Member Profile
Paola Ayala
Country of origin: Bolivia Currently in: Canada, Lethbridge General field of specialization: Biological Systems and Organisms-
2013 Master Biological Systems and Organisms2024 Doctorate Biological Systems and Organisms2018 Master Biological Systems and Organisms -
Current Research Activities
Biological Systems and Organisms
I am a limnologist and microbiologist by training and my postdoctoral research focuses on two branches of biogeochemistry, one on a larger scale and one on a micro scale. On a large scale I am interested in describing how lake biogeochemical processes shift along the elevation gradient from the Rocky Mountains, through Foothills landscapes, and onto the Prairies. I observe how landscape and catchment variability shape lake water chemistry and physical conditions, and how these gradients in turn shape the biological processes and metabolic rates occurring within lakes. On a micro scale focused on prairie wetlands, I am interested in understanding whether microbial processing of wastewater effluent follows predictable longitudinal patterns based on redox gradients in sequential basins of the restored Frank Lake wetland. As microorganisms are the major metabolizers of nutrients and pollutants, describing the community structure and functionality of the Frank Lake microbiome will provide important insights into the capacity for wetlands to remediate wastewater. These projects fit into my overarching research goal to identify the processes happening within freshwater ecosystems and how they contribute to carbon cycling and ecosystem services at a local or even global scales.
Publications resulting from Research:
∙ Ayala-Borda, P., Lovejoy, C., Culp, J. M., Power, M., & Rautio, M. (2024). Lake depth and microbial eukaryotic plankton communities determine polyunsaturated fatty acids in zooplankton of Arctic lakes. L&O. Submitted
∙ Ayala-Borda, P., Bogard, M. J., Grosbois, G., Preskienis, V., Culp, J. M., Power, M., & Rautio, M. (2024). Dominance of net autotrophy in arid landscape low relief polar lakes, Nunavut, Canada. Global Change Biology, 30(e17193), 1-19.
∙ Silva Claros, A., Ferrufino Guardia, E. and Ayala-Borda, P. 2023. Characterization and Heavy Metal Bioremediation Potential of Halomonas Isolates from the Bolivian Altiplano. International Journal of Ecotoxicology and Ecobiology. 8(2): 13-23. doi: 10.11648/j.ijee.20230802.11
∙ Saros, J.E., Arp, C.D., Bouchard, F., Comte, J., Couture, RM., Dean, J., Lafrenière, M.J., MacIntyre, S., McGowan, S., Rautio, M., Prater, C., Tank, S., Walvoord, M., Wickland, K., Antoniades, D., Ayala-Borda, P., Canário, J., Drake, T.W., Folhas, D., Hazuková, V., Kivilä, H., Klanten, Y., Lamoureux, S.F., Laurion, I., Pilla, R.M., Vonk, J.E., Zolkos, S. and Vincent, W.F. 2022. Sentinel responses of Arctic freshwater systems to climate: linkages, evidence, and a roadmap for future research. Arctic Science.
∙ Rautio, M., Lapeyre, J., Ayala Borda, P., Grosbois, G., Harris, L.N., Malley, B.K., Blackburn-Desbiens,P., Moore, J.S. 2022. Size and bathymetry of Greiner Lake and other large lakes in its watershed, Nunavut, v. 1.0 (2018-2019). Nordicana D106, doi: 10.5885/45795CE-9776DFA4E6364D05.
∙ Solis, J., Ayala-Borda, P., Alvarez, W., Soto, R. and Vargas, V.A. Protease Production by Bacteria Isolated from Laguna Chiar Khota, Potosi-Bolivia, for Protein Hydrolysates Production. Waste Biomass Valor 13, 3171–3181.
∙ Ayala-Borda, P., Lovejoy, C., Power, M. and Rautio, M. 2021. Evidence of Eutrophication in Arctic Lakes. Arctic Science. 7(4): 859 – 871.
∙ Colin, Y., Gury, J., Monperrus, M., Gentes, S., Ayala-Borda, P., Goni-Urriza, M. and Guyoneaud, R. 2018. Biosensor for screening bacterial mercury methylation example within the Desulfobulbaceae. Research in Microbiology. 169: 44-51.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:Higher Education StudyPostdoctoral fellow at University of Lethbridge
GRIL: Interuniversity research group in limnology and aquatic environmentsCentre for Northern Studies (CEN)