Member Profile

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Güldem Baykal Büyüksaraç
Country of origin: Republic of Türkiye Currently in: Republic of Türkiye, Istanbul General field of specialization: Social and Economic Sciences-
2010 Doctorate Social and Economic Sciences2000 Master Social and Economic Sciences1997 Undergraduate Social and Economic Sciences1997 Undergraduate Social and Economic Sciences -
Current Research Activities
Social and Economic Sciences
Dr. Büyüksaraç is teaching at Istanbul University. She is engaged with research topics such as heritage and conservation, space and landscape, identity/post-identity politics, and posthuman anthropology. She is currently working towards a monograph, tentatively entitled Landscapes in the Making: Claims to Land, Heritage, and Livelihood in Southwest Rural Turkey.
Publications resulting from Research:
Forthcoming. “Destructive Developmentalism and Precarious Heritage in Turkey.” In Alexandra Vukovich and Milan Vukašinović, eds. Inventing Heritage: Dialogues on the Politics of Medievalism between the Balkans and the World. Penn State University Press.
Forthcoming. “Acting with the Community: Applied Anthropology in a New Perspective.” Grazer Beiträge für Europäische Ethnologie, Special Issue: Transformation of European Universities, edited by Katharina Eisch-Angus et al.
2020b. “Türkiye’de koruma siyaseti ve yerel topluluklar: Köprülü Kanyon Millî Parkı örneği (The Politics of Conservation and Local Communities in Turkey: The Case of Koprulu Canyon National Park).” Antropoloji 40: 14-36. [Refereed article]
2020a. “Sıradan şeylerin belleği: Türkiye’de bir koruma alanında yerleşme, maddi dünya, peyzaj (Memory of the ordinary things: Dwelling, material world, landscape in a conservation area in Turkey).” Toplum ve Bilim 154: 5-35. [ISI Database]
2020. Özkan, Derya & Güldem Baykal Büyüksaraç, eds. Commoning the City: Empirical Perspectives on Urban Ecology, Economics, and Ethics. London: Routledge.
2019b. “Informal Tourism at the Edge of a Tangible Heritage: Feminized Performances of Street Vending in Aspendos/Belkıs.” In Işılay Gürsu ed. Public Archaeology: Theoretical Considerations and Current Practices, 93-102. London: The British Institute at Ankara (Monograph 52).
2017. “Trans-border Minority Activism and Kin-State Politics: The Case of Iraqi Turkmen and Turkish Interventionism.” Anthropological Quarterly, Vol 90, Issue 1: 17-54. [SSCI, Q3]
(With Jonathan Glasser). 2017. “Introduction to the Special Collection: Inhabiting the Margins: Middle Eastern Minorities Revisited.” Anthropological Quarterly, Vol 90, Issue 1: 5-16 (special collection ed. by Güldem Baykal Büyüksaraç & Jonathan Glasser). [SSCI, Q3]
2016. “All Dominion Belongs to Allah... Capital Get Out: The Issue of Social Justice and Muslim Anti-Capitalists in Turkey.” CrossCurrents, Vol 66, Issue 2: 239-251. [ESCI]
2015. “Unheard Voices: State-making and Popular Participation in Post-Ottoman Iraq.” Ethnic and Racial Studies (Special Issue: Minority Politics in the Middle East and North Africa: the Prospects for Transformative Change, guest edited by Will Kymlicka and Eva Pfoestl), Vol 38, Issue 14: 2551-2568. [SSCI, Q2]
2004. “Conquering Istanbul: The Controversy over the Taksim Mosque Project.” Anthropology in Action: Journal for Applied Anthropology in Policy and Practice, Vol. 11, Number 2/3: 22-31. [ESCI]
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchTeachingGüldem Baykal Büyüksaraç is an Associate Professor of Anthropology at Istanbul University. In the academic year of 2019-2020, she was a senior fellow at the Koç University Research Center for Anatolian Civilizations (Istanbul). The most recent research projects she has conducted and collaborated on are as follows: 1 January 2020 – 30 September 2021: Co-Investigator. Historical Memory, Heritage, and Cultural Identification among Displaced Communities in Cilicia and the Northern Levant (AHRC-The Nahrein Network Collaborative Research Grant). 16 September 2019 – 16 June 2020: Principal Investigator: Landscapes in the Making: Claims to Land, Heritage, and Livelihood in Southwest Rural Turkey (Koç University, ANAMED Research Fellowship). 1 October 2016 – 1 April 2018: Co-applicant. Living Amid the Ruins: Archaeological Sites as Hubs of Sustainable Development for Local Communities in Southwest Turkey. Funded by British Academy GCRF Sustainable Development Programme. 1 January 2013 – 30 April 2016: Researcher. The Aspendos Cultural Heritage Management Project (Antalya, Turkey). Dr. Işılay Gürsu, PI. Funded by BIAA & The Headley Trust.
Other Awards
Mar 2020Arts & Humanities Research Council (UK), The Nahrein Network Collaborative Research GrantCo-Investigator. Project Title: Historical Memory, Heritage and Cultural Identification among Displaced Communities in Cilicia and the Northern LevantSep 2019Koç University Research Center for Anatolian Civilizations (ANAMED) Senior Research FellowshipPrincipal Investigator. Individual Project Title: Landscapes in the Making: Claims to Land, Heritage, and Livelihood in Southwest Rural TurkeyJun 2017British Academy GCRF Sustainable Development ProgrammeCo-Applicant. Project Title: Living Amid the Ruins: archaeological sites as hubs of sustainable development for local communities in Southwest Turkey. Ref: GF160041Sep 2011George Washington University, Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Institute for Middle East Studies, Washington DC, USA (9-month residency)Individual Project Title: Reading Modernity from the Margins: Symbolic Dissonance and the Politics of LossSep 2001Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (GSAS), Faculty Fellowship, 2001-2009PhD Scholarship