Member Profile

Membership type: full
Huda Baz
Country of origin: Egypt Currently in: Egypt, Damietta General field of specialization: Engineering sciences-
2018 Doctorate Engineering sciences -
Current Research Activities
Zero energy construction strategy
Publications resulting from Research:
The possibility of applying the zero-energy building strategy to improve the energy efficiency of buildings next to lakes using the Revit program, with an average estimate of approximately 20%. It reviewed the proposed solutions to improve the energy efficiency of the proposed residential villa and proved that solar energy is a clean and reliable source for residential buildings. The research also concluded that zero-energy buildings are a sustainable and economically viable solution. There is also the need to plan future developments towards a carbon neutral and greener world. The green villa proposed by the research obtained the LEED Gold certificate. The research recommendations were the use of the Revit program in designing and building sustainable buildings. The need to support the zero-energy building strategy from governments.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:TeachingHigher Education StudyLecturer in many subjects in Architectural Engineering and Follow up and Internal arbitration of graduation projects in the Department of Architecture - 2024, entitled: Build Natural Beauty - a project to develop lakes in Egypt towards a blue and sustainable future .
Workshop and Conference Attended
2024 Cairo University - Cairo (Green Energy, Smart Materials and Advanced Science Technology GES-MAST2024)Affiliations
Dream Egypt Foundation and Ein ElbeaPresentation given
2023Zero energy construction strategy in new cities Using Revit software powered by artificial intelligence (Case study: coastal villa in New Damietta)new damiettaEvent: the first annual conference of the Faculty of Engineering at Horus University entitled: Applied Innovative Research for Engineering Grand Challenges '23 And participate by presenting a search