Member Profile

Membership type: full
Samar El-Mekkawi
Country of origin: Egypt Currently in: Egypt, Giza General field of specialization: Engineering sciences-
2017 Doctorate Engineering sciences -
Current Research Activities
Engineering sciences
Bioethanol production from microalgae cultivated using wastewater.
Publications resulting from Research:
1. El-Mekkawi SA, Ismail IM, El-Attar MM, Fahmy AA, Mohammed SS (2011) Utilization of black liquor as concrete admixture and set retarder aid, Journal of Advanced Research, 2: 163–169.
2. El-Mekkawi S, El-Ardi O, El-Ibiari N, Moustafa T, Ismail I (2015) Cultivation of Local Fresh Water Microalgae in Closed Systems IJISET, 2 (3): 18-22.
3. El-Mekkawi SA, El-Ardy OA, El-Ibiari NN, Abdelmonem NM, Elahwany AH (2016) Optimum Photobioreactor Design via Optimizing Cultivation Conditions of Microcystis aeruginosa, Res. J. Pharm. Biol. Chem. Sci., 7(5): 303-311.
4. El-Mekkawi SA, El-Ardy OA, El-Ibiari NN, Abdelmonem NM, Elahwany AH, Ismail IM (2016) A Scope on Microalgae as Potential Source of Biofuel, ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 11 (19): 11421-11432.
5. El-Mekkawi SA, El-Ardy OA, El-Ibiari NN, Abdelmonem NM, Elahwany AH (2016) Preliminary economic estimation for Microcystis aeruginosa cultivated in two closed cultivation systems, Res. J. Pharm. Biol. Chem. Sci. 7(6): 2113-2117.
6. Samhan FA, Abdo SA, El-Mekkawi SA, Ali GH (2019) Algal Biomass from High Rate Algal Ponds for Bioethanol Production, Res. J. Chem. Environ. 23(4): 46-53.
7. El-Mekkawi SA, Hussein HS, El-Enin SA, El-Ibiari NN (2019) Assessment of stress conditions for carotenoids accumulation in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii as added-value algal products, Bull Natl Res Cent. 43: 130.
8. El-Mekkawi SA, Abdo SA, Samhan FA, Ali GH (2019) Optimization of some fermentation conditions for bioethanol production from microalgae using response surface method, Bull Natl Res Cent. 43: 164.
9. El-Mekkawi SA, El-Ibiari NN, El-Ardy OA, Abdelmonem NM, Elahwany AH, Abadir MF, Ismail IM (2020) Optimization of cultivation conditions for Microcystis aeruginosa for biodiesel production using response surface methodology, Bull Natl Res Cent. 44: 6.
10. Attia NK, El-Mekkawi SA, El-Ardy OA, Abdelkader EA (2020) Chemical and rheological assessment of produced biolubricants from different vegetable oils, Fuel, 271:117578.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchBio fuel production from micro-algae cultivated in wastewater treatment plants
Workshop and Conference Attended
2019 National Research Centre, Cairo, Egypt Algae the third generation of biofuel: Production, utilities, challenges, and prospective2019 National Research Centre, Cairo, Egypt Prospects of Technology Development and Economics of The Production of Biofuel2019 National Research Centre, Cairo, Egypt Water Resources: Expected Crises and Strategies of Predomination – Rational Use of Water ResourcesAffiliations
Egyptian Society of Chemical EngineersPresentation given
2018Optimization of cultivation conditions for Microcystis aeruginosa for biodiesel production using response surface methodologyNational Research Centre, Cairo, EgyptEvent: Arab International Industrial Conference, Steps Towards Innovation Sustainable Development -
Other Awards
Jul 2018The best Ph.D. thesis in the field of engineering sciences and their applications, NRC, Egypt.The best Ph.D. thesis in the field of engineering sciences and their applications, from National Research Centre, Egypt, July 2018.