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Member Profile

Membership type: full

Alejandra L. Calderón P.

Country of origin: Bolivia Currently in: Bolivia, Santa Cruz de la Sierra General field of specialization: Other
Academic Background


2009 Undergraduate Biological Systems and Organisms
2021 Master Engineering sciences
Research and Profession

Current Research Activities


Current profession

Current professional activities type: 
Preparation, gesting and implementation environment projects local, departmental and national levels. Development of tools for Planning Strategic and Public Management in the Environment. Systematization and structuring of Environmental Research Documents, with emphasis on Water, Environmental Management, Strategic Planning and Climate Change. High level of technical analysis, writing and synthesis in environmental matters. Optimal level of responsibility, teamwork and meeting goals. High level of operational coordination and logic, in multidisciplinary teams and work organization. Organization and Implementation of Forums, Dialogues and Workshops on the Environment. Skills in interinstitutional management with public sector, private and other related.


Colegio Departamental de Biólogos de Santa Cruz
Prizes, Grants and Awards

Other Awards

Sep 2017
COLLEGE OF BIOLOGISTS OF SANTA CRUZ - COLBIOCRUZ 2017 "Recognition of Merit and Biological Scientific Contribution",
"Recognition of Merit and Biological Scientific Contribution", in commemoration of the XXI Anniversary of COLBIOCRUZ, for the work and development performance of the Department of Santa Cruz, for the excellent professional work.
Jun 2017
"Recognition for good Performance in Teaching" awarded by the Environmental Engineering Degree
UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL ECOLÓGICA - UNE 2017 "Recognition for good Performance in Teaching" awarded by the Environmental Engineering Degree
Jun 2018
"Recognition for good Performance in Teaching" awarded by the Environmental Engineering Degree
UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL ECOLÓGICA - UNE 2018 "Recognition for good Performance in Teaching" awarded by the Environmental Engineering Degree
Oct 2004
UNIVERSIDAD AUTÓNOMA GABRIEL RENÉ MORENO UAGRM 2004 "Certificate of Honor" granted by the Decanatura and the Teaching Staff of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, for having distinguished itself as the best student, obtaining the 2nd place in the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences.

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