Member Profile
Membership type: full
Paola Garcia-Roncallo
Country of origin: Colombia Currently in: Colombia, Barranquilla General field of specialization: Social and Economic Sciences-
2018 Master Social and Economic Sciences -
Current Research Activities
Social and Economic Sciences
My interests in the field of mental health have been related to the identification of cognitive-behavioral risk factors, strengthening psychological assessment capacity and evaluating clinical and psychosocial interventions. My work has focused on: sexual and reproductive health, health anxiety, mood disorder and suicidal behavior. In response to the difficult sociopolitical context and the internal armed conflict in the country, my studies have focused on vulnerable populations and youth, respecting multiculturalism and diversity.
Publications resulting from Research:
Del Río-González, A. M., Zea, M. C., Flórez-Donado, J., Torres-Salazar, P., Abello-Luque, D., García-Montaño, E. A., ... & Meyer, I. H. (2021). Sexual orientation and gender identity change efforts and suicide morbidity among sexual and gender minority adults in Colombia. LGBT health, 8(7), 463-472.
Gómez-Lugo, M., Morales, A., Saavedra-Roa, A., Niebles-Charris, J., Abello-Luque, D., Marchal-Bertrand, L., ... & Vallejo-Medina, P. (2022). Effects of a Sexual Risk-Reduction Intervention for Teenagers: A Cluster-Randomized Control Trial. AIDS and Behavior, 26(7), 2446-2458.
Gómez-Lugo, M., Morales, A., Saavedra-Roa, A., Niebles-Charris, J., García-Roncallo, P., Marchal-Bertrand, L., ... & Vallejo-Medina, P. (2020). Psychometric properties of the Colombian version of the HIV attitudes scale for adolescents. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(13), 4686.
Vallejo-Medina, P., Correa, J. C., Gómez-Lugo, M., Saavedra-Roa, D. A., García-Montaño, E., Pérez-Pedraza, D., ... & Morales, A. (2020). A text mining approach for adapting a school-based sexual health promotion program in Colombia. Preventive Medicine Reports, 18, 101090.
Morales, A., Vallejo-Medina, P., Abello-Luque, D., Saavedra-Roa, A., García-Roncallo, P., Gomez-Lugo, M., ... & Espada, J. P. (2018). Sexual risk among Colombian adolescents: knowledge, attitudes, normative beliefs, perceived control, intention, and sexual behavior. BMC Public Health, 18(1), 1377.
Morales, A., Garcia-Montaño, E., Barrios-Ortega, C., Niebles-Charris, J., García-Roncallo, P., Abello-Luque, D., ... & Lightfoot, M. (2019). Adaptation of an effective school-based sexual health promotion program for youth in Colombia. Social Science & Medicine, 222, 207-215.
Abello-Luque, D., Cortez-Peña, O., García-Montaño, E., García Roncallo, P., y Nieto-Betancourt, L. (2017). Escala Multidimensional de Trastornos Afectivos, EMTA: Generación de indicadores Psicométricos y escalas normativas de uso clínico. Revista Iberoamericana de Diagnóstico y Evaluación Psicológica. 43(1), 187-198.
Abello Luque, D., García-Montaño, E., García Roncallo, P., Márquez-Jiménez, L., Niebles-Charris, J., y Pérez-Pedraza, D. (2016). Perfil cognitivo y prevalencia de depresión, desesperanza y riesgo suicida en jóvenes vinculados al primer nivel de formación en una escuela militar colombiana. Revista Psychology desde el Caribe, 33(3), 299-311
Abello, D., Cortez, O., Fonseca, L., García, P. y Mariño, B. (2013). Escala Multidimensional de Trastornos Afectivos, EMTA: análisis psicométrico desde la teoría clásica de los tests y la teoría de respuesta al ítem. Suma Psicológica. 20(2). 203 – 216.
