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Ndayiragije François

Country of origin: Burundi Currently in: Burundi, BUJUMBURA General field of specialization: Mathematical sciences
Academic Background


2012 Doctorate Mathematical sciences
Research and Profession

Current Research Activities

Mathematical sciences

Operations Research and multiple orthogonal polynomials

Publications resulting from Research: 

1) F. Ndayiragije, W. Van Assche, Multiple Meixner polynomials and non-Hermitian oscillator Hamiltonians, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 46 (2013) 505201 (17pp).

2) F. Ndayiragije, W. Van Assche, Asymptotics for the ratio and the zeros of multiple Charlier polynomials, J. Approx. Theory 164 (2012), 823-840.
3) Alphonse P. Magnus, François Ndayiragije, André Ronveaux," About families of orthogonal polynomials satisfying Heun’sdifferential equation", J. Approx. Theory 263 (2021), 105522.
4) Ndayiragije, F., Nyandwi, S. & Hatungimana, E. (2020). The Encryption and Decryption Using a Constraint Matrix of a Linear Programming Problem. International Journal of Science and Engineering Investigations (IJSEI), 9(103), 62-64.
5) Ndayiragije, F. & Nyandwi, S. (2020). A Bi-operational Alphabet Approach to Solve a Linear Programming Problem. International Journal of Science and Engineering Investigations (IJSEI), 9(103), 37-40.

6) F. Ndayiragije, "The Average Time the Customers Spend in ECOBANK Bénin, Djassin Agency, during a Banking Transaction", International Journal of Science and Engineering Investigations, vol. 8, issue 86 : 83-85, March 2019.

7) F. Ndayiragije,"On the Two-Phase Unrevised Simplex Method", International Journal of Science and Engineering Investigations, vol. 7, issue 77:165-173, June 2018.

8) Alphonse P. Magnus, François Ndayiragije, André Ronveaux," Heun differential equation satisfied by some classical biorthogonal rational functions. Preliminary notes.", 14th International Symposium on Orthogonal Polynomials, Special Functions and Applications (OPSFA-14), University of Kent, Canterbury, UK, July 3-7, 2017.

9) F. Ndayiragije,"Transportation Problem : South-East Corner Method and a comparative Study on the North-West Corner, South-East Corner, North- East Corner and South-West Corner Methods", International Journal of Science and Engineering Investigations, vol. 6, issue 64 : 37-39, May 2017.

11) F. Ndayiragije,"The Limitations of TORA Software in Solving Linear Programming Problems: Case of the Unrevised Simplex Method", International Journal of Science and Engineering Investigations, vol. 6, issue 64:49-51, May 2017.

13) S. Nyandwi, F. Ndayiragije," Facteurs explicatifs de diabète au Burundi ", Afrique
SCIENCE, 13(6) (2017) 164 – 176.

14) F. Ndayiragije," Approche mathématique de l’analyse marginale ", Afrique SCIENCE 13(1) (2017) 400 – 405.

15) F. Ndayiragije,"Sur la méthode du simplexe ordinaire", Afrique SCIENCE, 12(6) (2016)
341 – 352

Current profession

Current professional activities type: 
I'm a full Professor of Mathematics

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