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Member Profile

Membership type: full

Ranti Rolande Perpetue Amoussou

Country of origin: Benin Currently in: Benin, Abomey-Calavi General field of specialization: Agricultural Sciences
Academic Background


2022 Master Agricultural Sciences
Research and Profession

Current Research Activities

Agricultural Sciences

I'm currently working on the different methods of rapid seedling multiplication, followed by the importance of each stage of the banana plant.

Current profession

Current professional activities type: 
I examined macro-propagation practices in Africa and compared them with existing protocols in order to assess the impact of additives on the growth and survival of banana seedlings in macro-propagation. To achieve this, I had to carry out • A review of the scientific and technical literature on banana macro-propagation methods in Africa; • Formulate and develop a questionnaire adapted to the collection of data on the various practices and methods of macro-propagation from banana growers in Africa • Identify and visit banana plant growers using macro-propagation methods; • Collect quantitative and qualitative data.

Workshop and Conference Attended

2023 Nairobi-Kenya Workshop on the implication of gender in plant protection.

Presentation given

Effect of fertility and water stress on the expression of *Banana Bunchy Top Disease*(BBTD)
Event: Participation in the1st International Scientific Colloquium of the National University of Agriculture (CSI-UNA)

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