Research Capacity in the Arab World”12 / 2017 PJTSA University, Hyderabad, Telangana, India 7th International Conference on Solid Waste Management, Air and Water (ISWMAW)11 / 2016 Gandhi Bhaban & TEQIP Complex, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India 6th International Conference on Solid Waste Management and Exhibition on Municipal & Industrial Services, Clean Technology, MachineriesPresentation given
08 / 2019Specification of Membranes - A Road to Global MarketsNational Research Centre (NRC), Cairo, EgyptEvent: The 1st International Conference on "Membrane Technology and Its Applications"12 / 2017Recycling of Marble Waste in the Manufacturing of Ceramic Roof TilesPJTSA University, Hyderabad, Telangana, IndiaEvent: 7th International Conference on Solid Waste Management, Air and Water (ISWMAW)November / 2016Recycling of Ceramic Dust Waste in Ceramic Tiles ManufactureGandhi Bhaban & TEQIP Complex, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, IndiaEvent: 6th International Conference on Solid Waste Management and Exhibition on Municipal & Industrial Services, Clean Technology, Machineries -
Other Awards
Nov 2016IconSWM 2016 Excellence Paper AwardThe “IconSWM Excellence Paper Award“, from Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India.Jun 2014Excellence in Research Output AwardThe “Excellence in Research Output Award“, from the National Research Center (NRC)Jun 2014Obtaining Patent AwardThe “Obtaining Patent Award“, from the National Research Center (NRC).Jun 2012Excellence in Research Output AwardThe “Excellence in Research Output Award“, from the National Research Center (NRC).Jun 2011Excellence in Research Output AwardThe “Excellence in Research Output Award“, from the National Research Center (NRC).Oct 2009Best PhD Thesis AwardThe “Best PhD Thesis Award“, from the National Research Center (NRC).