Member Profile

Membership type: full
Zorel Gomz Vargas
Country of origin: Bolivia Currently in: Bolivia, Santa Cruz General field of specialization: Engineering sciences-
2016 Master Engineering sciences -
Current Research Activities
Agricultural Sciences
I´m a doctoral candidate at Ghent University, my research activities are related to understanding how Food Security and food systems have been affected in vulnerable rural households of Bolivia after crisis and shocks.
Publications resulting from Research:
Gómez-Vargas Zorel, Galarza Campos Yheruslava (2021). El sistema de alimentos y la seguridad alimentaria en el Municipio de San José de Chiquitos. Link:
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchTeachingAs a research professor at industrial engineering department, my principal role is to promote research development and enhance young students' research capacities.
Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineering -
Other Awards
Aug 2004Programa de becas académicas de la Organización de Estados Americanos OEA para estudios de licenciatura y posgradoThe Escuela de Gestión Pública Plurinacional del Estado Boliviano each year offers scholarships for outstanding students for undergraduate and postgraduate programs in different parts of the world. This scholarship was granted to carry out undergraduate studies at Universidad Autónoma de Baja California - Tecate, México.Aug 2013Programa de becas académicas de la Organización de Estados Americanos OEA para estudios de licenciatura y posgradoThe Escuela de Gestión Pública Plurinacional del Estado Boliviano each year offers scholarships for outstanding students for undergraduate and postgraduate programs in different parts of the world. This scholarship was granted to carry out posgraduate studies at Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores Monterrey - Monterrey, México.Sep 2018Becas de doctorado programa VLIR UOS. Desarrollo Inclusivo y Comunitario para mejorar la calidad de vida en comunidades vulnerables rurales y peri-urbanas en Bolivia. 1ra faseThis program is supported by VLIR-UOS with the aim of strengthening the research capacities of the Universidad Catolica Boliviana members in the areas of transdisciplinary and community base research.