Member Profile

Membership type: full
Farah Deeba
Country of origin: Bangladesh Currently in: Bangladesh, Dhaka General field of specialization: Medical and Health Sciences incl Neurosciences-
2011 Master Physics2019 Doctorate Medical and Health Sciences incl Neurosciences -
Current Research Activities
Medical and Health Sciences incl Neurosciences
Exploring the dynamics of seizure
Publications resulting from Research:
1. F. Deeba, Paula Sanz-Leon, and P. A. Robinson, Unified dynamics of interictal events and absence seizures, Physical Review E (USA), 100, 022407 (2019).
2. F. Deeba, Paula Sanz-Leon, and P. A. Robinson, Dependence of absence seizure dynamics on physiological parameter evolution, Journal of Theoretical Biology (Netherlands) 454, 11-21 (2018).
3. F. Deeba, Paula Sanz-Leon, and P. A. Robinson, Effects of the physiological parameter evolution on the dynamics of tonic-clonic seizure, Physical Review E (USA), Submitted.
4. F. Deeba, K. A. Islam, and A. A. Mamun, Planar and nonplanar solitons in multi-ion dusty plasma, Proceedings of National Conference on Plasma Physics and Nonlinear Dynamics 2017 (India), pp. 74-95 (2017).
5. T Akter, F. Deeba, M Kamal-Al-Hassan, Electron-acoustic solitary waves in a two-temperature plasma having electrons with Kappa distribution, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Sciences (USA) 44, Issue. 8, pp. 1449 – 1459 (2016).
6. A. Mamun and F. Deeba, Dust-ion-acoustic double layers in multi-ion dusty plasma, Plasma Physics Reports (Russia) 41, No. 08, pp. 667-676 (2015).
7. F. Deeba and A. A. Mamun, Spherical and cylindrical solitons in a dusty multi-Ion plasma, International Conference on Physics for Energy and Environment (Bangladesh), RPP-IV-B 07, pp. 67-68 (2014).
8. F. Deeba, S. Tasnim, and A. A. Mamun, Gardner solitons in a dusty plasma, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Sciences (USA) 40, Issue. 9, pp. 2247 – 2253 (2012).
9. F. Deeba and A. A. Mamun, Time-dependent nonplanar dust-ion-acoustic Gardner double layers, Open Journal of Acoustics (USA) 1, No. 03, pp. 70-75 (2011).
10. A. A. Mamun and F. Deeba, Compressive and rarefactive DIA solitons beyond the K-dV limit, Plasma Physics Reports (Russia) 38, No. 04, pp. 370-375 (2011).
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchTeachingAssistant Professor, Department of physics Dhaka University of Engineering and Technology, Gazipur Gazipur, Bangladesh
Workshop and Conference Attended
2019 Dhaka, Bangladesh National Conference on Electronics and Informatics2019 University of Exeter, Exeter, UK International Conference for Technology and Analysis for Seizures2018 Dhaka, Bangladesh Bangladesh Physical Society International Conference on Physics for Energy and Environment2018 The University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia 11th Australasian Workshop on Neuro-Engineering and Computational Neuroscience2018 Sydney, Australia 2018 Annual Meeting of the Society for Mathematical Biology & the Japanese Society for Mathematical Biology2017 Sydney, Australia Emerging Aspiration in Complex Systems Mini-Workshop2017 Antwerp, Belgium 26th Annual Computational Neuroscience meeting2017 New Orleans, USA American Physical Society March meeting2016 Brisbane, Australia 9th Australasian Workshop on Neuro-Engineering and Computational Neuroscience2015 Melbourne, Australia 7th International Workshop on Seizure Prediction (IWSP7: Epilepsy Mechanisms, Models, Prediction & Control)2014 Dhaka, Bangladesh International Conference on Physics for Energy and Environment2014 Allahabad, India Seventh Science Conclave 2014,