Member Profile

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Sagarika Ekanayake
Country of origin: Sri Lanka Currently in: Sri Lanka, Kotte General field of specialization: Chemical Sciences-
2005 Doctorate Medical and Health Sciences incl Neurosciences -
Current Research Activities
Publications resulting from Research:
1) Eknayake Sagarika, Jansz E R, Nair M Baboo (1999) Proximate composition, mineral and amino acid content of Canavalia gladiata. Food Chemistry. 66: 115-119.
2) Ekanayake Sagarika, Jansz E R, Nair M Baboo (2000) Nutritional quality of protein and starch of mature Canavalia gladiata seeds. International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition 51 (4) 289-294.
3) Ekanayake Sagarika, Jansz E R, Nair M Baboo (2000). Literature review of an under-utilized legume: Canavalia gladiata L. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition. 55: 305-321.
4) Ekanayake Sagarika, Jansz E. R., Nair M. Baboo. (2003) Effect of Processing on Protein Nutritional Quality of Canavalia gladiata. Nahrung/Food 47, 4, 256-260.
5) Ekanayake Sagarika, Nair Baboo M, Asp Nils-Georg, Jansz E R. (2006) Effect of Processing on physico-chemical properties of Canavalia gladiata starch. Starke/ Starch 5; 215-222.
6) Ekanayake Sagarika, Skog Kerstin & Asp Nils-Georg. (2007) Canavanine content in sword beans (Canavalia gladiata) Analysis and effect of processing. Food and Chemical Toxicology 45, 297-303.
7) Keerthi Attanayaka, Sunil Mendis, Errol Jansz, Ekanayake Sagarika& Antoinette Perera (2008) A pilot study on wound healing using an anti-bacterial steroidal saponin. International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences2 (3) 299-305.
8) Bandara Thushari, Begum Rokeya, Ekanayake Sagarika, Liaquat Ali, Jansz E R, &Balasubramanium K. (2009) Effects of Gymnemalactiferum leaf on glycemic and lipidemic status in type 2 diabetic subjects. Bangladesh Journal of Pharmacology4, 65-68.
9) Seneviratne, Kapila, Hapuarachchi, C, D &Ekanayake, Sagarika(2009) Comparison of the phenolic- dependent antioxidant properties of coconut oil extracted under cold and hot conditions. Food Chemistry114, 1444-1449.
10) Hettiaratchi U P K, Ekanayake S&Welihinda J. (2009) Glycaemic indices of 03 Sri Lankan wheat bread varieties and a bread-lentil meal. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition 60(S4) 21-30.
11) Widanagamage R, Ekanayake, S and Welihinda J. (2009) Carbohydrate rich foods: glycaemic indices and correlation with macronutrients. International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition 60(S4) 215-223.
12) Keerthi, A A P, Jansz E R, Ekanayake Sagarika&Premakumara G A S. (2009) The synergistic neurotoxins of palmyrah (Borassus flabellifer L.) flour. International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences 3(2) 255- 265.
13) Keerthi, A A P, Jansz E R, &Ekanayake Sagarika (2009) A review of the neurotoxic effect of palmyrah flour. International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition, 60 (S4) 306-316).
14) Bandara Thushari, Rokeya Begum, Ekanayake Sagarika, Ali Liaquat, Jansz R. Errol &Balasubramanium Kandiah (2010). Effects of Gymnemalactiferum leaf on serum glucose and cholesterol levels of streptozotocin induced diabetic rats. Int. J. Biol. Chem. Sci. 4(3): 815-819.
15) Nekadage don Amal Wageesha, Sagarika Ekanayake, Errol Radclif Jansz, &SanathLamabadusuriya(2011) Studies on hypercarotenemia due to excessive ingestion of carrot, pumpkin and papaw. International Journal of Food Sciencesand Nutrition 62(1):20-5.
16) U P K Hettiaratchi, S Ekanayake, J Welihinda(2011)Chemical compositions and glycemic responses to banana varieties.International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition 62(4):307-309.
17) Kapila, N. S., Roshan, T. K. and Sagarika, E (2011) Serum cholesterol and triglyceride levels of rats fed with consumer selected coconut oil blends. International Food Research Journal 18 (4) 1303-1308.
18)Hettiaratchi, U.P.K., Ekanayake, S.,Welihinda, J. (2011) Sri Lankan rice mixed meals: Effect on glycaemic index and contribution to daily dietary fibre requirement. Malaysian Journal of Nutrition17(1): 97-104.
19) Hettiaratchi, UPK, Ekanayake, S, Welihinda& A Perera (2011) Glycemic and insulinemic responses to breakfast and succeeding second meal in type 2 diabetics. Int J Diabetes Dev Ctries. 31 (4), 199-206.
