Member Profile
Membership type: full
Lea Gimenez
Country of origin: Paraguay Currently in: United States, Chevy Chase General field of specialization: Social and Economic Sciences-
2012 Doctorate Social and Economic Sciences2008 Master Social and Economic Sciences2004 Undergraduate Social and Economic Sciences -
Current Research Activities
Social and Economic Sciences
Publications resulting from Research:
Chen, Cheng, Shin-Yi Chou, Lea Gimenez y Jin-Tan Liu. 2020. The Quantity of Education and Preference for Sons: Evidence from Taiwan’s Compulsory Education Reform, China Economic Review 59: 101369.
Qian, Mengcen, Shin-Yi Chou, Lea Gimenez y Jin-Tan Liu. 2017. The Intergenerational Transmission of Low Birth Weight and Intrauterine Growth Restriction: A Large Cross-generational Cohort Study in Taiwan, Maternal and Child Health Journal 21 (7), pp. 1512–1521.
Gimenez, Lea, Dean Jolliffe y Iffath Sharif. 2014. Bangladesh, a Middle Income Country by 2021: What Will It Take in terms of Poverty Reduction?, The Bangladesh Development Studies 37 (1-2).
Gimenez, Lea y Dean Jolliffe. 2014. Inflation for the Poor in Bangladesh: A Comparison of CPI and Household Survey Data, The Bangladesh Development Studies 37 (1-2).
Gimenez, Lea, Shin-Yi Chou, Jin-Tan Liu y Jin-Long Liu. 2013. Parental Loss and Children’s Well-Being, The Journal of Human Resources 48 (4), pp. 1035-1071.
Giménez, Lea, Carlos Rodríguez-Castelán y Daniel Valderrama. 2015. Shared Prosperity in Colombia, in Shared Prosperity and Poverty Eradication in Latin America and the Caribbean (eds. Ed. Cord, Louise, Maria Eugenia Genoni, and Carlos Rodríguez-Castelán), pp. 99-134, Washington, D.C.: Banco Mundial.
Giménez, Lea y Carmen Marín. 2018. Retos y Oportunidades del Sistema de Jubilaciones y Pensiones del Paraguay en Sistema Financiero Paraguayo. Construyendo sobre sólidos fundamentos paraguayos. Banco Central del Paraguay, pp. 114-147.
Reportes y notas de políticas
Lea Giménez, María Ana Lugo, Sandra Martínez, Humberto Colman, Juan José Galeano y Gabriela Farfán. 2017. Paraguay: Análisis del sistema fiscal y su impacto en la pobreza y la equidad, CEQ Working Paper 74, Commitment to Equity (CEQ) Institute, Universidad Tulane.
Giménez, Lea, Sara Hause Van Wie, Miriam Muller, Rebecca F. Shutte, Megan Z. Rounseville y Martha C. Viveros Mendoz. 2015. Enhancing Youth Skills and Economic Opportunities to Reduce Teenage Pregnancy in Colombia, Washington, D.C.: Banco Mundial.
Giménez, Lea, Edwin St. Catherine, Jonathan Karver y Rei Odawara. 2015. The Aftermath of the 2008 Global Financial Crisis in the Eastern Caribbean - The Impact on the St. Lucia Labor Market, Washington, D.C.: Banco Mundial.
Rodríguez-Castelán, Carlos, Lea Giménez y Tania Diaz Bazan. 2014. Colombia’s 2012 Tax Reform Poverty and Social Impact Analysis, Washington, D.C.: Banco Mundial.
Rodríguez-Castelán, Carlos, Lea Giménez y Daniel Valderrama. 2014. Chapter 2: Toward Shared Prosperity in Colombia, in Towards Sustainable Peace, Poverty Eradication, and Shared Prosperity – Colombia Policy Notes. Washington, D.C.: Banco Mundial.
Rodríguez-Castelán, Carlos, Lea Giménez y Daniel Valderrama. 2014. Chapter 2: Hacia La Paz Sostenible, La Erradicación De La Pobreza y La Prosperidad Compartida – Notas de Política: Colombia. Washington, D.C.: Banco Mundial.
Jolliffe, Dean, Iffath Sharif, Lea Giménez y Faizuddin Ahmed. 2013. Bangladesh - Poverty assessment: Assessing a decade of progress in reducing poverty, 2000-2010, Bangladesh Development Series no. 31, Washington, D.C.: Banco Mundial.
Blogs y Artículos
Giménez, Lea and Edgardo Mosqueira. “Latinoamérica frente al covid-19: un nuevo contrato social”, Foreign Affairs Latinoamérica, July-September, 2020.
Giménez, Lea and Roberto de Michele. 2020. “La corrupción en América Latina no tiene que ser una cotidianidad.” Opinion. The Washington Post, March 3, 2020.
Giménez, Lea. “Instituciones fuertes = Comunidades seguras.” Opinion. El País, October 7, 2019.
Gimenez, Lea. “Gobierno administró extrema suba de gastos rígidos en 2012, reduciendo déficit y priorizando inversiones sociales y físicas.” Blog Económico, Ministerio de Hacienda de Paraguay, 2018.
Gimenez, Lea. “La macro no llega a la micro: ¿mito o realidad?” Blog Económico, Ministerio de Hacienda de Paraguay, 2017.
Gimenez, Lea and Dean Jolliffe. “Bangladesh: Resilience and Long-Term Goals.” End Poverty in South Asia, World Bank Group, 2013.
Gimenez, Lea. “Hard Facts on Poverty in Afghanistan.” End Poverty in South Asia, World Bank Group, 2012.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:OtherI am chief of the Innovation in Citizen Services Division of the Institutions for Development Department at the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). The thematic areas under my leadership include citizen security and justice, public sector management, data and digital government, and transparency and integrity.