Member Profile

Membership type: full
María Isabel Amorín Cabrera
Country of origin: Guatemala Currently in: Guatemala, Guatemala General field of specialization: Chemical Sciences-
2018 Undergraduate Chemical Sciences2021 Master Chemical Sciences -
Current Research Activities
Chemical Sciences
Extraction and characterization of marine metabolites, biorefinery of sea food processing by-products, chitosan as flocculant, chitosan as dye adsorbant, chitosan as a dewatering agent on faecal sludge management, Composites Layer by Layer Assembly, Membranes for wound healing
Publications resulting from Research:
Amorín, M., Chacón, R., & Gutiérrez, K. (2019). Membrana de polímeros naturales marinos funcionalizada con extracto de Rosmarinus officinalis para aplicaciones biomédicas. 6to. Congreso Internacional Biomateriales e Ingeniería de Órganos y Tejidos, Monterrey, México. (Conference paper)
Amorín, M. (2018). Síntesis del compuesto 5-fenil-3-hidroxi-3-metilpentanoato de etilo a partir de bromoacetato de etilo y 4-fenil-2-butanona (Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala). Retrieved from (Thesis)
Current profession
Current professional activities type:IndustryHigher Education StudyMaterials Chemistry Master student at The University of Edinburgh. Conducting research projects on locally chitosan production from industrial waste of sea food processing. CEO & Founder at INDEQUI/CrustaTec.
Workshop and Conference Attended
2019 Central Institute Of Fisheries Technology CIFT, Kochi, Kerala, India Protocols for The Production of High Value Secondary Products from Industrial Fish and Shellfish Processing2019 Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Monterrey, México Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering Workshop2019 Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Costa Rica Biotechnology Research Internship2018 Cewas, Switzerland. Young Water Solutions, Belgium Development of social enterprises for sustainable development of the water and sanitation sector2018 Stockholm, Sweden World Water WeekAffiliations
The University of EdinburghPresentation given
2019"Las niñas en la ciencia"GuatemalaEvent: TEDx Guatemala City-UNICEF2019Membrana de polímeros naturales marinos funcionalizada con extracto de Rosmarinus officinalis para aplicaciones biomédicasMonterrey, MéxicoEvent: 6to Congreso Internacional Biomateriales e Ingeniería de Órganos y Tejidos -
Other Awards
Jan 2020Entrepreneur of the Year Innovators Under 35 LATAM 2019 Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT Technology ReviewMIT Technology Review has been performing a talent search in several Latin American countries for the most talented young innovators and entrepreneurs who are developing new technologies to address the most pressing issues faced by society. During the event, 5 of them received special mentions:Adán Ramírez (Mexico), María Isabel Amorín (Guatemala), Jaime Andrés Pérez (Colombia), Lencio Huamán Peredo (Peru) and Bárbara Tomadoni (Argentina).Jan 2020Innovators Under 35 LATAM of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT Technology ReviewMIT Technology Review Innovators Under 35 is an annual list that recognizes outstanding innovators who are younger than 35. The awards span a wide range of fields, including biotechnology, materials, computer hardware, energy, transportation, communications, and the Internet.May 2019Ve + allá, Bayer’s CSR contest for young innovators working on biotechnology.Ve + allá, Bayer’s social responsibility contest for young innovators with a biotechnology projects.Aug 2018Young Water Fellowship Program Global Edition 2018Winner in the Young Water Fellowship Program 2018 (global edition) (grant for pilot project implementation), for her commitment and innovative ideas in the improvement of water, hygiene and sanitation problems organized by Young Water Solutions.Aug 2019Outstanding Youth Award, Consejo Nacional de la Juventud, -CONJUVEOutstanding Youth Award for their hard work and entrepreneurship in the different branches they represent. The outstanding young people 2019 were Jacobo Suret, Ch’umilkaj, Hidalynn Alexa Zapata Mazariegos, María Isabel Amorín, Jorge Vega López, Ken Lou Castillo, Krista Rocío González Gruest and Paola Chuc.Nov 2019Scholarship Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation ITEC, Government of IndiaAwarded with a scholarship by the Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation ITEC, Government of India to attend the course "Protocols for the Production of. High Value Secondary Products from Industrial Fish and Shellfish Processing"May 2019FAMAE Top 100 Water InnovatorsRanranked in the Top 100 Water Innovators out of 3,000 candidates by FAMAE under the Precious Water Challenge 2019Jul 2020Chevening Scholarship