Member Profile

Membership type: full
Emilia Barreto Durán
Country of origin: Colombia Currently in: Poland, Krakow General field of specialization: Structural, Cell and Molecular Biology-
2016 Undergraduate Biological Systems and Organisms2019 Master Structural, Cell and Molecular Biology -
Current Research Activities
Structural, Cell and Molecular Biology
Currently working In the development of human airway organoid to study SARS-CoV-2 infection. The organoid model is composed of fully differentiated airway epithelium in co-culture with monocyte-derived macrophages and dendritic cells.
Publications resulting from Research:
Barreto-Durán, E., Mejía-Cruz, C. C., Leal-García, E., Pérez-Núñez, R., Rodríguez-Pardo, V. M. (2018) Impact of donor characteristics on the quality of bone marrow as a source of mesenchymal stromal cells. American Journal of Stem Cells, 7(5), 114.
Mejía-Cruz, C. C., Barreto-Durán, E., Pardo-Pérez, M., Jimenez, M., Rincón, J., Vanegas, K., ... & Rodríguez-Pardo, V. M. (2019). Generation of organotypic multicellular spheres by magnetic levitation: Model for the study of human hematopoietic stem cells microenvironment. International Journal of Stem Cells.
Pyrć, K., Milewska, A., Duran, E. B., Botwina, P., Lopes, R., Arenas-Pinto, A., ... & Uchegbu, I. F. (2020). SARS-CoV-2 inhibition in human airway epithelial cells using a mucoadhesive, amphiphilic chitosan that may serve as an anti-viral nasal spray. bioRxiv.
Synowiec, A., Szczepański, A., Barreto-Duran, E., Lie, L. K., & Pyrc, K. (2021). Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2): a Systemic Infection. Clinical Microbiology Reviews, 34(2).
Milewska, A., Chi, Y., Szczepanski, A., Barreto-Duran, E., Dabrowska, A., Botwina, P., ... & Pyrc, K. (2021). HTCC as a Polymeric Inhibitor of SARS-CoV-2 and MERS-CoV. Journal of Virology, 95(4).
Napolitano, V., Dabrowska, A., Schorpp, K., Mourão, A., Barreto-Duran, E., Benedyk, M., ... & Pyrc, K. (2021). Acriflavine, a clinically aproved drug, inhibits SARS-CoV-2 and other betacoronaviruses. bioRxiv.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchMarie Curie Research Associate / PhD Candidate -Early Stage Researcher for OrganoVIR Consortium. Research assistant at the Malopolska Centre of Biotechnology, Jagiellonian University. Krakow, Poland.
Other Awards
Mar 2019Master's Thesis with Honorable Mention Award. Pontifical Xavierian University. Bogotá, Colombia.Mar 2019Master’s Degree with Honors, Cum laude diploma. Pontifical Xavierian University. Bogotá, Colombia.Nov 2018National Academy of Medicine Scientific Investigation Honorary Mention Award 2018. National Academy of Medicine. Bogotá, Colombia.Oct 2019Marie curie fellowship- Organovir, Organoids for Virus Research - An innovative training-ETN programme.