Member Profile

Membership type: full
Meltem Gürünlü
Country of origin: Republic of Türkiye Currently in: Republic of Türkiye, ISTANBUL General field of specialization: Social and Economic Sciences-
2008 Doctorate Social and Economic Sciences -
Current Research Activities
Social and Economic Sciences
Sustainable Finance, Digital Finance, Corporate Governance, Corporate Finance, Entrepreneurial Finance
Publications resulting from Research:
1.GÜRÜNLÜ MELTEM (2018). Propping in the Pyramidal Business Groups in Turkey. Journal of Corporate Accounting and Finance, 2(29), 114-126., Doi: (Web of Science)
2. GÜRÜNLÜ MELTEM (2009). The Evolution of Corporate Governance Mechanisms after Going Public: Evidence from Turkish Panel Data. International Journal of Economic Perspectives, 3(1), 59-82. (Scopus)
3. GÜRÜNLÜ MELTEM,Gürsoy G.(2010). The Influence of Foreign Ownership on Capital Structure of Non-Financial Firms: Evidence From Istanbul Stock Exchange. Journal of Corporate Governance, 9(4), 21-30.
4. Akgün M.,GÜRÜNLÜ MELTEM (2010). Cash to Cash Cycle as an Integral Performance Metric in Supply Chain Management. Journal of Supply Chain Management, 7(1-2), 7-21.
5. GÜRÜNLÜ MELTEM (2011). Interactions of Legislative Environment, Ownership Structure and Control Rights: A Review of Literature. Journal of Politics and Law, 4(1), 94-100.
6. Akgün M.,PEHLİVANLI D.,GÜRÜNLÜ MELTEM (2011). A process Design for Auditing Fair Value. International Journal of Economics and Finance, 3(3), 160-167., Doi: doi:10.5539/ijef.v3n3p160
7. GÜRÜNLÜ MELTEM (2018). İşletme Grupları ve Sermaye Yapısı İlişkisi (The relationship between business groups and capital structure). Muhasebe ve Finansman Dergisi(79), 111-122., Doi: (Ulakbim)
8. GÜRÜNLÜ MELTEM (2019). Sürdürülebilirlik ve Finansal Performans Arasındaki İlişki: BİST Şirketleri Üzerine bir Araştırma (The relationship between sustainability and financial performance: a study on BIST firms). Muhasebe ve Finansman Dergisi, Sayı 84. (Ulakbim)
9. GÜRÜNLÜ MELTEM (2018). Gelişmekte Olan Piyasalarda İnovasyon ve Girişimciliğin Finansmanı Sorunu ve Alternatif Çözüm Önerileri. (The problem of financing for innovation and entrepreneurialship in the emerging markets). İşletme Araştırmaları Dergisi, 10(4), 286-303., Doi: 10.20491/isarder.2018.524 (Ulakbim)
11. GÜRÜNLÜ MELTEM (2018). Davranışsal Finans Perspektifinden Kurumsal Finansman Kararları (Corporate finace decisions from the perspective of behavioral finance). İşletme Araştırmaları Dergisi, 10(3), 80-94., Doi: 10.20491/isarder.2018.464 (Ulakbim)
12. GÜRÜNLÜ MELTEM (2011). Finansal Piyasaların Etkinliği Teorisinden Davranışsal Finansa: Finans Teorisinin Evrimi (From the efficient markets hypothesis to the behavioral finance: evolution of finance theory). Maliye ve Finans Yazıları, 25(92), 31-50. (Ulakbim)
1. Blockchain Economics and Crypto Markets: Financial Innovations in the Digital Age, Chapter:(Corporate Finance in the New Business Ecosystem in the Digital Age)(2019)., GÜRÜNLÜ MELTEM, Springer, Switzerland, Editor:Ümit Hacıoğlu, Vol:1, Pages:600, ISBN: 978-3-030-25274-8
2. Maintaining Stability in Times of Risk and Uncertainty, Chapter:(Maintaining Financial Stability in the Banking Sector: The Case of Turkey) (2018)., GÜRÜNLÜ MELTEM, IGI Global Publications, Editors:Professor Abhishek BEHL ve Sushma NAYAK, Newyork, USA, Vol:1, Pages 328, ISBN:9781522572084
3.Corporate Ownership and Control: International Trends, Chapter:(Concentration of Corporate Control: The Case of Turkey) (2019)., GÜRÜNLÜ MELTEM, Virtus Press (Virtus Global Center for Corporate Governance), Editors:Prof. Stefan PRIGGE, Prof. Alexander KOSTYUK, Prof. Marco TUTINO, Prof. Patricia CHARLETY, Pages 200, ISBN:978-617-7309-06-1
Current profession
Current professional activities type:TeachingHead of the Int. Trade & Finance at Istanbul Arel University
Workshop and Conference Attended
2015 Boston-USA GÜRÜNLÜ MELTEM (2015). Debt and Dividends: Evidence From an Emerging Market, Istanbul Stock Exchange. 80. IAES (International Atlantic Economic Society) Conference, Boston, USA2008 London-UK GÜRÜNLÜ MELTEM (2008). The Effects of Corporate Governance Mechanisms on Post-IPO Performance: Empirical Evidence from an Emerging Market. 43. Euro Working Group on Financial Modelling (EWGFM), City University, Cass Business School, London, UK2007 London-UK GÜRÜNLÜ MELTEM (2007). Corporate Governance in IPOs in an Emerging Market: Evidence From ISE. Academy of International Business (AIB) Annual Conference,King's College,London, UK2019 Rome-Italy GÜRÜNLÜ MELTEM (2019). Corporate Governance and Earnings Management in Family Firms. Corporate Governance:Search for Advanced Practices, University of Rome and Virtus Global Center for Corporate Governance, Doi: 10.22495/cpr19a24.Presentation given
2019Event: -
Other Awards
Sep 2011Unieast Research Project Grant for Post-Doctoral Researchers, Unicredit and Universities Foundation, University of Turin (Universita degli Studi di Torino), Italy, 2011Unieast Research Project Grant for Post-Doctoral Researchers,Jun 2006Full Tuition Scholarship for summer school, Center For Economic Policy Research (CEPR), UK, 2006Foundations of Corporate Governance and Comparative Systems by Bruno Biais, Katharina Pistor, Stephen Haber, Enrico Perotti, Stijin Claessens and Joe McCahery”, 1. CEPR (Center for Economic Policy Research), European Corporate Governance -Marie Curie Research Training Network Summer School at Amsterdam University and Tinbergen Institute, June 2006, 2 weeks (Organized by CEPR)Jun 2005Full Tuition Scholarship for summer school, Center For Financial Studies (CFS), Germany, 2005“Empirical Research in Banking and Corporate Finance by Philip Strahan and Jay Ritter”, 5. CFS (Center for Financial Studies) Summer School, at the University of Frankfurt, Eltville, Germany, August 2005, 2 weeks