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Member Profile

Membership type: full

Carmen Lucia Herrera Dominguez

Country of origin: Guatemala Currently in: Denmark, Copenhagen General field of specialization: Structural, Cell and Molecular Biology
Academic Background


2016 Doctorate Biological Systems and Organisms
2009 Undergraduate Biological Systems and Organisms
2016 Doctorate Structural, Cell and Molecular Biology
Research and Profession

Current Research Activities

Biological Systems and Organisms

Me considero una "microbióloga de sistemas" a la que le encanta automatizar ensayos de laboratorio para llevarlos al nivel 'high-thorughput' y desarrollar las herramientas computacionales necesarias para analizar las grandes cantidades de datos que dichos ensayos automatizados generan

Publications resulting from Research: 

1. Viridiana Olin-Sandoval, et. al. Lysine harvesting is an antioxidant strategy and triggers underground polyamine metabolism, Nature. 572, 249-253 (2019).
2. Kate Campbell, et. al. Biochemical principles enabling metabolic cooperativity and phenotypic heterogeneity at the single cell level, Curr Opin Syst Biol 8, 97-108 (2018)
3. Marco Galardini, et. al. Phenotype inference in an Escherichia coli strain panel, eLife 6 (2017).
4. Timothy A. Scott, et. al. Host-Microbe Co-metabolism Dictates Cancer Drug Efficacy in C. elegans, Cell 169, 442–456 (2017).
5. George Kritikos, et. al. A tool names Iris for versatile high-throughput phenotyping in microorganism, Nature Microbiology. 2, 17014 (2017).
6. Lucia Herrera-Dominguez, et. al. Prob¬ing the dark genome of Escherichia coli. In preparation.

Current profession

Current professional activities type: 

Presentation given

Probing the dark genome of Escherichia coli.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Event: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory meeting on Systems Biology: Networks
Prizes, Grants and Awards

Other Awards

Oct 2010
JICA Fellowship
Fellowship to attend a training course in the Butantan Institute in Sao Paulo, Brazil
Jan 2012
IANAS Fellowship
Fellowship to conduct a research project in Vermont University
Jun 2012
EMBL predoctoral fellowship
Funding for my PhD training at the EMBL International PhD Programme
Jun 2015
Runner up in the Merck Serono Innovation Cup
Runner up business proposal as part of the "Emerging Markets" team at the Merck Serono Innovation Cup

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