Member Profile

Membership type: full
Tejal Gajaria
Country of origin: India Currently in: India, Bhavnagar General field of specialization: Biological Systems and Organisms-
2008 Undergraduate Biological Systems and Organisms2010 Master Biological Systems and Organisms -
Current Research Activities
Biological Systems and Organisms
Publications resulting from Research:
1. Mantri, V.A., Ganesan, M., Kavale, M.G. and Gajaria, T.K., 2020. Status, exploitation and resource management of alginophytes in India: An account and way forward. Journal of Applied Phycology, In press.
2. Lakshmi, D.S., Sankaranarayanan, S., Gajaria, T.K., Li, G., Kujawski, W., Kujawa, J. and Navia, R., 2020. A short review on the valorization of green seaweeds and ulvan: Feedstock for chemicals and biomaterials. Biomolecules, 10(7), p.991.
3. Gajaria, T.K., Bhatt, H., Khandelwal, A., Vasu, V.T., Reddy, C.R.K. and Shanthana Lakshmi, D., 2020. A facile chemical cross-linking approach toward the fabrication of a sustainable porous ulvan scaffold. Journal of Bioactive and Compatible Polymers, 35(4-5), pp.301-313.
4. Baghel, R.S., Suthar, P., Gajaria, T.K., Bhattacharya, S., Anil, A. and Reddy, C.R.K., 2020. Seaweed biorefinery: A sustainable process for valorising the biomass of brown seaweed. Journal of Cleaner Production, p.121359.
5. Mantri, V.A., Kazi, M.A., Balar, N.B., Gupta, V. and Gajaria, T., 2020. Concise review of green algal genus Ulva Linnaeus. Journal of Applied Phycology, pp.1-17.
6. Suthar, P., Gajaria, T.K. and Reddy, C.R.K., 2019. Production of quality seaweed biomass through nutrient optimization for the sustainable land-based cultivation. Algal Research, 42, p.101583.
7. Pawar, V.A., Manjappa, A.S., Murumkar, P.R., Gajaria, T.K., Devkar, R.V., Mishra, A.K. and Yadav, M.R., 2018. Drug-fortified liposomes as carriers for sustained release of NSAIDs: The concept and its validation in the animal model for the treatment of arthritis. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 125, pp.11-22.
8. Bhatt, S., Bhatt, M., Kumar, A., Vyas, G., Gajaria, T. and Paul, P., 2018. Green route for synthesis of multifunctional fluorescent carbon dots from Tulsi leaves and its application as Cr (VI) sensors, bio-imaging and patterning agents. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 167, pp.126-133.
9. Dixit, D.C., Reddy, C.R.K., Balar, N., Suthar, P., Gajaria, T. and Gadhavi, D.K., 2018. Assessment of the nutritive, biochemical, antioxidant and antibacterial potential of eight tropical macro algae along Kachchh coast, India as human food supplements. Journal of aquatic food product technology, 27(1), pp.61-79.
10. Gajaria, T.K., Suthar, P., Baghel, R.S., Balar, N.B., Sharnagat, P., Mantri, V.A. and Reddy, C.R.K., 2017. Integration of protein extraction with a stream of byproducts from marine macroalgae: a model forms the basis for marine bioeconomy. Bioresource technology, 243, pp.867-873.
11. Bhattacharya, S., Pramanik, S.K., Gehlot, P.S., Patel, H., Gajaria, T., Mishra, S. and Kumar, A., 2017. Process for preparing value-added products from microalgae using textile effluent through a biorefinery approach. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 5(11), pp.10019-10028.
12. Parikh, K., Mistry, B., Jana, S., Gajaria, T., Gupta, S., Devkar, R.V. and Kumar, S., 2015. Isosorbide spacer containing gemini surfactants: surface and biochemical study. Colloid and Polymer Science, 293(5), pp.1437-1446.
13. Gajaria, T.K., Patel, D.K., Devkar, R.V. and Ramachandran, A.V., 2015. Flavonoid rich extract of Murraya Koenigii alleviates in-vitro LDL oxidation and oxidized LDL induced apoptosis in raw 264.7 Murine macrophage cells. Journal of food science and technology, 52(6), pp.3367-3375.
14. Patel, D., Desai, S., Gajaria, T., Devkar, R. and Ramachandran, A.V., 2013. Coriandrum sativum L. seed extract mitigates lipotoxicity in RAW 264.7 cells and prevents atherogenic changes in rats. EXCLI journal, 12, p.313.
15. Mukherjee, R., Desai, F., Singh, S., Gajaria, T., Singh, P.K., Baxi, D.B., Sharma, D., Bhatnagar, M. and Ramachandran, A.V., 2010. Melatonin protects against alterations in hippocampal cholinergic system, trace metals and oxidative stress induced by gestational and lactational exposure to cadmium. Excli Journal, 9, p.119.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:Higher Education StudyPursuing PhD in the area of Applied Phycology
Biotech Research Society of IndiaAcademy of Scientific and Innovative Research -
Other Awards
Nov 2019Young Researcher AwardMay 2019DST-International Travel GrantMay 2018CSIR-Senior Research Fellowship