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Member Profile

Membership type: full

Beatrice Byalugaba

Country of origin: Tanzania Currently in: Tanzania, Kibaha General field of specialization: Medical and Health Sciences incl Neurosciences
Academic Background


1999 Master Medical and Health Sciences incl Neurosciences
1995 Master Medical and Health Sciences incl Neurosciences
Research and Profession

Current Research Activities

Medical and Health Sciences incl Neurosciences

Research Keywords: 
Supporting HIV positive drug users through advocacy and harm reduction

Publications resulting from Research: 

Who is left behind on the road to universal facility delivery? A cross-sectional multilevel analysis in rural Tanzania.- Margaret E. Kruk, MD, MPH, Sabrina Hermosilla, MPhil, Elysia Larson, MPH Daniel Vail, Qixuan Chen, PhD, Festo Mazuguni, BS, Beatrice Byalugaba, MD, MPH, MBA, Godfrey Mbaruku, MD, PhD

Supporting HIV positive drug users through advocacy and harm reduction. Case study from Bagamoyo and Kibaha Districts, Pwani Region, Tanzania- Authors: Beatrice Byalugaba, Nelson William, Noela Nsanzugwanko, Dennis Bikaru, Scholastica Spendi, Albina Gelege, Hawa Yusuph, Rehema Msimbe, Benedicta Masanja, Francis Nyabukene, Christopher Henjewele, Sisty Moshi, Redempta Mbatia

Current profession

Current professional activities type: 
Consultant Public Health Specialist

Workshop and Conference Attended

Included in the curriculum


Included in the Curriculum
Prizes, Grants and Awards

Other Awards

Mar 2025
Included in the Curriculum

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