Member Profile

Membership type: full
Doaa Elemam
Country of origin: Egypt Currently in: Egypt, New Damietta City General field of specialization: Other-
2020 Doctorate Other2016 Master Other2012 Undergraduate Other -
Current Research Activities
Work at the Environmental Sciences Department, Faculty of Science, Damietta University. Has a primary interest in climatic change, water pollution, and treatment. Also interested in all branches of environmental sciences. Highly committed to the conservation of natural resources and achieving sustainable development. Working to find new economical and eco-friendly applications for saving the environment and serving humanity. Can work alone or in a group.
Publications resulting from Research:
Book Chapter
El-Emam, D.A. (2023). Olive Mill Wastewater: Treatment and Valorization. In: Souabi, S., Anouzla, A. (eds) Wastewater from Olive Oil Production. Springer Water. Springer, Cham, 27-59.
Eldeeb, A. R., El-Emam, D.A. (2023). Climate change in the coastal areas: consequences, adaptations, and projections for the Northern Coastal Area, Egypt. Scientific Journal for Damietta Faculty of Science.
Hasaballah, A. F., Hegazy, T. A., Ibrahim, M. S., & El-Emam, D. A. (2021). Cement kiln dust as an alternative technique for wastewater treatment. Ain Shams Engineering Journal, 12(4), 4201-4209.
Hasaballah, A. F., Hegazy, T. A., Ibrahim, M. S., & El-Emam, D. A. (2021). Water Salt Toxicity Assessment for the Nile River-Damietta Branch and Evaluating its Suitability for Irrigation Process.
F. Hasaballah Et Al, A. (2021). Health risk assessment of heavy metals contamination in sediments of the River Nile, Damietta Branch using Mathematical Models. Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries, 25(2), 947-971.
F Hasaballah, A., A Hegazy, T., S Ibrahim, M., & A El-Emam, D. (2019). Assessment of Water and Sediment Quality of the River Nile, Damietta Branch, Egypt. Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries, 23(5 (Special Issue)), 55-65.
Hasaballah, A. F., Hegazy, T. A., Ibrahim, M. S., & El-Emam, D. A. (2019). Phycoremediation of metal pollution of wastewater. Int J Eng Res Technol (IJERT), 8(9), 346-52.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchAdministrationTeaching
Workshop and Conference Attended
2023 Al Manara international Conferences Center, Egypt The National Conference of the National Initiative for Smart Green Projects2022 Eduardo Mondlane University, Mozambique The first international conference "Climate change and ocean renewable energy2022 Postgraduate Faculty of Nanotechnology, Cairo University- Sheikh Zayed, Egypt The first conference "Foreseeing the Future of Nanotechnology: Vision and Application... Obstacles and Solutions2022 Faculty of science, Damietta University, Egypt The 6th International Environmental Conference under the Theme of " Climate change and sustainable development "2022 Mansoura and Luxor , Faculty of Sciences - Mansoura University. The 7th International Conference of Biological and Environmental Science (ICBES)2022 Alexandria , Faculty of Sciences - Alexandria University. Regional Kick-Off Conference on the UN Decade of Ocean Science (African Ocean 2022)2020 Faculty of Sciences - Damietta University, New Damietta The 6th International Conference of Environment and Sustainable Development2018 Faculty of Sciences - Mansoura University The 6th International Conference of Biological and Environmental Science (ICBES)2015 Faculty of Sciences - Damietta University The 5th International Conference of Environment and Sustainable Development2014 Mansoura- Hurghada , Faculty of Sciences - Mansoura University. The 4th International Conference of Biological and Environmental Science (ICBES)2015 New Damietta , Faculty of Sciences - Damietta University New and renewable energy in Egypt Conference2014 Faculty of Sciences - Damietta University Environmental Awareness in Egypt Conference2022 faculty of Science at Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University Saudi Arabia Virtual Environmental Symposium on the occasion of the Global Celebration of Wetlands Under the international banner: World Wetlands 202 Working for wetlands is working for people and nature / Wetlands Action for People and Nature2021 Chemistry department, collage of science , University of Basrah- Iraq bioinformatics applications in biological sciences workshop2021 The Waste Management Regulatory Authority, Egypt and The National Solid Waste Management Programme (online) Solid Waste Management- Maximum Yield Technology (MYT) and Biogas production and Applications workshopPresentation given
2023World Water DayFaculty of Sciences - Damietta University, EgyptEvent: World Water Day- UNESCO Club, Damietta University2022Sustainable development and climate change: Efforts of the Egyptian stateFaculty of Sciences - Damietta University, EgyptEvent: Environmental day ( The Green Day ) - Student Union for the sake of Egypt2022Climate ChangeFaculty of Sciences - Damietta University, EgyptEvent: Environmental Week- Student Union for the sake of Egypt2022Global warming, climate change and sustainable developmentDamiettaEvent: Climate Change Forum (The pre-university education stage) -
Other Awards
Mar 2023Honored on World Water Day by UNESCO Club, Damietta UniversityHonored on World Water Day by UNESCO Club, Damietta University ( Encouragement Award) for outstanding scientific publishing and scientific and academic activities in the water field.Feb 2023Nominated for Young Researcher Award (YRA) at the 2nd International Conference on Climate Change and Ocean Renewable Energy (CCORE)Dec 2022Nominated for the best PhD thesis in the Association of Arab Universities, representing Damietta University 2022Nov 2022Winning the first place in the National Initiative for Smart Green Projects in the category of development projects for women, climate change and sustainabilityDec 2021Best PhD thesis Award in faculty of Science, Damietta University 2021Best Ph.D. Thesis Award in Faculty of Science and Nominated for the best Ph.D. thesis at Damietta University 2021, entitled: "Monitoring and Assessment of Water Pollution in River Nile – Damietta Branch - Egypt" Environmental Department, Faculty of Science, Damietta University, EgyptDec 2020Best PhD thesis Award in faculty of Science, Damietta University 2020Best Ph.D. Thesis Award in Faculty of Science and Nominated for the best Ph.D. thesis at Damietta University 2021, entitled: "Monitoring and Assessment of Water Pollution in River Nile – Damietta Branch - Egypt" Environmental Department, Faculty of Science, Damietta University, EgyptSep 2021Damietta University Award for outstanding Scientific Publishing for 2021May 2020The 4th place worldwide and first place in the Arab nations at Intel ISEF-International Science and Engineering FairAchieved 4th place worldwide and first place in the Arab nations at Intel ISEF-International Science and Engineering Fair 2020Oct 2019Faculty of Science encouragement award for best academic performanceHonored from the Faculty of Science, Damietta University for the work of examinations and control for the undergraduate stage of 2019Sep 2019Damietta University Award for outstanding Scientific Publishing for 2019Aug 2017Honored on the day of scienceHonored on the day of science by the President of the Arab Republic of Egypt (Abd Elfattah Elsisi) Honoring first place from Egypt universities students and young researchers among the universities of Egypt and representing Damietta university