Member Profile

Membership type: full
Wafaa kamel Bahgaat
Country of origin: Egypt Currently in: Egypt, Cairo General field of specialization: Agricultural Sciences-
2010 Doctorate Agricultural Sciences2000 Master Agricultural Sciences1991 Undergraduate Agricultural Sciences -
Current Research Activities
Agricultural Sciences
preparing different kind of Functional foods (biscuits, cheese, drinks) for improve health and nutrition value
Publications resulting from Research:
. Hala R. Wehaidy, Walaa A. Abdel Wahab, Adel M.M. Kholif, Mostafa Elaaser, Wafaa K. Bahgaat, Mohamed A. Abdel-
Naby(2020). Statistical optimization of B. subtilis MK775302 milk clotting enzyme production using agro-industrial
residues, enzyme characterization and application in cheese manufacture. Biocatalysis and Agricultural
Biotechnology, 25, 101589.
. Youssef El-Shattory, Saadia M. Aly, Ghada A. Abo-Elwafa, Seham, S. Kassem, Ibrahim H. Badaw, Wafaa K. Bahgaat
and Mervat I. Foda (2020). Chemical and Nutritional Evaluation of Novel White Soft Cheese Prepared by Nano-
Fortified Interesterified Olein: Stearin vegetable Butter. International Journal Dairy Science, 15 (4): 161-168.ISSN
1811-9743, DOI: 10.3923/ijds.2020.161.168
. Osama Abd El-Hamid Ibrahim, Ashraf Gaber Mohamed, Wafaa Kamel Bahgaat (2019). NATURAL PEPPERMINT-
FLAVORED CHEESE. Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. Aliment. 18(1) 2019, 75–85.
. Hanan Mohamed Mahrous and Wafaa Kamel Bahgaat (2019). Efficiency of water resources in small and medium-
sized dairy factories in Egypt. International J. of Dairy Science, 14 (1) 1-11 ISSN 1811-9743,
DOI: 10.3923/ijds.2019.1.11
. Hanan Mohamed Mahrous and Wafaa Kamel Bahgaat (2019). Factors influencing Consumer preference for loose
and packaged milk consumption in Egypt: Case Study on Cairo Governorate. Egyptian Journal of Dairy Science 47
(1) 71-97. ISSN: 0378-2700
. Hanan Mohamed Mahrous, Wafaa Kamel Bahgaat and Mohamed Abd El-Gilil Khorshid (2017). Impact o
technological determinations on the production and marketing of dairy products in small and medium productive
projects in Egypt. International Journal of Dairy Science, 12 (6) 359-367. ISSN 1811-9743, DOI:
. Jihan Mohamed Kassem, Hayam Mohamed Abbas, Ashraf Gaber Mohamed, Wafaa Kamel Bahgaat and Tamer
Mohammed El-Messery (2017). Sweet Processed Cheese Spread Analogue as a Novel Healthy Dairy Product.
International Journal of Dairy Science, 12(5) 331-338. ISSN 1811-9743. DOI:10.3923/ijds.2017.331.338
• Wafaa K. Bahgaat and Salem Abd El Ghani (2017). Comparison of Amino Acids and Fatty Acids Profiles of Egyptian
Kishk: Dried Wheat Based Fermented Milk Mixture as Functional. Food American Journal of Food Technology, 12
(1) 43- 50, 2017. ISSN 1557-4571, DOI: 10.3923/ajft.2017.43.50.
• Yossef El-shattory, Ghada A. Abo-Elwafa, Saadia M. Aly, Mervat I. Foda, Wafaa K. Bahgaat, Amany E. Hegazy and I.
H. Badawy (2016). Studies on the application of nano-technology fortified olien: Stearin vegetable butter in biscuits
preparation and its nutritional evaluation. American Journal of Food Technology, 11 (5) 171-181.
DOI: 10.3923/ajft.2016.171.181
• Microbial production of conjugated linoleic acid: Development of functional dairy products-an overview. Joint
Annual Meeting (JAM), Abstract book July 20–24, Kansas City, Missouri. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 92, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci.
