Member Profile

Membership type: full
Samah El-Sayed
Country of origin: Egypt Currently in: Egypt, Cairo General field of specialization: Agricultural Sciences-
2013 Doctorate Agricultural Sciences -
Current Research Activities
Agricultural Sciences
Dairy products – packaging materials Preparation and characterization of different dairy products. Study shelf life of dairy products using different packaging materials
Publications resulting from Research:
Pubblicazioni/ Books and Articles • Samah M. El-Sayed, Hoda S. El-Sayed, Heba H. Salama and S. A.H. Abo El-Nor, Improving the Nutritional Value and Extending Shelf Life of Labneh by Adding Moringa, International Journal of Dairy Science 12 (2): 81-92, 2017
• Hoda S El-Sayed, Samah M EL-Sayed, Galal A Nawwar, Utilization of Novel Nontoxic Antimicrobial Microcrystalline Cellulose in Manufacture of Stirred Yoghurt. Der Pharma Chemica, 2017, 9(8):71-79
• Heba H. Salama, Samah M. EL-Sayed and Aboelfetoh M. Abdalla, Enhancing the Nutritive Values of Ice Milk Based on Dry Leaves and Oil of Moringa.
American Journal of Food Technology, 12 (2): 86-95, 2017
• Ahmed Youssef; Samah EL-Sayed; Hoda EL-Sayed; Heba Salama; Alain Dufresne. Enhancement of Egyptian soft white cheese shelf life using a novel chitosan/carboxymethyl cellulose/zinc oxide bionanocomposite film. Carbohydrate polymers 151 (2016) 9–19.
• Ahmed M. Youssef; Samah EL-Sayed; Heba Salama; Hoda EL-Sayed; Alain Dufresne, Evaluation of bionanocomposites as packaging material on properties of soft white cheese during storage period. Carbohydrate Polymers, 132 (2015) 274–285.
• Samah M El-Sayed, Heba H Salama, and MM El-Sayed. Preparation and Properties of Functional Milk Beverage Fortified with Kiwi Pulp and Sesame Oil. RJPBCS 6(5), (2015)609-618
• Hoda S. EL-Sayed, Heba H. Salama and Samah M. EL-Sayed. Production of Synbiotic Ice Cream. nternational Journal of ChemTech Research, 7, (2014-2015) 138-147
• Ahmed. M. Youssef, Hussein Abou-Yousef, Samah M. El-Sayed, Samir Kamel. Mechanical and antibacterial properties of novel high performance chitosan/nanocomposite films. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2015, 76, 25–32
• Manal A. Hamed, Samah M. El-Sayed, Heba H. Salama and M. M. El-Sayed, ENEFICIAL EFFECT OF FUNCTIONAL MILK BEVERAGE AS HYPOLIPIDEMIC AND ANTIOXIDANT AGENT ON HIGH-FAT-DIET- INDUCED HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIA IN RATS. European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical sciences (ejbps), 2 (2015) 67-82
• Ahmed M. Youssef, Mohamed S. Abdel-Aziz, Samah, M. El-Sayed. Chitosan Nanocomposite Films Based on Ag-NP and Au-NP Biosynthesis by Bacillus Subtilis as Packaging Material, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2014, 69, 185–191.
• Samah .M. El-Sayed ;A.B. Hagrass; A.A. Asker; F.M. Malhat; M.M. El-Sayed and M.H.Abd El-Salam. “Effect of using some vitamin B producing microorganisms as adjunct cultures in the manufacture of yoghurt ”. Egyptian J. Dairy sci., 41(2):127-136(2013).
• Samah .M. El-Sayed ; A. E. Hagrass; A.A. Asker; F.M. Malhat; M.M. El_Sayed and M.H.Abd El-salam. “Storage stability of thiamin, riboflavin and pyridoxine in UHT milk”. Egyptian J. Dairy sci., 42(1):1- 6 (2014).
• Samah .M. El-Sayed ; A. B. Hagrass; A.A. Asker; F.M. Malhat; M.M. El_Sayed and M.H.Abd El-salam. “Determination of thiamin, riboflavin and pyridoxine in some milk products
marketed in Cairo area by high-performance liquid chromatography”. Egyptian J. Dairy sci., 41(2):119-126(2013).
• Samah .M. El_Sayed ;A. B. Hagrass; A.A. Asker; F.M. Malhat; M.M. El_Sayed and M.H.Abd El-salam. “Simultaneous determination of retinol α -tocopherol and β-carotene contents using HPLC method in some dairy products marketed in Cairo area”. Egyptian J. Dairy sci., 40(2):149-158(2012).
• M.M. El_sayed, A.A., Asker , L.F.,Hamzawi, Fatma, A. Fathy, ,Samah, M. El Sayed and I.M. Hamed “ Manufacture of functional low fat frozen yoghurt using buttermilk concentrate” 4th International Conference, ” Innovation in Food Sciences and Nutrition: Future challenges “ NRC, Cairo, 27-29 Sep. 2010.
• M.M. El-Sayed, A.A., Asker, L.F., Hamzawi, , Fatma, A. Fathy, Mohamed A.G. ,Samah, M. El-Sayed and I.M. Hamed. Journal of American Science, 2010; 6 (9).
• Samah .M. El_Sayed ;A.A. Asker; L.F.Hamzawi ; Hamed I.M.and M.M. El-Sayed “Plasma lipid profile of rats fed on processed cheese spread enriched with buttermilk concentrate”. Egyptian J. Dairy sci., 34(2):169-174(2006).
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchPreparation and characterization of different dairy products. Study shelf life of dairy products using different packaging materials