20) Sarojini J K A Ubhayasekera, Pradeepa Jayasinghe, Sagarika Ekanayake, Paresh C Dutta (2012) High cholesterol oxidation in traditionally preserved mackerel (Rastrelligerkanagurta) during storage in Sri Lanka. Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol., 114, 695–700.
21) Hettiaratchi, UPK, Ekanayake, S, Welihinda, J (2012) Prediction of Glycaemic Indices (GI) of meals by starch hydrolysis indices.International Food Research Journal19 (3): 1153-1159.
22) Hettiaratchi, UPK, Ekanayake, S, Welihinda, J. (2012) How accurate is glucometer in determining GI? International Food Research Journal 19(4): 1511-1516.
23) Senadheera P A S, Ekanayake S. (2013) Green leafy porridges: How good are they in controlling glycaemic response? International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition64(2):169-74. doi: 10.3109/09637486.2012.710895. Epub 2012 Jul 31.
24) Wageesha, NDA, Ekanayake S and Jansz ER (2013) Prevalence of hypercarotenaemia in nursery/kindergarten children in western province of Sri Lanka: a preliminary study. International Food Research Journal 20(4): 1873-1875.
25) Senadheera P A S and Ekanayake S. (2013) Development of a marketable rice based herbal porridge suitable for diabetics fromScoparia dulcis.Agricultural Sciences 4 (9B) 81-84.
26) Perera P.R.D., Ekanayake S. and Ranaweera K.K.D.S. (2013)Phyto-chemical studies and in vitrostudy on anti-glycation and antioxidant activity of water extract of Syzygiumcumini bark. The Journal of Phytochemistry Photon 114, 187-195. (on line)
27) Widanagamage R, Ekanayake S and Welihinda J. (2013) Effect of extent of gelatinization of starch on the glycaemic responses of carbohydrate rich breakfast meals. Malaysian Journal of Nutrition 19 (2) 233-242.
28) Senavirathna RMISK, Ekanayake S, Jansz ER and WelihindaJ.(2013)Total phenol content and antioxidant potential of traditional breakfast meals of Sri Lanka. Malaysian Journal of Nutrition19 (2) 243-250.
30) Perera PRD, Sagarika Ekanayaka, Ranaweera KKDS (2013) In vitroantiglycation activity of some medicinal plants used in Diabetes mellitus. Med Aromat Plants 2: 143. doi: 10.4172/2167-0412.1000143. (on line)
31) Perera PRD, Ekanayake S, Ranaweera KKDS (2013) Antiglycation and Antioxidant Activities of a Ready to Serve Herbal Drink of SyzygiumCumini Bark Extract. Med Aromat Plants 3: 148. doi: 10.4172/2167-0412.1000148. (on line)
32) Senadheera P A S, Ekanayake S and C AWanigatunga (2014) Anti-diabetic properties of rice based herbal porridges in diabetic Wistar rats. Phytotherapy Research. 28, 10; 1567–1572. DOI: 10.1002/ptr.5169.
33) R. M. I. S. K. Senavirathna, Sagarika Ekanayake, Eroll Radcliff Jansz and Jayantha Welihinda (2014) Proximate composition, glycemic indices, and some factors affecting glycemic indices of underutilized tubers. Starch/Starke66 (11-12) 1041–1048. DOI: 10.1002/star.201400059
34) RuwaniNadeeshani, Uthpala N. Wijayaratna, W. Chathuri Prasadani, Sagarika Ekanayake , Kapila N. Seneviratne, NimanthiJayathilaka (2015) Comparison of the Basic Nutritional Characteristics of the First Extract and Second Extract of Coconut Milk. International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology 4 (10) 9516-21. DOI:10.15680/IJIRSET.2015.0410003. (on line)
35) S P A S Senadheera, Sagarika Ekanayake, ChandanieWanigatunge(2015)Anti-hyperglycaemic effects of herbal porridge made of Scoparia dulcis leaf extract in diabetics – A randomized crossover clinical trial.BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine15: 410. doi: 10.1186/s12906-015-0935-6 (on line)
36) P R D Perera ,Sagarika Ekanayake and K K D S Ranaweera (2015) Comparison of Antiglycation and antioxidant potentials and total phenolic contents of decoctions from antidiabetic plants.Proceedings of International Symposium on Applied Chemistry 2015,BANDUNG, INDONESIA.Procedia Chemistry 16, 519 – 524. (on line)
37) R. M. I. S. K. Senavirathna, Sagarika Ekanayake, Eroll Radcliff Jansz and Jayantha Welihinda (2016) Traditional and novel foods from indigenous flours: nutritional quality, glycaemicresponse and potential use in food industry. Starch/Starke68, (9-10) 999–1007.
