Member Profile

Membership type: full
Early Career Fellowship
Chandima Kumudini Ariyarathna Hanchapola Appuhamilage
Country of origin: Sri Lanka Currently in: Sri Lanka, Kandy General field of specialization: Agricultural SciencesEarly Career Fellowship
2016 Doctorate Agricultural Sciences2007 Master Agricultural Sciences2001 Undergraduate Biological Systems and Organisms -
Current Research Activities
Agricultural Sciences
“In-silico mining for resistance gene analogs and identification of genetic resources for blast disease resistance in the local finger millet germplasm” (2018-2020). “Strategic recovery plan for natural wild populations of the endemic and endangered species Osbekia lanata Alston” (2018-2020)
Publications resulting from Research:
1. Weerasinghe P.R., Ariyarathna, H. A.C.K. (2017). Protein structure variability of OsHKT1;5 Homologous Transporters in Grasses. Proceedings of Internatioal Conference on Computational Modelling and Simulation, 158-161
2. Ariyarathna, H. A. C. K., & Francki, M. G. (2016). Phylogenetic relationships and protein modelling revealed two distinct subfamilies of group II HKT genes between crop and model grasses. Genome, 59(7), 509-517.
3. Ariyarathna, H. A. C. K., Oldach, K. H., & Francki, M. G. (2016). A comparative gene analysis with rice identified orthologous group II HKT genes and their association with Na+ concentration in bread wheat. BMC plant biology, 16(1), 21.
4. Ariyarathna, H.A. C. K., Ul-Haq, T., Colmer, T. D., & Francki, M. G. (2014). Characterization of the multigene family TaHKT 2;1 in bread wheat and the role of gene members in plant Na+ and K+ status. BMC plant biology, 14(1), 159.
5. Ariyarathna, H. A. C. K., Gunasekare, M. T. K., Kottawa-Arachchige, J. D., Paskarathevan, R., Ranaweera, K. K., Ratnayake, M., & Kumara, J. B. D. A. P. (2011). Morpho-physiological and phenological attributes of reproductive biology of tea (Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze) in Sri Lanka. Euphytica, 181(2), 203-215.
6. Ariyarathna, H.A.C.K., Kottawa Arachchi, J.D., Paskarathevan, R., Bandara, Y.G.S.C., Gunasekare, M.T.K. (2010). Genetic Analysis of Cultivar Response to Dry Weather Induced Stress Conditions in Tea (Camellia Sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze). Sri Lanka Journal of Tea Science 75 (1), 123-125
7. Ariyarathne, H.A.C.K., & Gunasekare, M.T.K. (2009). Pistil related morphological traits reflect genetic diversity of tea in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Journal of Tea Science, 74(1), 1-8.
8. Ariyarathna, H.A.C.K., Arachchi, T.D.K., & Gunasekere, M.T.K. (2007). Floral Biology and Breeding System of Tea [Camellia sinensis (L.)]: Implications on the Tea Breeding Programme. Sri Lanka Journal of Tea Science, 72(2), 31-43.
9. Ariyarathna, H.A.C.K., Everard, J.M.D.T., & Karunanayake, E.H. (2007). Diseased sugarcane in Sri Lanka is infected with sugarcane grassy shoot and/or sugarcane white leaf phytoplasma. Australasian Plant Disease Notes, 2(1), 123-125.
9. Ariyarathna, H.A.C.K., Everard, J.M.D.T., & Karunanayake, E.H. (2007). Diseased sugarcane in Sri Lanka is infected with sugarcane grassy shoot and/or sugarcane white leaf phytoplasma. Australasian Plant Disease Notes, 2(1), 123-125.
- Ariyarathna H.A.C.K., Everard J., Karunanayake E.H (2008). Molecular analysis of phytoplasmas associated sugarcane diseases in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the 2nd Symposium on Plantation Crop Research, 208-211
Ariyarathna, H. A. C. K., Arachchi, T. D. K., & Gunasekere, M. T. K. (2007). Floral Biology and Breeding System of Tea [Camellia sinensis (L.)]: Implications on the Tea Breeding Programme. Sri Lanka Journal of Tea Science, 72(2), 31-43.
Ariyarathna, H. A. C. K., Everard, J. M. D. T., & Karunanayake, E. H. (2007). Diseased sugarcane in Sri Lanka is infected with sugarcane grassy shoot and/or sugarcane white leaf phytoplasma. Australasian Plant Disease Notes, 2(1), 123-125.
11. Ariyarathna, C., & Gunasekare, K. (2007). Genetic base of tea (Camellia sinensis L.) cultivars in Sri Lanka as revealed by pedigree analysis. Journal of applied genetics, 48(2), 125-128.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:TeachingAs a senior lecturer my main duty is teaching academic and vocational courses to undergraduate and postgraduate studentsrelated to in genetics and plant breeding. I am also responsible for developing and pursuing independent research activities on rlevant subjects, obtaining competitive research grants and publishing the research outcome . I have administrative duties to serve in department and institute committees. The main tasks I perform include delivering lectures, tutorials and practical classes and preparing teaching aids for undergraduate and postgraduate courses, organizing and conducting excursions, field trips and other learning activities, assessing and grading student performance and discussing with students their progress and aspirations , counseling, motivating and supporting students to achieve goals and personal development, research in the field of genetics and molecular plant breeding and supervise research students, developing research proposals, obtaining and managing research grants, publishing research findings in professional and academic journals, books and attending meetings and conferences related to research, general administration and serving in departmental and faculty committees dealing with administrative concerns, providing professional consultative services to government and industry.
Workshop and Conference Attended
2019 Cluj-Napoca, North University Centre, Baia Mare, Rumania ERASMUS+ Teaching Mobility Program,2018 Wageningen Centre for Development Innovation, Netherlands. Contemporary approaches to genetic resource conservation and use2014 Center for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning. University of Western Australia Introduction to University TeachingAffiliations
NonePresentation given
2018Phylogenetic analysis of HKT homologs in grasses identified conserved domains and potential functional sites.Lucknow, India.Event: Sixth International Conference on Plants and Environment Pollution (ICPEP-6), -
Other Awards
Feb 2019ERASMUS+ Teaching Mobility Program,Full fellowship to conduct teaching activities at the Cluj-Napoca, North University Centre, Baia Mare, Rumania for two weeksMar 2018KOP-NFP fellowshipto follow the course "Contemporary approaches to genetic resource conservation and use" at the Wageningen Centre for Development Innovation, Netherlands.Dec 2015School of Plant Biology Travel award, University of Western Australia, Australia,to participate and present a research paper in the “Plant Genomics and Biotechnology- 2015” conference at the Cold Spring Harbor (CSH) Laboratory, USA.Mar 2015Underwood PhD Completion ScholarshipCompetitive merit based scholarship to complete the PhD during the last 6 months of the PhDMar 2012Scholarships for International Research Fees [SIRF and UIS] PhD scholarshipFull scholarship to read for a PhD at the University of Western Australia, AustraliaJan 2011National Research Council Merit Award for scientific publication,Awards for Scientific Publications organized by the National Research Council (NRC) under the Ministry of Science, Technology and Research, Government of Sri Lanka.Oct 2008Postgraduate Research Awards (Commendation Award)General Research Committee Postgraduate Research Awards (Commendation Award), Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science [SLAAS] in recognition of postgraduate research carried out in Sri Lanka -
Fellowship with OWSD
Fellowship with OWSD
Fellowship awarded
Early Career Fellowship awarded 2020