Member Profile

Membership type: full
Barbara Isabela Escobar Anleu
Country of origin: Guatemala Currently in: Guatemala, Guatemala General field of specialization: Biological Systems and Organisms-
2018 Master Biological Systems and Organisms2015 Undergraduate Biological Systems and Organisms -
Current Research Activities
Biological Systems and Organisms
I am the coordinator of Panthera’s Jaguar Corridor Initiative in Guatemala, conducting research on the five species of wild cats (Panthera onca, Puma concolor, Leopardus pardalis, Herpailurus yagouaroundi and Leopardus wiedii) in the country -mainly in the eastern zone- and their habitat.
Publications resulting from Research:
Escobar-Anleu, B. I., Fuentes-Montejo, C. F. and Ariano-Sánchez, D. 2017. Record of mammals (Mammalia: Didelphimorphia, Artiodactyla, Carnivora, Cingulata, Lagomorpha, Pilosa and Rodentia) in private natural reserves in Guatemala. Acta Zoológica Mexicana 33(2): 388-392.
Mora, J. M. and Escobar-Anleu, B. I. 2017. River rocks as sleeping perches for Norops oxylophus and Basiliscus plumifrons in the Talamanca Mountains, Costa Rica. Mesoamerican Herpetology 4(22): 418-422.
Escobar-Anleu, B. I., Mora, J. M. and de León, R. 2018. Presencia del Cormorán Neotropical Phalacrocorax brasilianus (Gemlin, 1789) en el Valle del Motagua, Guatemala. Ceiba 55(1): 60-63.
Escobar-Anleu, B. I., Quiñónez-Guzmán, J. and Mora, J. M. 2018. Filling distribution gaps of a Little-known endemic species, Rojasianthe superba Standl. & Steyerm. (Asteraceae) in northern Central America. Check List 14(1): 267-275.
Escobar-Anleu, B. I. and Mora, J. M. 2018. Leucismo parcial en dos especies de Carollia (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae) en Costa Rica. Notas Mastozoológicas 5(1): 7-8.
Escobar-Anleu, B. I. 2018. Panthera y la iniciativa del corredor del jaguar: el reto de conservar grandes felinos en un paisaje cambiante. Yu’am 3(6); 55-60.
Escobar-Anleu, B. I., Mora, J. M., Tzunun, A., Choc-Martínez, L. and Sagastume-Pinto, K. B. 2019. Possible incidence of avipoxvirus or other pathogen affecting Guatemalan birds. Huitzil 20(2): e 557
Escobar-Anleu, B. I. 2020. Monocultivos e industrias extractivas en Guatemala: ¿qué relación tienen la deficiencia institucional, la falta de investigación científica y los impactos ambientales? Ciencia, Tecnología y Salud 7(1): 2020.
Escobar-Anleu, B. I., Quiñónez-Guzmán, J. and Hernández-Gómez, S. 2020. First swim record of Herpailurus yagouaroundi in Guatemala. Therya Notes 1(1): 29-33
Sonaíl-López, A. C. and Escobar-Anleu, B. I. 2020. Avistamiento de Orthogeomys grandis (Familia Geomyidae) en el municipio de San Antonio Aguas Calientes, Sacatepéquez, Guatemala. Revista Mesoamericana de Biodiversidad y Cambio Climático–Yu’am, 4(1): 58-63
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchOtherBesides my work in Panthera and my peer-reviewed scientific papers, I have gone beyond the strict work duties and the scope of the academic field also using blogs and other social media to do scientific communication to a wider audience, as well as occupying ad-honorem decision-making positions (I am co-founder and part of the Executive Committee of the Guatemalan Chapter of the Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World -OWSD and part of the Board of Directors at the Guatemalan Chemical and Pharmaceutical Professional Association –COFAQUI-) from where I seek to influence decision-making related to the environment in my country.
Workshop and Conference Attended
2019 NASA’s Applied Remote Sensing Training Program (ARSET) MOOC Remote sensing for conservation & biodiversity2012 Panama V International course-workshop on impacts of human infrastructures on wildlife in Latin America2014 Peten, Guatemala International course of biosecurity and wildlife management2015 San Carlos University of Guatemala First school of math modeling with emphasis on water resources and climate change2015 Guatemala Workshop “Elaboration of scientific articles”2016 Online course Online course “GIS applied to environmental issues with ArcGIS 10"2016 Online course Online course “Scientific writing skills”2017 Online Course Online course “Management of development projects”2017 Guatemala Course/workshop “Occupancy models: theoretical bases and applications2017 Goethe University of Frankfurt, Germany Summer school “Environmental and remote sensing data analysis via geospatial technologies in research and teaching”2019 Lima, Peru Participation in the workshop to prepare the official declaration of women in conservation in Latin America and the Caribbean, Network of Women in Conservation of Latin America and the Caribbean2019 Lima, Peru Participation in III Congress of Protected Areas of Latin America and the CaribbeanAffiliations
OWSD Guatemalathe Board of Directors, Guatemala Chemical and Pharmaceutical Professional Association –COFAQUI-Presentation given
2014about Richness of mammals in coffee plantations and forests of three private natural reserves of the Reserve of Multiple Uses of Lake Atitlan Basin –RUMCLA-GuatemalaEvent: I Symposium on Scientific and Technological Research in the Atitlán Lake Basin2015Non-invasive and semi-invasive techniques for the study of terrestrial mammals and birds workshopGuatemalaEvent: Non-invasive and semi-invasive techniques for the study of terrestrial mammals and birds course2018Challenges and opportunities in conservation of mammals in private natural reservesGuatemalaEvent: Challenges and opportunities in conservation of mammals in private natural reserves2018Talk about the importance of science communication2018Event: Cerveciencia2019Biology: the doors that the science of life opened for meGuatemalaEvent: First festival of girls and women in science and technology2020Webinar “OWSD: an opportunity for Guatemalan women scientists”GuatemalaEvent: Webinar “OWSD: an opportunity for Guatemalan women scientists”2020Webinar “From magical thinking to critical and scientific thinking” were the importance of science was discussed with other scientistsGuatemalaEvent: Webinar “From magical thinking to critical and scientific thinking” were the importance of science was discussed with other scientists2020Importance of the jaguar in MesoamericaGuatemalaEvent: Importance of the jaguar in Mesoamerica -
Other Awards
Sep 20121st place in oral presentations contest, Mesoamerican Society for Biology and ConservationI won the first place in the oral presentations contest of the event.Oct 2013Distinguished student recognition of the Biology SchoolI was recognized as a distinguished student from the Biology School of San Carlos UniversityOct 2015German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Full ScholarshipFull scholarship for Master's Degree in National University of Costa RicaSep 2017Academic scholarshipI won a scholarship for summer course “Environmental and remote sensing data analysis via geospatial technologies in research and teaching” in Goethe Frankfurt University, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)Oct 2017Outstanding studentHighest average grade in Conservation and Wildlife Management MSc., National University of Costa RicaOct 2017Winning Scientific Essay2nd place in scientific-technological area of DIGI Scientific Essay Contest, San Carlos University of GuatemalaApr 2019Academic Excellence ScholarshipAcademic Excellence Scholarship for Wildlife Crime Analysis course, VU AmsterdamSep 2020Finalist for the Illustrious Guatemalans AwardI was one of the finalists in the scientific category for the Illustrious Guatemalans awardDec 2020Finalist for Early Career Award for Public Engagement with ScienceI was recognized as finalist for Early Career Award for Public Engagement with Science, American Association for the Advancement of Science