Member Profile

Membership type: full
Humera Bashir
Country of origin: Pakistan Currently in: Pakistan, Karachi General field of specialization: Computing and Information Technology-
2007 Doctorate Computing and Information Technology2016 Master Computing and Information Technology -
Current Research Activities
Computing and Information Technology
Computer Graphics and Animation ,Computer Vision , Modeling and Simulation, Machine Learning,Image processing, Medical Image Analysis,Medical and Biomedical imaging, Magnetic Resonance,Brain Imaging,Computer-Assisted Image Processing
Publications resulting from Research:
The first author of an article titled as “Skull stripping using traditional and soft-computing approaches for magnetic resonance images: a semi-systematic meta-analysis” published in journal viz. “Machine Graphics and Vision” a category “Y” journal as per the HJRS – HEC indexing.
2019 The second author of an article titled as “Inverse Coordinate Transformation and Quotidian Use Cases” published in journal viz. “Advances and Applications in Discrete Mathematics”, a category “Y” journal as per the HJRS – HEC indexing. 2019
The second author of an article titled as "MAFA: Multispectral Adaptive Fuzzy Algorithm for Edge Detection on MRI of Head Scan" published in the journal viz. “International Journal of Computer Applications” having impact factor 0.85 in 2022. I contributed in the research methodology.
2017 The sixth author of a state-of-the-art article titled as “Otsu’s Segmentation: Review, Visualization and Analysis in Context of Axial Brain MR Slices” published in high impact factor journal viz. “Journal of Theoretical & Applied Information Technology” having impact factor 0.59 in 2022.
I contributed in the methodology of experiment. 2017 The first author of a state-of-the-art article titled as “Bayesian Network based Elucidatory Model of Change for Flexible Academic System in Post-Graduate Classes” published in the journal viz. “International Journal of Computer Applications”.
2014 The first author of an article titled as “A SOA-based Resource Intensive and Data Aware (RIADA) Approach for Grid Computing” published in the journal viz. “International Journal of Computer Applications”.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchAssistant Professor