Member Profile

Membership type: full
María Cerón Loayza
Country of origin: Peru Currently in: Peru, Lima General field of specialization: Physics-
2018 Master Physics -
Peruvian Society of PhysicsPeruvian Society of the Science of the SoilTeam Women's Physical Leaders in Peru -
Other Awards
Nov 2011DIPLOMA OF RECOGNITION TO RESEARCHERS WITH SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS.Office of the Vice President for Research. Higher Research Council. UNMSM.Nov 2011Recognition of the National Assembly of Rectors.Recognition of the National Assembly of Rectors. General direction of research and university quality. National University of San Marcos. UNMSM.Nov 2014DIPLOMA OF RECOGNITION TO RESEARCHERS WITH SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS.Office of the Vice President for Research. Higher Research Council. UNMSM.Nov 2015DIPLOMA OF RECOGNITION TO RESEARCHERS WITH SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS.Office of the Vice President for Research. Higher Research Council. UNMSM.Sep 2017Member RED MEXICAN NETWORK OF SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND GENDER (RED MEXCITEG)Invitation to participate in the RED THE MEXICAN NETWORK OF SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND GENDER (RED MEXCITEG), Network created in 2012. Different axes work with the aim of developing studies that lead to a better understanding of the dynamics between Science and Gender. BENEMERITA AUTONOMOUS UNIVERSITY OF PUEBLA, Mexico.May 2005Representation of Physical Women of Peru- WORKING GROUP OF WOMEN IN PHYSICS _ IUPAPRepresentation of Physical Women of Peru- IUPAP WORKING GROUP OF WOMEN IN PHYSICS IUPAP (05-05-2005)- Participate in this ICWIP event in 2005, for the first time in Brazil, and from there, the idea has been maturing, with a commitment to all Physical Women in Peru, we have held events since 2014, supporting each other in all institutions , sometimes with good results, other times more precarious by the economic funds. Even so, we continue to work with the working group of physical women in PeruJun 2019President of the National Chapter of Peru of the ORGANIZATION FOR WOMEN IN SCIENCE FOR THE DEVELOPING WORLD (CNP_OWSD)President of the National Chapter of Peru of the ORGANIZATION FOR WOMEN IN SCIENCE FOR THE DEVELOPING WORLD (CNP_OWSD) The Organization for Women in the Developing World (OWSD) is an international non-profit organization based in the offices of the World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) in Trieste, Italy, a unit of the UNESCO program. OWSD was founded in 1987 and is the first international forum that unites eminent women scientists from the developing and developed worlds.