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Member Profile

Membership type: full

Manirakiza Josiane

Country of origin: Burundi Currently in: Burundi, Bujumbura General field of specialization: Agricultural Sciences
Academic Background


2020 Doctorate Agricultural Sciences
Research and Profession

Current Research Activities

Agricultural Sciences

Characterization of animal genetic resources and assessment of their level of productivity in low-input systems

Publications resulting from Research: 

J. Manirakiza, G. Hatungumukama, S. Thévenon, M. Gautier B. Besbes L. Flori and J. Detilleux. Effect of genetic European taurine ancestry on milk yield of Ankole-Holstein crossbred dairy cattle in mixed smallholders system of Burundi highlands. Animal Genetics, 48, 544 – 550. Doi: 10.1111/age.12578

J. Manirakiza, G. Hatungumukama, B. Besbes and J. Detilleux. Characteristics of smallholders’ goat production systems and effect of Boer crossbreeding on body measurements of goats in Burundi
Pastoralism, 2020 (10),

J. Manirakiza, G. Hatungumukama, and J. Detilleux. Genetic parameters for growth and kid survival of indigenous goat under the smallholding system of Burundi
Animals, 2020 (10):135,

J. Manirakiza N. Moula J. Detilleux G. Hatungumukama N. Antoine-Moussiaux. Socioeconomic assessment of the relevance of a community-based goat-breeding project in smallholding systems. Animal, 2021 (15), 100042.

Current profession

Current professional activities type: 
Lecturer-researcher at the University of Burundi/Department of Animal Health and production.

Workshop and Conference Attended

25th – 28th February 2019 Naivasha, Kenya Regional Training-of-trainers workshops on the harmonized Animal Genetic Resources Characterization, Inventory and monitoring (AnGR-CIM) tool for Africa (As part of AU-IBAR Project: Strengthening the capacity of African countries to conservation, and sust
25th – 27th September, 2014 Dar es Salam, Tanzania regional workshop on "the assessment of existing tools / protocols for characterization, inventory and monitoring of animal genetic resources, in order to facilitate the process of revision and harmonization" (As part of AU-IBAR Project: Strengthening the

Presentation given

Faisibility study of setting up a community-based goat genetic improvement programme in Burundi
University of Liège/Belgium
Event: African Animal Production Day - AAPD - 2021/ ProceedingJSPAA27052021      

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