BOOK: Sánchez Fuentes, M. D. M., Granados de Haro, M. R., De Las Nieves Moyano, M., Sierra, J. C., De la Peña Leiva, A., Cardozo Rusinque, A., ... & García-Roncallo, P. (2020). Sexualidad y relaciones contemporáneas. Barranquilla: Universidad de la Costa
CHAPTER: García-Montaño, E., & García-Roncallo, P. (2020). Academic programs de Prevención y Promoción en Salud Secual y Reproductiva. En Sánchez Fuentes, M. D. M., Granados de Haro, M. R., De Las Nieves Moyano, M., Sierra, J. C., De la Peña Leiva, A., Cardozo Rusinque, A., ... & García-Roncallo, P. Sexualidad y relaciones contemporáneas. (pp. 194-218). Barranquilla: Universidad de la Costa
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchTeachingHigher Education StudyOtherProfesional activity: Psychotherapist, with a Cognitive Behavioral approach - Private consultation. Academic and Research activities: Institution: Universidad de la Costa. Position: Full-Time Professor, Researcher and Scientific Publications Manager - Department of social Sciences. General functions: Strengthen the research profile and competencies associated with scientific construction and proper knowledge dissemination through publications. Advise teachers on the potential journals in which they can publish articles, in order to meet the goals of the department to which they are assigned. Manage the receipt of documents, information, and articles along with the researcher, in order to meet the publication deadlines and goals of the department to which they are assigned. Record statistics of the teachers' publications at their different stages, in order to track the process and make the necessary follow-up to meet the goals of the department to which they are assigned. Strengthen the network of cooperation between national and international researchers in order to increase the visibility of institutional scientific production. Lead strategies in the assigned publication to consolidate it in high-impact journals (WOS/Scopus visibility). Develop promotion strategies for ongoing and existing publications in the department to which they are assigned, in order to generate increased visibility, measurable through national and international stays (MinCiencias, Rankings, etc.). UNIVERSITY TEACHING EXPERIENCE: UNDERGRADUATE Institution: Universidad de la Costa. Contact: +57 6053362207 Academic program: Psychology. Position: Full-Time Professor - Researcher. Coordinator of the psychological approaches’ knowledge area. Linking time: 2014 – 2020 Subjects in charge: Psychopathology of the Child and Adolescent; Cognitive Approach; Crisis Intervention; Clinical and Health Psychology; Behavioral Approach; Bioethics and Deontology in Psychology; Fundamentals of Clinical Psychology; Clinical Evaluation; Research Methodology; and Clinical Practices Seminar. POSTGRADUATE Institution: Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa (Perú) Contact: 952257287 (Rildo Bellido – Academic Coordinator of the Graduate Unit - Faculty of Psychology, Industrial Relations, and Communication Sciences). Academic program: Master of Science in Clinical-Educational, Child, and Adolescent Psychology Position: Invited International Professor Dates of the course: July - August 2022. Subjects in charge: Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy Institution: Universidad de la Costa. Contact: +57 6053225002 Academic program: Master's degree in Sexuality and Contemporary Relationships Position: Full-Time Professor - Researcher. Linking time: 2021 – 2023. Subjects in charge: Problems in Contemporary Relations (2021-2022) and Well-being and sexual diversity (2023). Academic program: Master's degree in Psychosocial Intervention and Specialization in Psychosocial Intervention Position: Full-Time Professor - Researcher. Linking time: 2017 – 2023. Subjects in charge: Methodological Approaches (2020), Problems in Contemporary Relationships: Violence and its Derivatives (2021), and Ethical Fundamentals and Competencies of the Intervenor (2022 and 2023). Academic program: Specialization in Neuropsychopedagogy. Position: Full-Time Professor - Researcher. Linking time: 2019 - 2023. Subjects in charge: Neuropsychopedagogical Intervention Project I (2019, 2022 & 2023). Academic program: Master's Degree in Psychology Position: Full-Time Professor - Researcher. Linking time: 2019. Subjects in charge: Elective I: Family and Child Clinic and Project Management I (2019) and Project Management 1 (2019