Member Profile

Membership type: friends
Diana M. (known as Margaret) Avery
Country of origin: United Kingdom Currently in: South Africa, Cape Town General field of specialization: Astronomy, Space and Earth Sciences-
1979 Doctorate Astronomy, Space and Earth Sciences -
Current Research Activities
Astronomy, Space and Earth Sciences
Quaternary environments of Southern Africa; Analysis of modern Barn-owl prey remains from South Africa.
Publications resulting from Research:
• Avery, D.M. 1998. Lower Pleistocene micromammals from Swartkrans Members 1-3, Gauteng, South Africa. Geobios 31: 393–414.
• Avery, D.M. 2001. The Plio-Pleistocene vegetation and climate of Sterkfontein and Swartkrans, South Africa, based on micromammals. Journal of Human Evolution 41: 113–132.
• Avery, D.M. 2003. Early and Middle Pleistocene environments and hominid biogeography: micromammalian evidence from Kabwe, Mumbwa Caves and Twin Rivers in central Zambia. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 189: 55–69.
• Avery, D.M. 2019. A fossil history of southern African land mammals. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
• Avery, D.M. & Avery, G. Micromammals in the Northern Cape Province of South Africa, past and present. African Natural History 7: 9 39.
• Avery, D.M., Avery, G. & Palmer, N.G. 2005. Micromammalian distribution and abundance in the Western Cape Province, South Africa, as evidenced by Barn owls Tyto alba (Scopoli). Journal of Natural History 39: 2047–2071.
• Avery, D.M., Stratford, D.J. & Sénégas, F. Micromammals and the formation of the Name Chamber at Sterkfontein, South Africa. Geobios 43(4): 379-387.
• Chazan, M., Avery, D.M., Bamford, M.K., Berna, F., Brink, J., Fernandez-Jalvo, Y., Goldberg, P., Holt, S., Matmon, A., Porat, N., Ron, H., Rossouw, L., Scott, L., Kolska Horwitz, L. The Oldowan horizon in Wonderwerk Cave (South Africa): Archaeological, geological, paleontological and paleoclimatic evidence. Journal of Human Evolution 63: 859 866.
• Faith, J.T., Chase, B.M. & Avery, D.M. 2019. Late Quaternary micromammals and the precipitation history of the southern Cape, South Africa. Quaternary Research 91(2): 848-860.
• Fernandez-Jalvo, Y. & Avery, D.M. 2015. Pleistocene micromammals and their predators at Wonderwerk Cave, South Africa. African Archaeological Review 32(4): 751–791.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:Administrationscientific journal editing thesis examination grant proposal assessment mentoring
Southern African Society for Quaternary ResearchUniversity of the WitwatersrandPalaeontological Scientific Trust (PAST) -
Other Awards
Jul 2019Honorary Fellowship, International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA)for contributions to Quaternary science, and to INQUA in particularOct 2001Fellow of the Royal Society of South Africa (FRSSAf)for contributions to South African science