Vol. 97, E-Suppl. 1 Abstract No. 238 pp. 118 (2014).
• The nutritional value of kishk: dried wheat fermented milk Egyptian native dairy food. Joint Annual Meeting (JAM),
Abstract book July 20–24, Kansas City, Missouri. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 92, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 97, E-Suppl. 1
Abstract No. 242 pp. 119 (2014).
• The microbiological quality and physicochemical attributes of Egyptian traditional Sa'eedi Kishk. J. Food Industries
& Nutr. Sci., 4(1):13-21(2014).
• Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectra in Relation to the Composition of White Soft Cheese. World Applied
Sciences Journal, 26 (3) 289-295 (2013).
• Production of Functional Biscuits for Lowering Blood Lipids. World Journal of Dairy & Food Sciences 7 (1): 01-20
• Production of some functional foods for lowering blood lipids. Book of Abstract. The 4th International Conference
of Food & Nutrition Division on “Innovation in Food Science and Nutrition: Future Challenges” National Research
Centre, September 27- 29, 2010.
• Physical, chemical, rheological and sensory characteristics of biscuits supplemented with different plant sources.
Research Bulletin, Ain Shams University, 1-21(2009).
Current profession
Current professional activities type:Research
Association of Egyptian American Scholars-Inc. (AEAS)Egyptian Society of Dairy Science and Technology -
Other Awards
Nov 2015Patent "Prepare milk drink for autistic children " No. 27334The autistic patient has metabolic problems and suffers from allergy to casein (source of milk and its products) and gluten (origin of wheat). Therefore, the doctor recommends not to use these products, which deprives them of the important nutritional value of these products because it is rich in its content of essential amino acids - Carbohydrates - Fat - Mineral elements such as calcium, magnesium and other important elements of body building at this stage Accordingly, the research team of the National Research Center (NRC) has been interested in preparing a milk drink for autistic children, rich in nutritional value such as natural milk and rich in omega-3 content (very important in building and developing the brain and used by doctors as therapeutic capsules). (25.4%), social communication (21.4%), deep sleep (7.14%), appetite for food (25%), visual communication (10.7%), and reduction of some of the characteristics Symptoms (extra nerve activity 25% - non-neuronal movements Frequent refractory 14.2% - neural 10.7%). It is advisable to take this drink not only for autistic children, but healthy children can eat it as well as all consumers in general (young, old), where it is rich in nutritional value and rich in omega-3 content.Mar 2012First prize equally for the best PhD Thesis in the competition Unilever - Mashereq Company to encourage scientific research for 2011This prize has awarded for the best Thesis from Unilever - Mashereq Company to encourage scientific research every year.. Ph.D Thesis Entitle “Utilization of some functional foods for lowering blood lipids” Faculty of Agriculture, Ain Shams University.Jun 2011The best PhD Thesis - Food Science and Nutrition Division, National Research Center (NRC) - 2010This prize has awarded by National research Centre every year for the best thesis. Ph.D Thesis Entitle “Utilization of some functional foods for lowering blood lipids” Faculty of Agriculture, Ain Shams University.Nov 2005The best poster in the 2nd International Conference on “Future Trends in Food Science and Nutrition” November 27-29, 2005Awarded Certificate of Appreciation for best posterMar 1994Woman in Agriculture Science Fellowship (WASF) from Canada- Egypt-McGill-Agriculture-Research-Program (CEMARP), (1994)This Program to provide grants to women in developing countries in the field of agriculture in cooperation between Egypt and CanadaFeb 2014Best organizerشهادة تقدير ودرع المؤتمر للمشاركه فى تنظيم المؤتمر الخامس لشعبه الصناعات الغذائية والتغذية 18-21 فبراير 2014 بشرم الشيخ Certificate of appreciation and shield of the conference for the participation in the organization of the fifth conference of the Food Industry and Nutrition Division 18-21 February 2014 in Sharm El-Sheikh