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Member Profile

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Ellana Boada Cahueñas

Country of origin: Ecuador Currently in: Ecuador, ibarra General field of specialization: Engineering sciences
Academic Background


2020 Doctorate Biological Systems and Organisms
2016 Master Biological Systems and Organisms
2012 Undergraduate Biological Systems and Organisms
Research and Profession

Current Research Activities

Engineering sciences

Biotechnologist - Environmental Water Specialist I am passionate about leveraging microorganisms and advanced monitoring techniques to drive sustainable water management practices. My work explores cutting-edge applications of microbiology to green infrastructure projects aimed at promoting integrated and eco-friendly water resource utilisation. Mi experiencia se sostiene en tres pilares: la gestión ambiental, la biotecnología aplicada y la vinculación con la colectividad. Estoy acostumbrada a trabajar en ambientes multinacionales y multiculturales, con el compromiso aportar con mi trabajo a proyectos relacionados con el mejoramiento de la calidad de vida a través de la gestión ambiental mediante herramientas biotecnológicas.

Publications resulting from Research: 

Enrichment and isolation of bacterial species with potential capacity for Octamethycyclotetrasiloxane (D4) degradation. 2019
ISBN: 978-84-8458-502-2

Bacterial isolation from anoxic sludge enrichments with octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane (D4) as a carbon source: Isolates kinetic growth assays and characterization of the microbial community. 2018
ISBN: 978-84-8458-542-8

Efficient removal of siloxanes and volatile organic compounds from sewage biogas by an anoxic biotrickling filter supplemented with activated carbon.
Revista: Bioresource Technology 2019

Potential use of Methylibium sp. as a biodegradation tool in organosilicon and volatile compounds removal for biogas upgrading
Revista: Chemosphere 2020

The core microbiome is responsible for volatile silicon and organic compounds degradation during anoxic lab scale biotrickling filter performance
Revista: Science of the Total Environment. 2021

Acosta NúñezM. J., Villacís HerediaR. M., & BoadaE. (2022). ANÁLISIS DEL ESTADO ACTUAL DEL MANEJO Y GESTIÓN DE LOS DESECHOS SÓLIDOS EN LA ZONA URBANA DEL CANTÓN SALCEDO. Revista Recursos Naturales Producción Y Sostenibilidad, 1(1), 74-85. Recuperado a partir de

Current profession

Current professional activities type: 
As a member in the School of Biological Sciences and Engineering at Yachay Tech University in Ecuador, my current professional activities center on the study of high-altitude mountain ecosystems, particularly páramos, and the investigation of microorganisms in these and other aquatic environments. My work involves teaching, conducting field research, and analyzing microbial communities in these unique ecosystems. The primary focus of my research is to explore and develop technologies for integrated water resource management, leveraging the potential of microorganisms found in these environments. Through this work at Yachay Tech, I aim to contribute to sustainable water management practices in Ecuador and deepen our understanding of these critical ecosystems.

Workshop and Conference Attended

2023 ecuador- netherlands Seminario “Ríos, territorios y poder: cartografía política y representaciones hidro sociales alternativas”. Riverhood, river Commons, Alianza justifica hídrica, Camaren, CESA, Universidad Central del Ecuador, Universidad de Wageningen, ERC
2023 ecuador Curso Cambio climático, bosques y REDD+. PRO-Amazonia, PNUD, MAATE
2021 spain Los Living-Labs y la Compra Pública de Innovación en el sector del Agua. TWIST (Transnational Water Innovation Strategy, Estrategia Transnacional de Innovación en el sector del Agua)
2023 ecuador Diplomado en Profesionalización docente: Pedagogía, didáctica y herramientas educativas. Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi
2023 ecuador 4to CITEDIS 2023, 4to Congreso Internacional de tecnología educativa, diseño y sociedad. NEXMY CITEDIS
2022 ecuador I congreso Internacional Difusión de Metodologías de investigación y vinculación CARE 2022. Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi, Ecuador
2023 ecuador IV Seminario Internacional de Biotecnología, Bioquímica y Química. LEBENs Caitaciones, Instituto Azteca BIONATEC
2023 spain Conceptos de manejo de datos Stats4D . Global Collaboration for resilient food systems
2023 ecuador Palabras clave como herramientas de análisis . Elsevier Week Ecuador
2023 ecuador Descubre los detalles detrás las métricas de revistas en Scopus . Elsevier Week Ecuador
2023 ecuador Investigacion mas allá del contenido . Elsevier Week Ecuador


Red Ecuatoriana de Mujeres Científicas REMCI

Presentation given

Biotechnology Applied to Environmental Sciences.
Event: International scientific exchange seminar at the Technical University of Cotopaxi
Isolation of Bacterial Species with Potential Degradation Capacity of Octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane (D4) for use as bioremedication strategies for Water Sources
Event: XLVI National Biology Conference, 2022
Prizes, Grants and Awards

Other Awards

Aug 2016
SENESCYT Scholarship 2016
SENESCYT Scholarship 2016. Doctoral Researcher on the BiogasApp project (Innovative Technologies for Improving Biogas from Wastewater Treatment Plants), funded by the Research Challenges R&D&I program of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO), Project Code CTQ2014-53718R.

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