Member Profile
Membership type: full
Kylah Forbes-Biggs
Country of origin: South Africa Currently in: South Africa, Durban General field of specialization: Social and Economic Sciences-
2017 Doctorate Social and Economic Sciences2011 Master Astronomy, Space and Earth Sciences2001 Undergraduate Social and Economic Sciences -
Current Research Activities
Social and Economic Sciences
GRRIPP - Gender Responsive Resilience and Intersectionality in Policy and Practice - Networking Plus Partnering for Resilience' - a UKRI Collective Fund award.
Publications resulting from Research:
Refereed Article
Forbes-Genade, K. and D. van Niekerk. 2018. GIRRL Power! Participatory Action
Research for building girl-led community resilience in South Africa. Action Research
Refereed Article
Forbes-Genade, K. and D. van Niekerk. 2017. The GIRRL Program: A Human Rights Based Approach to Disaster Risk Reduction in Southern Africa, International Journal for Disaster Risk Reduction.
Refereed Article
Van Niekerk, D., Coetzee, C., Botha, D., Murphree, J.M., Fourie, K., Le Roux, T., Wentink, G.,
Kruger, L., Shoroma, L., Genade, K., Meyer, S., and E. Annandale. 2014. Planning and
Executing Scenario Based Simulation Exercises: Methodological Lessons, Homeland
Security & Emergency Management 12(1):193-210.
Refereed Article
Forbes-Biggs, K. and Y. Maartens. 2011. Adolescent Girls at Risk: The GIRRL Program as a Capacity-Building Initiative in South Africa. Children, Youth and Environments 22(2): 234-248.
Peer Reviewed Book Chapter
Forbes-Biggs, K. (2020), The potential of men's organisations in reducing
disaster and climate risk: Applying a gender lens to Southern Africa. (In: Sawyer, M,
Jenkins, F and Downing, K eds. How gender can transform the social sciences:
Innovation and impact. Palgrave Macmillan.)
Peer Reviewed Booked Chapter
Van Niekerk, D., Nemakonde, L., Kruger, L. and K. Genade. 2017. Community-based
Disaster Risk Management (In: Rodriguez, H., Trainor, J., Donner, W. and A. P. Guzman
eds. Handbook of Disaster Research. New York: Springer.)
Peer Reviewed Book Chapter
Forbes-Genade, K. 2016. Using a gendered lens to reduced disaster and climate risk in
Southern Africa: The potential leadership of men’s organisations (In: Enarson, E. and B.
Pease. eds. Men, Masculinities and Disasters, Routledge Studies in Hazards, Disaster Risk
and Climate Change, Abingdon: Routledge).
Book Chapter
Forbes-Genade, K. and C. Chenga. 2016. Factors contributing to vulnerability in rural
communities within rural Sub-Saharan Africa (In: Mulugeta, G. ed. Natural and Human Induced Hazards and Disasters in Africa, Johannesburg: African Institute of South Africa).
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchTeachingTeaching undergraduate modules in disaster and risk management at DUT. Invited based on my expertise to be the Regional Monitoring and Evaluation Coordinator for an international research project focused on Gender and Resilience (four year funding period).
Gender and Disaster Network Africa Region -
Other Awards
Jul 2015Mary Fran Myers Award - Scholarship Natural Hazards Centre at the University of Colorado at BoulderThis scholarship recognizes outstanding individuals such as yourself who are committed to disaster research and practice and who have the potential to make a lasting contribution to reducing disaster vulnerability. It comprised of a competitive applicant pool drawn from outstanding applications from across the globe.