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Member Profile

Membership type: full

Yuri Asucena Castro Estrada

Country of origin: Guatemala Currently in: Guatemala, Guatemala General field of specialization: Computing and Information Technology
Academic Background


2016 Master Computing and Information Technology
Research and Profession

Current Research Activities

Computing and Information Technology

National Open data and study of the behavior of projects financed by Senacyt

Publications resulting from Research: 

Portal de datos abiertos de Guatemala: Compromiso No. 5 del 3er plan de acción de Gobierno Abierto 2016-2018

Current profession

Current professional activities type: 
Currently work at the ICT department, National Secretariat of Science and Technology, Guatemala. The principal activities are research in innovation, government open data and ICT data analysis

Workshop and Conference Attended

2017 Busan, South Korea IV Young ICT leaders’ fórum 2017, ITU & Busan Metropolitan City


Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

Presentation given

Data Mining on Vehicle Safety: Factor Assessment on Two-Wheel Vehicle Accidents Using Bayesian Network Classifiers
Event: The 4th International Conference on Intelligent and Automation Systems n, ICIAS
Probabilistic Inference in Road Crash Hazard Using Bayesian Network
South Korea
Event: Korea Auto-vehicle Safety Association Spring Conference -KASA

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