Member Profile
Membership type: full
Daniela Adalia Duran Romero
Country of origin: Colombia Currently in: Colombia, Bogotá General field of specialization: Engineering sciences-
2020 Master Engineering sciences2016 Undergraduate Engineering sciences2024 Master Other -
Current Research Activities
Civil engineer and researcher with an interdisciplinary water resources management and sustainable development background. I am currently in the fourth semester of my Master in Sustainable Development at Uppsala University and SLU Additionally, I am working as an intern at the Stockholm Environment Institute in Sweden. I am passionate about contributing to sustainable development, I bring a strong set of technical skills, research experience, and dedication to addressing global water challenges.
Publications resulting from Research:
Complete Papers Published in Journals:
DURAN R., D. A.; SILVA, M. C. de A.; CHAUQUE, B.J. M. BENETTI, A. D. Biosand Filter as a Point-of-UseWater Treatment Technology: Influence of Turbidity on Microorganism Removal Efficiency. Water, v. 12,p. 2302, 2020
Expanded abstracts published in Congress:
DURAN R., MAVAIEIE JUNIOR, P. A.; BENETTI, A. D. “Contaminação da agua em Desastres Tecnológicos”. In: XXIII Brazilian Symposium on Water Resources, 2019, Foz de Iguazu, Brazil.
DURAN R., D.A.; BENETTI, A. D. ; SILVA, M. C. A. . “Métodos de Tratamiento de Agua en el Punto de
Uso”. In: II Water, Environment and Energy Congress, 2019, Montevideo, Uruguay.
DURAN R., D.A.; MAVAIEIE JUNIOR, P. A.; BENETTI, A. D. “El abastecimiento de agua potable en
desastres y emergencias”. In: XXXVI Inter-American Congress of Sanitary and Environmental
Engineering, 2018, Guayaquil, Ecuador.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchHigher Education StudyI am currently studying my second year for my M.Sc. in Sustainable Development at Uppsala University and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences while at the same time interning at the Stockholm Environment Institute - SEI in Stockholm, Sweden.
Workshop and Conference Attended
2019 Foz de Iguazu, Brasil XXIII Brazilian Symposium on Water Resources2019 Montevideo, Uruguay II Water, Environment and Energy CongressAffiliations
Stockholm Environment Institute - SEIPresentation given
2019Métodos de Tratamiento de Agua en el Punto de UsoMontevideo, UruguayEvent: II Water, Environment and Energy Congress -
Other Awards
Feb 2018Graduate and Exchange Student Program ScholarshipGraduate and Exchange Student Program Scholarship -2018 National Council for Scientific and TechnologicalDevelopment (CNPq) of the government of Brazil / Porto Alegre - BrazilMay 2022Uppsala University Global ScholarshipUppsala University Global Scholarship - 2022 - UppsalaUniversity / Uppsala - SwedenFeb 2023Fredrika Bremer Förbundets Stipendiestiftelse for youngwomen in higher educationFredrika Bremer Förbundets Stipendiestiftelse for youngwomen in higher education - 2023 Fredrika BremerFörbundets stipendiestiftelse / Uppsala - Sweden