Member Profile
Membership type: full
Insaf Bel Hadj Ali
Country of origin: Tunisia Currently in: Tunisia, Tunis General field of specialization: Structural, Cell and Molecular Biology-
2009 Doctorate Other -
Current Research Activities
Development of molecular diagnostic tests for infectious diseasesCurrent profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchI am a molecular biologist working as a permanent scientist researcher at Institut Pasteur of Tunis at the laboratory of Molecular Epidemiology and Experimental Pathology (MEEP) directed by Dr. Ikram Guizani. I joined the laboratory in June 2013 and since this date my research interest focuses on developing and implementing novel rapid point-of-care molecular diagnostic tests that detect and identify Leishmania parasites with high specificity and sensitivity to screen patients wherever they are. Currently, I am a Co-investigator of a project entitled " Diagnosis of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis: Development and Evaluation of Multiplex POC DNA Assays" financed by the National Academy of Sciences (USA), in the frame of Partnerships for Enhanced Engagement in Research (PEER cycle 5) program. The goal of this study is to develop rapid, simple and cost effective molecular tools for the diagnosis of cutaneous leishmaniasis in the Old World. I am also a key team member of the project entitled "Comparative evaluation of new generation molecular tools for the molecular diagnosis of the cutaneous leishmaniasis" implemented in the Clinical Investigation Center of Institut Pasteur de Tunis and financed by the Ministry of Higher Education of Tunisia. The aim of this project is to evaluate a new developed molecular diagnosis tool in Tunisian clinical samples.
Workshop and Conference Attended
2018 Kigali-Rwanda PEER Women in Sciences2017 Toledo-Spain worldleish 62017 WHO Regional Training Center -Tunis Good Health Research Practice2016 WHO Regional Training Center -Tunis Good Clinical and Laboratory Practice2008 Barcelona-Spain European Human Genetics ConferencePresentation given
2017Dipeptidyl peptidase III: a novel marker to investigate Leishmania species evolution and taxonomyInstitut Pasteur de TunisEvent: Colloque jeunes chercheurs de l'Institut Pasteur de Tunis2007Otosclerosis in the population of north Tunisa: Epidemiological and genetic studyHammamet-TunisiaEvent: National Siciety of Biology2004Chromosomal localization of genes responsible on hereditary non syndromic hearing lossTunis-TunisiaEvent: National conference of ORL and maxillofacial surgery -
Other Awards
Nov 2019Techwomen