Member Profile
Membership type: full
Okeyode Itunu Comfort
Country of origin: Nigeria Currently in: Nigeria, Abeokuta General field of specialization: Physics-
Physics -
Current Research Activities
Environmental Radioactivity Measurements in building materials, Soil, sediments and food stuffs and the assessment of their radiological Impacts on people and the environment. Also into nuclear security, using gamma tracer and other radiation/radionuclide monitoring equipments .
Publications resulting from Research:
Jibiri N. N and Okeyode I. C (2011): Activity concentrations of Natural Radionuclides in the sediments of Ogun river, South Western Nigeria . Radiation protection Dosimetry . Vol. 147, No. 4 , pp 555-564. Published By Oxford University Press, UK. ISSN: 0144-8420.
doi:10.1093/rpd/ncq579. Available at http://www.ncbi.nlm.nihgov/pubmed/21224263.
Okeyode, I.C and Farai, I.P., ( 2007): Measurement of Activity Concentrations of Natural Radionuclides In The Topsoil of IITA Ibadan (By Gamma-ray Spectrometry). Journal of Radiological. Protection. Vol. 27, 333-347. Published by the British Institute of Physics Publishing Ltd. UK.
Olowofela, J.A. Adegoke, J.A, Bejide, F.A, and Okeyode, I.C, (2007): Effect of Porosity
on the Surface of Drawn Down in an Unsteady State Drainage In Porous material ( I ).
Nigerian Journal of Science, Vol.41 23-29. Published By The Science Association of
Okeyode, I.C and Ganiyu, S.A, (2009): Measurement Of Activity Concentrations of
Natural Radionuclides In The Top Soils Of University Of Agriculture, Abeokuta, (UNAAB)
Farms. ASSET Series B. J. Nat. Sci. Engr. Tech., 8(2):25-37. Published By Federal
University of Agriculture, Abeokuta.
A. A. Amori, O.O. Oduntan, I.C. Okeyode and S.O. Ojo (2013): Heavy metal
concentration of groundwater deposits in odeda region, Ogun state, Nigeria. E3 Journal of Environmental Research and Management Vol. 4(5). pp. 0253-0259. ISSN 2141-7466.
Available online at
Okeyode I.C and Rufai A.A (2011): Determination of Elemental Composition of Soil
Samples from Some Selected Dumpsites in Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria, Using Atomic
Absorption Spectrophotometer. International Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences IJBAS-
IJENS) Vol: 11 No.6 pp. 55-70. Published by International Journals of Engineering and
Sciences (IJENS). ISSN:2227-2770.
Jibiri N.N and Okeyode I.C (2012): Evaluation of Radiological Hazards in the Sediments
of Ogun River, South-Western Nigeria. Journal of Radiation Physics and Chemistry,
81:103–112. Published by Elsevier Publishers. DOI: 10.1016/j.radphyschem2011.10.002.
Available online at
Okeyode I.C and Jibiri N.N (2012): The Heavy Mineral Analysis of Ogun River
Sediments. European Journal of Scientific Research, Vol. 89 No 2, pp.296-305. ISSN
1450-216X , Published by Scientific Research Platform (SRP).
Okeyode, I.C (2012): Radiogenic Heat Production Due to Natural Radionuclides in the
Sediments of Ogun River, Nigeria. Journal of Environment and Earth Science . Vol 2,
No.10, 196-207. Published by International Institute For Science, Technology & Education, USA. ISSN 2224-3216.
I.C. Okeyode, W. B Obadeyi, V. Makinde, F.G. Akinboro and A.O Mustapha (2012):
Measurement of Radiation Dose In Selected Cement Stores In Abeokuta, Ogun State, Using GM Survey Meter. Journal of Natural Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Vol.11(1), pp 33-39. (formerly ASSET Journal Series B). Published By Federal University of
Agriculture, Abeokuta.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:TeachingI am a Senior lecturer in the Department of physics Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Ogun State. I teach undergraduate and post graduate Courses. I also supervise Undergraduate and postgraduate researches. I have many Departmental responsibilities e. g I am the Departmental Level Co-ordinator/ Adviser, I am the Departmental Welfare Officer , I am the college Representative member in the College of Engineering Board Meetings etc.
Workshop and Conference Attended
2014 Rabat, Morocco Fourth Regional Congress of International Radiation Protection Association For African Region (AFRIRPA 04)2013 Covenant University , 0tta , Ogun state . Nigeria Application of physics / science to the Environment. 2nd National Conference of Women In Physics and Launching of women in science and Technology.2013 Beijing , china. 7th International Symposium On Naturally occurring Radioactive Materials .Presentation given
2013Temporal Variation in Radon and meteorological Parameters In a Masonry dwelling In Abeokuta , Nigeria. By Mustapha A. 0, Alatise 0.0, Okeyode I . C , Makinde V. Akinyemi O.D. Akmboro F.G .........Beijing, China .Event: 7th International Symposium On Naturally occurring Radioactive Materials . -
Other Awards
Nov 20072nd position in the school on computational condensed Matter physics , National Mathematical centre , Abuja , 2007.I came second in the Examination written after the completion of the two weeks workshop/ school on Computational Condensed Matter Physics Organised by National Mathematical centre , Abuja In conjunction with ICTP , 2007.