Member Profile

Membership type: full
Early Career Fellowship
Eva João
Country of origin: MOZAMBIQUE Currently in: MOZAMBIQUE, Maputo General field of specialization: Medical and Health Sciences incl NeurosciencesEarly Career Fellowship
2020 Doctorate Medical and Health Sciences incl Neurosciences -
Current Research Activities
Structural, Cell and Molecular Biology
Researcher in diarrhoeal diseases.
Publications resulting from Research:
Eva Dora João, Benilde Munlela, Assucênio Chissaque, Jorfélia Chilaúle. Jerónimo Langa, Orvalho Augusto,
Simone Boene, Elda Anapakala, Júlia Sambo, Esperança Guimarães, Diocreciano Bero, Marta Cassocera,
Idalécia Cossa-Moiane, Jason M. Mwenda, Isabel Maurício, Hester G. O’Neill and Nilsa de Deus. Molecular
Epidemiology of Rotavirus A Strains Pre- and Post-Vaccine (Rotarix®) Introduction in Mozambique, 2012–2019: Emergence of Genotypes G3P[4] and G3P[8]. 2020. Pathogens 9, 671.
Eva Dora João, Amy Strydom, Hester G. O’Neill, Assa Cuamba, Marta Cassocera, Sozinho Acácio, Inácio
Mandomando, Lithabiso Motanyane, Nicola Page, Nilsa de Deus. Rotavirus A strains obtained from
children with acute gastroenteritis in Mozambique, 2012-2013: G and P genotypes and phylogenetic
analysis of VP7 and partial VP4 genes. (2018). Arch Virol 163(1):153-165.
Benilde Munlela, Eva Dora João, Celeste Donato, Amay Strydom, Simone Boene, Assucenio Chissaque,
Adilson Bauhofer, Jerónimo Langa, Marta Cassocera, Idálecia Cossa-Moiane, Jorfélia Chilaúle, Hester
O’Neill, Nilsa de Deus. Whole Genome Characterization and Evolutionary Analysis of G1P[8] Rotavirus A
Strains during the Pre- and Post-Vaccine Periods in Mozambique (2012–2017). Pathogens 2020, 9, 1026.
Nilsa de Deus, Eva Dora João, Assa Cuamba, Marta Cassocera, Leopoldina Luís, Sozinho Acácio, Inácio
Mandomando, Orvalho Augusto e Nicola Page. (2018). Epidemiology of Rotavirus Infection in Children
from a Rural and Urban Area, in Maputo, Southern Mozambique, before Vaccine Introduction. Journal of
Tropical Pediatrics, 1–5.
Amy Strydom, Eva Dora João, Lithabiso Motanyane, Martin Nyaga, Cristiaan Potgieter, Assa Cuamba,
Inácio Mandomando, Marta Cassocera, Nilsa de Deus, and Hester O’Neill. (2019). Whole Genome Analyses
of DS-1-like Rotavirus A Strains Detected in Children with Acute Diarrhoea in Southern Mozambique
Suggest Several Reassortment Events. Infection, Genetics and Evolution 69 (April): 68–75.
Amy Strydom, Lithabiso Motanyane, Martin Nyaga, Eva Dora João, Assa Cuamba, Inácio Mandomando,
Marta Cassocera, Nilsa de Deus, and H. O’Neill (2019). Whole-Genome Characterization of G12 Rotavirus
Strains Detected in Mozambique Reveals a Co-Infection with a GXP[14] Strain of Possible Animal Origin.
Journal of General Virology. 100 (6): 932–37.
Filomena Manjate, Eva Dora João, Percina Chirinda, Marcelino Garrine, Delfino Vubil, Nélio Nobela, Karen
Kotloff, James P. Nataro, Tacilta Nhampossa, Sozinho Acácio, Jacqueline E. Tate, Umesh Parashar, Jason
M. Mwenda, Pedro L. Alonso, Martin Nyaga, Celso Cunha and Inácio Mandomando. Molecular
Epidemiology of Rotavirus Strains in Symptomatic and Asymptomatic Children in Manhiça District,
Southern Mozambique 2008–2019. Viruses 2022, 14, 134
Assucênio Chissaque, Rachel M. Burke, Esperança L. Guimarães, Filomena Manjate, Arsénio Nhacolo,
Jorfélia Chilaúle, Benilde Munlela, Percina Chirinda, Jerónimo S. Langa, Idalécia Cossa-Moiane, Elda
Anapakala, Adilson Fernando Loforte Bauhofer, Marcelino Garrine, Eva Dora João, Júlia Sambo, Luzia
Gonçalves, Goitom Weldegebriel, Keith Shaba, Isah Mohammed Bello, Jason M. Mwenda, Umesh D.
Parashar, Jacqueline E. Tate, Inácio Mandomando and Nilsa de Deus. Effectiveness of Monovalent
Rotavirus Vaccine in Mozambique, a Country with a High Burden of Chronic Malnutrition. Vaccines 2022,
10, 449
Nilsa de Deus, Eva Dora João, Assa Cuamba, Marta Cassocera, Leopoldina Luís, Sozinho Acácio,
Inácio Mandomando, Orvalho Augusto e Nicola Page. (2018). Epidemiology of Rotavirus
Infection in Children from a Rural and Urban Area, in Maputo, Southern Mozambique, before
Vaccine Introduction. Journal of Tropical Pediatrics, 1–5.
Amy Strydom, Lithabiso Motanyane, Martin Nyaga, Eva Dora João, Assa Cuamba, Inácio
Mandomando, Marta Cassocera, Nilsa de Deus, and H. O’Neill (2019). Whole-Genome
Characterization of G12 Rotavirus Strains Detected in Mozambique Reveals a Co-Infection with
a GXP[14] Strain of Possible Animal Origin. Journal of General Virology. 100 (6): 932–37.
Filomena Manjate, Eva Dora João, Piter Mwangi, Percina Chirinda, Milton Mogotsi, Augusto
Messa, et al. Genomic characterization of the rotavirus G3P[8] strain in vaccinated children,
reveals possible reassortment events between human and animal strains in Manhiça District,
Mozambique. Front Microbiol. 2023;14.
Munlela, Benilde, Eva D. João, Amy Strydom, Adilson Fernando Loforte Bauhofer, Assucênio Chissaque, Jorfélia J. Chilaúle, Isabel L. Maurício, Celeste M. Donato, Hester G. O’Neill, and Nilsa de Deus. 2024. "Whole-Genome Characterization of Rotavirus G9P[6] and G9P[4] Strains That Emerged after Rotavirus Vaccine Introduction in Mozambique" Viruses 16, no. 7: 1140.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchTeaching
Fellowship with OWSD
Fellowship with OWSD
Fellowship awarded
Early Career Fellowship awarded 2023