DOI: 10.1002/star.201500175
38) E M S Bandara, S. Ekanayake, C A Wanigatunge and A Kapuruge (2016) Lipoprotein(a) and lipid profiles of patients awaiting coronary artery bypass graft; a cross sectional study. BMC Cardiovascular Disorders16, 213 (6 pages).DOI10.1186/s12872-016-0393-1.
39) S P A S Senadheera, SagarikaEkanayake and ChandanieWanigatunge (2016) Dietary habits of type 2 diabetes patients: variety and frequency of food intake. Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, Volume 2016 (2016), Article ID 7987395, 6 pages
40) PRD Perera, S Ekanayake and KKDS Ranaweera (2017) Anti-diabetic compounds in Syzygiumcumini decoction and ready to serveherbal drink. Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine.vol. 2017, Article ID 1083589, 5 pages, 2017.
41) Prasadani WC, Senanayake CM, Jayathilaka N, Ekanayake S, Seneviratne KN (2017) Effect of three edible oils on the intestinal absorption of caffeic acid: An in vivo and in vitro study. PLoS ONE 12(6): e0179292. 10.1371/journal.pone.0179292.
42) Lumbini A. Wijesekara, RinzeeUsoof, Sachindra S. T. Gamage, Ruwan Jayasinghe, Nandasena Gamage, Dileep De Silva and Sagarika Ekanayake (2017).Mercury levels in hair samples of dentists: A comparative study in Sri Lanka. Journal of Investigative and Clinical Dentistry.Version of Record online: 22 OCT 2017 | DOI: 10.1111/jicd.12302.
43) H M K Akalanka, S Ekanayake and K Samarasinghe (2018). Could Anthropometric and Lipid Parameters Reflect Susceptibility to Breast Cancer? Comparison of Newly Diagnosed Breast Cancer and Apparently Healthy Women. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 19 (9)2476-2480.DOI:10.22034/APJCP.2018.19.9.2475.
44) EM Samantha Bardara, Sagarika Ekanayake, ChandanieWanigatunge, ArunaKapuruge,GA Sarath Kumara (2020) Prevalence and association of thyroid disorders with selected risk factors and severity of disease in patients confirmed of Coronary Artery Disease. Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science Vol. 19 ( 04) 674-684.
45) Kasuni HM Akalanka, Sagarika Ekanayake, Kamani Samarasinghe (2021) Serum sex hormone levels and hormone receptor status in identifying female breast cancer risk. Indian Journal of Cancer. Published online since November 2/2020, DOI: 10.4103/ijc.IJC_400_19.
46) Paramasamy R., Weerasekera M.M. & Ekanayake S (2021) Seeds of ornamental tree Barringtonia asiatica as a potential source of efficacious antimicrobials. Journal of Biologically Active Products from Nature. Vol. 11 (3) 289-297. DOI: 10.1080/22311866.2021.1916593
47) Waidyarathna G R Nipuni Nayanathara, EkanayakeSagarika (2021) Nutrient composition and functional properties; suitability of flour of sweet potatoes (Ipomea batatas) for incorporation into food production. International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences15 (3) 897-908.
48) Waidyarathna G R Nipuni Nayanathara, Ekanayake Sagarika, Chandrasekera Anoma (2021)
Comparative analysis of nutrient composition and glycaemic indices of nine sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas) varieties. International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences, 15 (4), 1410-1420.
49) Aththanayaka Mudiyanselage Samudrika H Aththanayaka, T.Gobika, Ekanayake S (2022) Emerging Advances in Biomimetic Synthesis of Nanocomposites and their Potential Applications. Materials Today Sustainability, 20 (2022) 100206.
50) Thennakoon T P A U, Eknayake Sagarika (2022) Sri Lankan traditional parboiled rice: a panacea for hyperglycaemia? ? PLoS ONE 17(9): e0273386.
51) Suntharesan J, Atapattu N, De Silva DGH, Jasinghe E, Ekanayake S, Dunseath G, Luzio S, Premawardhana L D (2022). Acute Postprandial Gut Hormone, Leptin, Glucose and Insulin Responses to Resistant Starch in Obese Children - A Single Blind Cross Over Study. Arch Dis Child 2022;0:1–6. doi:10.1136/archdischild-2022-324203
52) Kasuni HM Akalanka, Sagarika Ekanayake, Kamani Samarasinghe (2023) Are thyroid and sex hormone ratios predictive of breast cancer risk? A preliminary study among a cohort of Sri Lankan breast cancer patients. Journal of Basic and Clinical Sciences. (accepted)