Member Profile

Membership type: full
Ifeyinwa Daniel
Country of origin: Nigeria Currently in: Nigeria, Lagos General field of specialization: Mathematical sciences-
2021 Doctorate Mathematical sciences2014 Master Mathematical sciences -
Current Research Activities
Mathematical sciences
Analysis involving amenability of Algebras, Number theory, and Goldbach conjunction
Publications resulting from Research:
1.Ogunsola O. J.and Daniel I.E. Pseudo Amenability and pseudo-contractibility of restricted algebra. 233 Annealed Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Mathematica XVII (2018), International.
2. M.O. Edeh, S.G. Ugboaja, N.E. Ugwuja, J.S. Igwe, I.E. Daniel, N.E. Richard-Nnabu Smartphone Usage among Computer Science Students in Higher Education during Covid-19 Lockdown. Journal of Computer Science and Its Application / Vol. 29 No. 2 (2022).
3. Ogunsola O. J.and Daniel I. E. Some Characterizations of Amenable Semi-group. A publication by the journal of Semigroup Theory and Application (2019), International.
4. Ogunsola O. J.and Daniel I. E. Character Pseudo-amenability of Restricted Semigroup Algebra. Journal of the Nigerian Association of Mathematical Physics, volume 46, may 2018, Issue, pp 1-8 © J. of NAM
5. Ogunsola O. J. and Daniel I. E. On Amenable restricted Semi-group. Journal of the Nigerian mathematical Society Vol. 38, Issue 2, pp. 157 - 163, 2019.
6. Ogunsola O. J.; Abdulakareeem A. O. and Daniel I. E. Some basic results on Banach Dialgebras. Asian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 3(3) 37-45.No AJPAM 640.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchAdministrationTeachingI currently lecture mathematics and statistics in Spiritan University Nneochi Abia State Nigeria. I am the director of research administration, I research and publish papers on academic journals.
Workshop and Conference Attended
2022 Institute De Mathematique Et De Science Physics Universitie D'Abomey Calavi Porto-Novo Benin Mathematical Analysis And Optimization Research Group, UNILAGPresentation given
2016Amenability of Group and Fourier Algebra with the underlying special t-groupFederal University of Technology Minna, NigeriaEvent: Nigerian Mathematical Society Annual Conference2021Amenable Groups and the ApplicationsSpiritan University Nneochi Abia State NigeriaEvent: Inter Faculty Paper Presentation